How to Keep Taking Photos when you have School

January 28th, 2013
So school is about to start... And i might not have time to take pics anymore what should i do?
January 28th, 2013
Either make time during the week - it only has to be 10 mins a day if you need it to be, or take enough photos at the weekend that you can fill a week. Either way, work yourself into a rhythm - you are gonna need it if you are to last a year!
January 28th, 2013
Isnt that cheatin ??
January 28th, 2013
You project, your rules.

Whatever works for you is the way to go. Most of us have lives that are full of all kinds of things. It is good to keep a regular schedule, but it has to work.
And don't flood the feed all at once. That is overbearing for your followers.
January 28th, 2013
It depends on the rules that you have set. I took a photo a day, every day in 2011, first half of which I was at Uni, and the last 3 months I spent almost entirely in bed, dosed up on morphine after having major spinal surgery. I'm not going to claim that my photos in that period were great, but I did it. It was my choice. It was unsustainable in 2012, so I relaxed and had many fillers!

Ultimately, if you know that if you try to take a photo every day and it isn't going to work out, then you are more likely to stop altogether than if you allow yourself "fillers". If you can take a photo every day then that's great but you have to make time for it.

Build up a list of ideas when you have them - that will help when you are feeling uninspired. Make sure that you have ideas that won't take long when you are busy. Take your camera everywhere - you never know if something interesting will come up on your journey to school! If you are able, leave earlier and take a detour, take a detour on the way home, take a walk during your lunch break - anything that works for you.

BTW, so that people get a notification to let them know that you have replied to them, press the "reply" button on the right.

Good luck :)
January 28th, 2013
i have school year-round and I work full can do it! I do use fillers for days i can't shoot, but when the time changes back, i'll have more daylight to play with. :)
January 28th, 2013
January 28th, 2013
Get used to shooting indoors. I'm a teacher, so school is always an issue, but you just have to prioritize your time.
January 28th, 2013
All you have to do is snap the shots when you are short on time. Take a walk during the meal, take a picture of the meal, anything. You can upload them all on the weekend. Remember, you don't have to come here everyday, just when you have time.
January 28th, 2013
Well I have work every day but can still manage over 3 years of pics so sure you can.................
January 28th, 2013
@swizz @tigerdreamer @archaeofrog

There is a lot of good advice; I concur with Karen and Katie.

I am a mother, teacher, daughter, sister, wife... I wear many different hats... Photography is sress releaser, not creator... Prioritize and enjoy. Post what you can each day... Like Karen stated, don't post too many in one stream!
January 28th, 2013
a lot of people work eight hour days and commute and make it work. It helps if you carry your camera with you and be ready to take a pic when a moment happens or you plan out your photo goals ahead of time. This week I plan on working on macros shot inside after work. It really is manageable most times.
January 28th, 2013
you take the photos when you can , thankfully you are not at school 24 hours a day so there should be plenty of time
January 28th, 2013
Take your camera to school, and shoot during the lunch break, or on the way to school, or on the way home.
January 28th, 2013
If I know I have a busy week-- I pack my weekend with photos and choose a few to use over the week. My main goal is to see progress, so to me-- as long as I can see something new with the photo I like to post it-- and that way I'm not taking redundant photos of all of my meals-- which isn't bad if you're good at food photography-- but my food or photography isn't that great to document :)
January 28th, 2013
I find that the more I have to do, the more I get done. When Sophie was 2 weeks old, I had a newborn to take care of, and I went back to class--2 night courses, and one was darkroom photography. I studied both classes, went to them, took photos, and then spent as much time as I could in the darkroom. I took care of the baby during the day, did night feedings (damn if each of my three kids didn't need to be fed every two hours when they were newborns), and did well on my classes. I took roll after roll of BW film, developed them and printed them. Trust me, if you want to do it, you can do it.
January 28th, 2013
I would think schools would have tons of great photo ops. Carry your camera with you.
January 28th, 2013's not too much different than working full time and taking pictures...find a space of time and always have your camera and you will find/get a shot!
January 28th, 2013
Back to school tomorrow. :( Normally I take my DSLR where ever I go, but I'm not really comfortable with it at school, even with the lockers. So I was planning on taking a small point and shoot camera, so if there is a photo opportunity I can capture it! Maybe try this?
January 28th, 2013
More than enough tips above :-) You can do it!
January 28th, 2013
The same as anyone else who isn't a pro photographer (and therefore has to balance their photography hobby with whatever else is going on in their life) does - try to make a little bit time every day for something you enjoy, and don't get too up-tight if a particularly busy or stressful day means you occasionally miss a photo, or that not every shot you take is a work of art!

As @andycoleborn says, most of the people on here are juggling 365 with some other form of commitment - work, school, university, family, or a combination of all of those things! - it should be perfectly possible to keep your project going during term time, if you want to.
January 28th, 2013
@swizz All the above is good advice - as a mum who works in a school I sympathise! My golden rule is to take my camera everywhere with me. There's something to shoot every day somewhere. Keep it as a joy not an extra chore and you'll be fine :)
January 28th, 2013
Idk if u guys are from australia but in school ur not allowed to bring a camera, also if i was allowed to i would be scared if someone would try to take it as well, and teachers confiscate phones as well. So i might just do on weekend for the moment
January 28th, 2013
I alwats take my camera with me everywhere, even when I have to work al day. Almost every day I stumble upon something that would make a nice photo, and most of the time it's something unexpected. If I didn't take a photo during the day and I have the time in the evening, I just try to find something inside, like I did a few days ago with my old teddybear for example. Sometimes I've taken several nice shots and I use one of those on a day when I couldn't find the time and inspiration.
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