Feeling Distant from 365.

February 6th, 2013
Hi everyone,

I'm in my 4th year of 365 now, but recently I've just not been feeling connected to it at all. My pictures are naff. Comments on my photos are becoming infrequent (when at times I was in double figures pretty much every day). A lot of the people who I followed closely, and who followed me closely, have moved on. I'm beginning to upload less frequently...

...has anyone else experienced this? I don't know if it's that a lot of my connections on here have left. Or if it's that the weather's naff. Or my life's changed. But I just don't feel connected to this project right now and it makes me sad because it's been such a big part of my life for so long and I don't want to lose that.

Does anyone have any advice on how I could get my spark back?

Thanks :)
February 6th, 2013
I've felt that before and have taken a break and come back to 365 feeling much more inspired. Maybe making a list of photos you want to take and forcing yourself to go out and take something you're really proud of would help, even if you only get to that once a week. Or perhaps try some of the challenges, to try to get yourself shooting different subjects and try a different shooting style.

For me, taking a few months off made it all feel less like a chore, but I was also busy with finals at the time, so that might not be what you want to do.

I don't think your photos are naff though, but you have maybe just got stuck taking one style of photos.
February 6th, 2013
Naomi, I am not a veteran 365'er, but I notice that you are only following 29 people. I know your time may be limited, but I find if I don't every get comments from my followers, I don't feel connected with them. Also, if I don't comment on their pictures, I feel I am doing them a disservice and they won't feel connected with me. I looked at your work, and it looks very good to me. I do plan to follow you and hope you will continue. Maybe join a challenge. I have been doing the Feature-4-Feb words, but there are other challenges. It really makes me look for new things to photograph. Also, I check on the interpretations of the others doing the challenge. Hope your spark returns. It should be fun.
February 6th, 2013
I know what you mean. I'm only in my second year, due to finish at the beginning of March, and I am counting down the days! So unlike the end of my first year when I was desperate to carry on. I've enrolled in a Diploma of Photography to try and get my spark back and to get pushed. Granted, that's a bit extreme, but that's me!

Give yourself a break from posting, if not from taking photos. You might just get your answer on whether to carry on from how much you miss it (or not!)

Good luck.
February 6th, 2013
@naomi Hello Naomi,
Have you considered looking for MeetUp Photo groups in your area? I like my meetup groups better than my camera club. My suggestion is to join with others when shooting.
February 6th, 2013
I have felt it several times, and currently do as well. Life just gets in the way, when it is no longer fun, we need to take a break, for if we really enjoy it, we will start again. Hopefully when my personal life gets back on track, I can get back into it, the people are wonderful on this site. Keep your chin up, your inspiration will come back, just give it some time.
February 6th, 2013
Hi Naomi..my name is Bruni and I'm also in my fourth year. I felt the same as you're feeling right now..lots of my first followers were not around anymore and a lot of new ones who follow me have never commented on my pictures yet. I made it a point to look at some followers I see on other peoples pages who I follow. I found some interesting pictures and started to comment on them. this is one way of contacted people of your own choosing. I follow them and mostly they follow me back. I find it brings new life into your project.
February 6th, 2013
I had a year 'off' ...still took photos but not every day. I felt like a new 365 this year, and I'm enjoying it so much more than the first one...but I havent pressured myself this time. 4 years is an amazing achievment!
February 6th, 2013
Life has it's ebbs and flows. We are busier at times than others. We have distractions that pull us in different directions. Sometimes we must feel like we have to stand above all others waving our hands to say, here I am. Strange as it sounds, photographers are bit like that by nature. My suggestion is to find things in your life other than photography that you can incorporate into your photography. This will enrich your days and give you lots of new ways to see things around you.
February 6th, 2013
There's lots of good advice from everyone above already and I agree very much with Henri @henrir when she says that you need to be active with those you follow in order to get the most out of 365. If you are only following 29 people then you will not get many comments on your photos because of the large percentage of people who regularly 'drop off', sometimes after being quite active. I'm also in my fourth year and found, after a break of a few months at one stage, that I came back refreshed but also had to work a little harder to follow new people and make sure that I commented on their work. Bruni's @bruni advice is very good about making a point to look for others to follow on other people's pages.
February 6th, 2013
After a long break of about 6 months, I have come back, in my 3rd year, on Jan 1. I am taking it slowly and trying to appreciate the friends and followers I've made. I have found that participating in the challenges has been very helpful and inspirational for me. I have just started my second Get-Pushed challenge and it's fun and gets me thinking differently. @orangecrush did the One Night Stand Challenge which was amazing. These are things that have not only helped me look in new directions but also connect and reconnect with people here on the site. Good luck. Hope you find what works for you.
February 6th, 2013
@girlie great advice.. It's like the flip side for a new person like me.. how do you get started, meet folks (Cyberly speaking).. I make it a point to comment on my followers first (hard to do everyone daily, but I get alot done) and then the folks I follow get there fair share.. I have to say the feedback/comments I get are a pleasant surprise as I've only been here a month.. I would say start commenting on the people that follow you.. and most of all, enjoy (as I've been told)
February 6th, 2013
hi Naomi, I was feeling a bit the same tonight. I'm only 3 and a third years in but for sure the energy I had is not the same as thr first and maybe even the second. Many followers have gone, but I have started to make new acquaintences...and like Stephanie says, rather than connecting on the daily commenting which is too time consuming to do every day now, I've become much more immersed in challenges and themes - sometimes these can be frustrating as they are pushing me out of my comfort zone and I wish I had more time to devote, but I get a buzz trying new things out even if the results are not perfect. I'm also not pressurising myself. I'm OK about days with fewer comments and days that are "diary" shots. If I don't feel like shooting, I don't and just use a filler or two until I feel like shooting again
February 6th, 2013
Hi Naomi. You know the drill about gettting comments and views, you've been here four years. I'm sure I can't tell you anything about that you don't already know. So I will tell you what I feel about what I'm personally doing and maybe you can find some answers in that:

I'm in and out of the project as I see fit. I don't beat myself for not posting/photographing every single day. That's an unrealistic expectation for me because I'm busy AND because I'm not that committed to the project anymore (but I am committed to photography). I may only get 10 looks at a photo, but I don't care. I use the site as a way to look back at what I've done and check on my own progress as a photographer. If others take a moment to view and post on my work, that's great and appreciated (and I try to reciprocate). But low views and comments from others doesn't take away my love of photography and I will always shoot no matter what. But only when I want to. No need to force myself.

I've become friends on Facebook with a few people here that have followed me/I've followed, and that's fun for me. It's another way to communicate with those I grew a bit closer to on this site even though most have left.

It's your project. Do what you want with it :-)

February 6th, 2013
Naomi, welcome to 365. I am also into several years, and it is a fact, comments fall by the wayside. Much of it depends on the person's ability to commit to the time needed, as you know, it requires a lot of personal time. The commenting on my postings have dropped significantly during the past year, but I keep telling myself, I joined 365 because I wanted to commit to taking a variety of photo styles, and learn from others. One of the big benefits of this site is the exposure to a world of great artists, and to learn from them. Another one of the benefits of 365 is the relationship potential that this site provides. I have become cyber friends with some fantastic individuals, and except for one, we have never met. Many have since moved from this project, and now only post on Facebook, or some other site. If I liked their work I visit them there. I would encourage you to not allow it to disourage you.Think back to the reason you joined 365, and keep shooting and posting. Look around, and visit others, comment on their work. Enter some of the themes, and challenges. You will also find that some new followers very rarely comment back on your work, even if you faithfully comment on their posts. I will frequently follow new poeple, and "unfollow" others who do not take the time to comment. It is not a personal thing, but I enjoy following new people too, and the more you follow, the more posts you will get. If you are anything like me, you will feel compelled to comment on every post that comes onto your page. I am my own worst enemy, but that is me, so realistically, I must "unfollow" those who after a fair amount of time do not comment back. I just move on to someone else who has posted some nice work. Sorry I rambled. I hope you continue. I am going to check out your page.
February 6th, 2013
I think you have been given some very good advice by those who have posted before me but I'd like to add that I think you have distanced yourself from here somewhat possibly because your life has changed. I have been following you for a quite a while and I feel that you are responding less and less and I can't remember the last time you commented on my page. I'm not trying to be awful but it could be part of the issue.
February 6th, 2013
I go through phases of what you're going through... what helps me is following new people and commenting on their photos - I love discovering other people's photography and learning new skills and seeing the world through different eyes - it refreshes my resolve to continue with the project, and also gives me new ideas and inspiration :)
February 7th, 2013
@shutterbug0810 Has some excellent points as well as others...to answer your question...YeS, I feel disconnected but I have to make this project about me, I lost some wonderful friends/followers over 3 years...but it is your own, make it about you and your wants and I think you will find a way and what your needs are. Enjoy each photo!
February 7th, 2013
Hi everyone,

Thanks so much for your responses, I really appreiate it. Given me a bit of a wake up call, really (also, I really hope I didn't come across as being whiny about wanting more comments, that wasn't my intention!)

My life has changed a lot in the last 6 months, and so have my priorities. I need to re-jig things a bit :)

I think I'm going to look into som challenges :) I have distancd myself from the site somehwat, the start of the year is always hard with lots of new people and old friends leaving. I haven't given the time I should have done to commenting and that's completely my fault. I need to get back in the game!

@henrir @girlie @mizhayz Thank you! I didn't realise I was only following 29! Ross must have recently done his cull of inactive users because it was over 100 a week or so ago!

@hehe1308 @wormentude @wjw1741
@looseimages @stepheesue Thank you, I think I'd regret taking time off as I've done it for so long, but will look into challenges :)

@chapjohn I have thought about it but I live in the middle of nowhere and can't drive :/

@bruni Thank you, sounds like it's time to meet new people!

@dmortega Thank you! I lead an incredibly busy life but doe to the nature of my work, I can't publish photos on a lot of things,going to look into challenges, though :)

@sparkle Thank you, yes time is spmething I'm struggling with right now! I'm going to look into some of the challenges :)

@bizziebeeme @shutterbug0810 Thanks, that's really useful and eminds me why I started in the first place! I love having it as a record of my life :)

@digitalrn Thanks for your feedback :) I need to start commenting more again!

@kjarn you're right, I was busy so stopped commenting as much, received less comments (obviously :p) whch in turn made me less motivated to comment and it's got ina circle!

@pocketmouse Thanks! i'm going on a people hunt :D

@httpgeffed Thank you! :)
February 8th, 2013
I have followed you and always enjoy your pictures and the comments that you make on mine. I've had a lot of things going on in my life and haven't even been posting pictures to much, other things have been more important. I still try and post whenever I can and always try and comment on pictures that really strike me. I also make it a point to comment on the people who have commented on my picture, that's the least I can do and thank them. I will always love to take pictures and love looking at other's also. Their are so many talented photographer's on 365, you can learn so much, some you can't begin to compete with, but that's not our purpose is it? It's suppose to be fun to capture something that brings a smile on your face. I haven't felt like smiling to much lately, thus not many pictures. So, since I'm not posting as much, the comments have went down. That's to be expected than you lose your followers, but the friends you've made will always find you and believe me, yours are on here. I too have thought about joining a photography club, but have to get out of the house first. My health has made it hard. So I try and take pictures that are inside my house. Try not to get to worried about it, just do what makes you happy.
February 8th, 2013
Hi Naomi,

I have just returned after a 6 month break and am feeling newly enthusiatic and happy to be here. I took a break and used flickr while I was away just to upload occasional shots and now feel ready to jump back in :)
February 9th, 2013
Naomi, I have enjoyed your photos. I am in my second year and don't always upload a shot, or visit everyone's pictures, as I did more often the first year. I really think you are very talented. You are one of the many people on this site that really are creative. Just wanted to say, I may not check in everyday, but I do love your work.
February 10th, 2013
Completely agree!!! Half the time I don't even get any comments on my photos. xxx
February 10th, 2013
that sounds like you have hit a wall. You have comitted a lot of time to the project over the years so for god sake have a break. it does not make you a bad person and when you do return you will be full of ideas and new things to try out!!
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