Any great advice to help newbies to succeed?

January 2nd, 2013
Hi! While I've been considering starting the 365 project for some time now, it seemed like a commitment I might not be able to keep up with on a daily basis. With the start of 2013, though, I've decided to dive in! I'd love any advice from those of you have completed a year or more successfully. What's the best way to keep at it? What creative ideas kept you involved? With so much technology and social media available, which have you found most useful to the project? Any and all insights, suggestions or encouragement are appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help.
January 2nd, 2013
I have just finished my first year and didn't manage to post every single day but did ok I think. You will definitely find times when you have no inspiration and when even picking up the camera is so hard but there are ways to get through that. Try doing some of the challenges, follow lots of other people and browse all the time. Keep a list of ideas (at home and out and about) too so when you don't have anything too shoot on a given day you have some back up ideas. Good luck and have fun.
January 2nd, 2013
Megs, I also just finished my first year and I agree with what Jo had to say. The challenges will keep you on your toes and always reaching for the next level of your abilities. Browse a lot. Follow a lot and when you see something you like, do some research and find out how it was done so you can try it as well - or just ask most members and they will gladly tell you everything you want to know about their posts. This community is really interested in helping everyone improve and push themselves to places you never thought you could be. At least, that's what I found here. Welcome and good luck!
January 2nd, 2013
i've just completed my 2nd 365, did one in 2010 and then a 2nd one in 2012, the break was good for me cos it was getting a little mechanical for me towards the end of 2010.

take each day as it comes, think today not 365 days and slowly but surely you will get there. take your camera with you wherever you go cos photos ops are out there, keeping it at home will only limit your options. but most importantly, enjoy yourself - i find that is what keeps you going, once you've removed the fun and it becomes a chore you will see it in the photos too.

all the best!!
January 2nd, 2013
Do not be hard on yourself. Post an image each day. I you took the picture that week that is almost current. If that is not possible from an image from month.

Habits take 90 days to form. The first three months are the toughest. Keep working at it.
January 2nd, 2013
i did my first challenge over 2012, but on my own, not with this particular group - i just posted the photos on facebook & my friends kept me honest! besides learning more about my camera i found that i became a bit of a tourist in my own town, even in my own neighbourhood because i wanted to get out and shoot something different every day. perhaps make a list of possible subjects to use as inspiration on those days when you are struggling to pick up your camera, although it is surprising how many opportunities just seem to present themselves once you get into the habit and you start looking at things in a more creative way. goodluck with the challenge!
January 2nd, 2013
I'm a month away from finishing my year. A couple of things occur to me - there are no "success" criteria apart from those you set yourself, it is easy to get wound up about what the "rules" are, but there are none, really, except only posting your own stuff. It's your project, so enjoy it! The more you get involved in following people, commenting on their images and so on, the more interactive the experience becomes. Best of luck!
January 2nd, 2013
Getting Started

Unfortunately, this infromation is buried at the bottom of the screen. You need to either know it's there or find it by scrolling through several screens to see it. @Scrivna -- Any way this infromation can be moved to the top?
January 2nd, 2013
For me challenges and loving what ever photo I took that day..even if it was of a pencil at 11pm...I posted it and loved it...well as much as a person cal love a photo of a pencil.. =) I like challenges because they keep me motivated. Today for me is to capture a black and white portrait of my kids, thats hard because I am not great at portraits and they are 3 &4..standing still is not their thing. I am on yr 3 and love it though. Welcome and hope you have found some help with whats been said!
January 2nd, 2013
I'm just a few weeks short of finishing my first year. The thing I found that helped me the most was relaxing my own expectations just a bit, so that if life got hard or over-complicated, it was okay to post a "filler" shot - for me this always meant a shot taken a day or so earlier (so fairly recent/current). There were so many times that I had more than one shot a day that I could have posted so this never felt like cheating - especially since so many wise and sage folks before me stressed the "it's YOUR project" philosophy! In the long run, it was a fairly rare occurrence after all. ALSO: join in on the challenges and I'd always welcome you to the "Your Favorite Fav of Someone Else" discussion thread - it's a most marvelous place to see some of the best photos anywhere on the site. As long as I'm hosting it, this discussion starts every Friday morning! More than anything else, though, feel welcomed to 365 and have a grand experience!
January 2nd, 2013
@megs7 My resolution this year is to be more attentive to those I follow. I know that when I have a long week, a simple comment for a simple photo, makes my day. I have been lax at commenting, which I think is a very important thing to do. I am just over half way thru my first year.
January 2nd, 2013
Simple - Just keep shooting every day no matter what!
January 2nd, 2013
I think it all depends at what you personally define as success... I guess that would be to upload a shot each day and keep going :)

I am coming to the end of my second year... All of us have at some stage lost our mojo, and pulled our hair thinking about what to capture.. It is those moments that are te toughest, the ones that can break you o if you keep going through them, upload a shot even if you think its rubbish, but hang in there, then you should succeed. Good luck.
January 2nd, 2013
Thanks so much for all of your kind words and encouragement! I am looking forward to the project even more now than I was yesterday and I can't wait to see how it progresses.

One other question. I will simply be using my iPhone 4S for photos. Can anyone recommend any filters, apps or other tools that they have found especially helpful? Thanks again for all of you support!
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