Help me with an essay about politics in America

February 22nd, 2013
Hey Americans!
I have to write a long essay for school and I chose to write about whether/how political systems and election campaigns effect the turn out. I will compare Germany and America so it would be great to get your point of view. I did a short questionnaire, it would be great if you could take you time to answer it. Just send an e-mail to, my survey will arrive a few minutes later. Nobody else will see it, it's just for me and my school. Thanks so much for your help!
Oh, and I know, that's not really the right place for this, but I thought here are so many interesting people, it would be great to hear what you think about this topic!
February 22nd, 2013
I would be glad to help you Elisabeth! i will e-mail you shortly. :)
February 22nd, 2013
Hey guys, I'm buying a new car aswell, maybe you'll help me pick a colour?


@grizzlysghost you got any questions been bugging you?
February 22nd, 2013
@chewyteeth My son got a new plushy. I was going to post a photo of it, but didn't want to risk drifting off topic. :)
February 22nd, 2013
@chewyteeth @grizzlysghost Whatever happened to the French Revolution? A cake lovers paradise
February 22nd, 2013
Good luck with your essay. I can't help with the questionnaire I'm afraid as I'm English, but I hope you get some more positive responses.
February 23rd, 2013
@grizzlysghost whats a plushy? there are a few definitions of plushy..
February 23rd, 2013
@trailertrash A little stuffed animal :)
February 23rd, 2013
@grizzlysghost was hoping thats what you meant. need to get my mind out of the gutter
February 23rd, 2013
@trailertrash Haha ;)
February 23rd, 2013
I am oh so tempted .... but will resist!!! But if anyone has tips about life in general, I'm all ears :)
@chewyteeth I went with a beautiful metallic blue, if that helps :)
February 23rd, 2013
I feel like cake. Any suggestions on which kind of cake I should go for?
@chewyteeth purple is the best colour. My car is white though.
February 23rd, 2013
February 23rd, 2013
I think the cake has run its course.... in this thread it feels... I don't know.... like so 15 minutes ago.....#sorrycakelovers
February 23rd, 2013
@tuesdaygirl Burnt sugar cake. Very old-fashioned and yummy :-) My van is silver. But I'm thinking of painting my house. I need a new pair of shoes. AND.....does anyone know what I did with my W-2's??
February 23rd, 2013
Another thread hijacking! Where's security!!
February 23rd, 2013
@chewyteeth @grizzlysghost @trailertrash ^^ please help!!
@kwiksilver Neither a borrower nor a lender be :-) Fold each item as it comes out of the dryer, and never get involved in a land war in Asia.
February 23rd, 2013
@m9f9l I tripped over my cat and nearly landed on the unicorn so am not able to give you the advice you need right now.
February 23rd, 2013
I love lamp
February 23rd, 2013
@trailertrash @grizzlysghost so its like a stuffed animal? Mmmm like an animal thats eaten to much or a dead animal that you filled with stuffing? How is this related to us politics? Is obama really a stuffed panther with anamatronic?
February 23rd, 2013
@grizzlysghost @jsw0109
I am hijacking this thread because I need a favor. I sponsor a photography club for middle school students in Virginia Beach. In our initial meeting, I introduced them to 365 and shared some of your images. They are very excited to learn about photography. I've encouraged them to consider joining 365 (mid-March) to learn from experienced photographers. I hope you and the other wonderful photographers will support them!
February 23rd, 2013
Oh don't start me on illegal land wars in asia, or 'police actions' to exclude congress, but I presume you're talking about more recent ones.

Elisabeth American politics compared with Nazi Germany would be a pretty close match, but not modern Germany.
February 23rd, 2013

I don't know how to just send a message to specific people, and only being one month into the program I'm nervous about posting a thread.
February 23rd, 2013
@3rdxoff Post your message onto one of their photos, even if it's an old one. If you want to contact individual members that's an easy way to do it.
February 23rd, 2013
Ha, it said duress but I wrote site, did that confuse you.

No what you're doing is what this site is ACTUALLY intended for, not just self promotion and questionaires, so don't be afraid, post a thread. However your students will benefit from the normal process, regardless of threads, if they comment on peoples work they'll get feedback, and there's weekly themes you could all take part in.
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