Suicide threat/ we need HELP!

May 26th, 2013
Please, does someone have a direct contact info for Ross? We have a child threatening suicide. See "how do I delete my account" discussion thread. I've sent an email to the 365 email address for him, but does someone have a faster way to get to him? There must be a way to track the IP address and contact the authorities.
May 26th, 2013
Try this...but I don't know if it will work

May 26th, 2013
@swilde will try it- thanks.
May 26th, 2013
May 26th, 2013
Hi, yes I have your email. I'm looking in to it now
May 26th, 2013
@Scrivna thanks!
May 26th, 2013
In an event where you have someone threatening suicide online always call emergency services and speak to the Police. Most Police services now have cyber crime units who can make contact with emergency services in the area required much faster than connecting with the web site administrators. If they dont have the cyber crime unit then they will know who to connect with to get help much quicker than we can. I sure hope this wee girl is safe and getting the help she needs. It's so sad to know that there are so many people in our world who think that self harm is the only way out of a bad situation.
May 26th, 2013
Praying right now . . .
May 26th, 2013
It's hard to know where in the world a person is on that makes for a challenge. @k1w1
May 26th, 2013
@cabinfest Thank you cabin fest. I did think to call her local police, but I had no idea where that was. I didn't think, guess I wasn't tech savy enough to think of Ross.
Thank you for following through.
May 26th, 2013
@tigerdreamer He's saying that he can do nothing unless the police contact him. He has sent an email to the one she provided, but that's all he can do unless the police contact him.
May 26th, 2013
@k1w1 that would work if we knew where she was.
May 26th, 2013
I've just come online a few minutes ago, and been following the threads and links regarding this poor young girl. I guess right now, Ross has done what he can, and the rest of us can only pray that there is a positive outcome for Shelby. I do pray that she finds someone (and soon) that she can confide in, that she can trust, and who is able to help her before she does anything silly.
May 26th, 2013
@jankoos That's why you connect with the Police and the in turn with the cyber crime unit. They have ways of getting to people through cyber tracking. Police have prevented a number of suicides around the world from someone in one part of the world connecting with their local Police service. I guess it's a bit like hacking into a computer in England if the hacker is in Australia for example.
May 26th, 2013
I hope she's okay.
May 26th, 2013
Praying for you sweet girl.
May 26th, 2013
@k1w1 Ah, well, I've spent as much time as I am willing to at this point, so if someone wants to contact the police, then go to it.
May 26th, 2013
:-( No idea what has been going on but hoping help is onhand
May 26th, 2013
You did what you could with the knowledge you had at the time. It's all you could do. If ever you are unfortunate to be in a similar position you will know who to call. I just hope you never need the information. Even when you are distanced from the person it still takes a toll on you. Suicide intervention is hard work. I'm sure this young girl is now getting the help she needs.
May 26th, 2013
@cabinfest Oh my God, I just got this info. Please let me know what is happening!
May 26th, 2013
Let's hope that this lass is safe, she must be very desperate :(
May 26th, 2013
Suicide is a complicated matter. No one thing of itself is the cause or the answer. Hopelessness in general is usually at the foudation of the cause, but it has developed over a period of time. Studies are not complete, but the brain of a suicidal person physically looks different than a normal brain. The why and how of this is still being studied. 99% of the time I am called to scene after the event has happened.

As I said before, I pray and hope that Shelby gets the professional help she needs.
May 26th, 2013
I'm glad to see that Ross got the e-mail. But I've been praying about Shelby, and I now know that all we can do is pray, hope and believe that things will look brighter for her!
May 26th, 2013
Praying for Shelby.
I think this was her calling out for help.
Miracles do happen - I hope Shelby finds her miracle - the miracle of Life.
May 26th, 2013
Yes! We learned about being someone's miracle today in Sunday school! I too hope she gets her miracle, or at least accept it. @eyeseeu
May 29th, 2013
I too am praying for this lassie. I hope we get better news about her soon.
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