Popular Photos YIKES!

June 10th, 2013
When I started on 365 I found the popular page through browsing. Man oh man...fantastic photos! Unbelievable, fantastic, amazing, gorgeous, creative, beautiful, fav, surreal...a few of the words I use to comment on what I see. They truly are everything!
Now, I can hardly go to that page.....why? Because I feel like my photos don't amount to anything after seeing these masterpieces.
Just wondering if anyone else is feeling the blahs?
And don't worry, I'm happy anyways.
Just wondering if it's only me.
June 10th, 2013
Think the same thing sometimes but then I think it is my photo and I like it. Comments are always helpful so PP is a real bonus to me.
Hope this helps someone once said beauty is in the eye of the beholder. They didn't mention PP so keep clicking and keep happy.
June 10th, 2013
Sometimes the pics on PP can be overwhelming, but I have also found inspiration while perusing some of the photos. I have found people I want to follow on PP and have had a couple of mine fall there for a few minutes. And many of those on PP have been shooting longer than most of us or were lucky to catch a wonderful shot. Don't let it overwhelm and keep that always happy attitude
June 10th, 2013
@megmills Don't let the PP get to you. Seriously. That's like going out in public with a bag over your head because you don't look like a Victoria's Secret model or Angelina Jolie or . The amount of WORK that has gone into carefully crafting these images to some vague standard of "perfection" has moved most of them away from photography and well into the realm of graphic art.

As I've said before, chicken nuggets are popular, too, but wow, are they over-processed. Extrapolate as you will.
June 10th, 2013
@megmills I know what you mean, but try to be inspired and encouraged by them rather than discouraged. When I started off I gazed at a PP shot and almost packed up my camera, grieving that I would never manage anything with such a view, such quality - then clocked that it wasn't taken in middle England and the camera cost about the same as my car!! We all have different kit, different opportunities, different time constraints - what matters is to take a shot you're pleased with, and enjoy doing it! I browse the PP sometimes and enjoy the fabulous shots just like I gaze in jewellery store windows sometimes....! :)
June 10th, 2013
When ur doing what you love, it really doesn't matter if you're the best or not and you don't need many people saying how amazing your pics are. I like looking at the pics on PP. They are soo beautiful. It's a inspiration.

June 10th, 2013
@megmills keep in mind the popular page is a page of photos that fit a mathematical equation... so there are always popular photos that don't make the popular page and there are photos that make the popular page that aren't technically "popular" in the sense of getting lots of views from many people on 365, not just a certain % of your followers. Timing plays into as well.... when you post can make the difference between making the page and not making. This is not to take away from any photo that makes it to that page.... its more a reminder that the most important thing with photography is that it is your passion and you put your passion into your art. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but no one will see beauty in any image if the person posting it does not see the beauty first....... if you're not there, ask yourself "what end result do I want with my images and what do I need to learn to get there?" and then ask questions of people you follow that are producing the types of images you want to be able to produce and ask them how they got the particular look. Most of on here are more than happy and willing to share what we know.
June 10th, 2013
I certainly understand. I feel inspired at times, creative at times,and discouraged sometimes as well.

I understand the notion of doing this because you love it. And I think that is the case most of the time. But it is ok to admit that we can also feel "blah" and discouraged. It would be nice if we could transfer our knowledge of how we should feel to how we actually feel!

I know I struggle with not being one of the "popular kids" many times. You get excited about how a photo turns out (whether enhanced or not). Then you get 5 comments. All of them much appreciated, but you look at so many that you follow to see 50 comments and 30 faves! Hard to separate at times!

And just for the record, I love everything that is displayed here - those just out of the camera and this that look like graphic design. I think there is a place for all creativity. Photography is an expression at its basic level...
June 10th, 2013
Don't get disheartened Meg. Use the PP for inspiration for your own shots and remember many of the images on there are a mile away from what the camera recorded. I would love to be good at the editing packages, but I just don't have time, so I enjoy looking at manipulated images, admiring the editing skills and vow to learn to edit when I have time :-D
June 10th, 2013
I get inspiration and ideas from there. It's also a great place to find people to follow who inspire you.
June 10th, 2013
Everyone starts their own photographic journey at some point. It can take years to develop your own style and your skills. Some people have an eye early on and others need to develop it. That takes time. Even those who have an eye find themselves in ruts. If you want to grow as a photographer then you have to put in the work and the time to do so. Like learning anything, practice, practice, and more practice will help us learn proficiencyā€ˇ in using your camera. Once you do this then you can move towards learning the art of photography. This takes the time and dedication, sometimes of a saint. ;-) Accept that you will have plateaus as well as moments of inspiration to move in a different direction. This is the world of an artist. If this is where you want to be, just keep taking pictures. :-)

Also, don't compare yourself. Look at what others do as inspiration only. Otherwise, you may find the bar is set too high. Just give yourself time to develop and one day you will look at your own photo and say to yourself and others that you are capable of creating something to be proud of.
June 10th, 2013
what @amandal said...
June 10th, 2013
I agree that sometimes the PP page gets me down. For a long time, I didn't go there. I think much has to do with our own thoughts. I finished my year and took a few days off because I have been so busy with work and unable to be creative. We went on a trip and I was able to get back into feeling more creative, whether or not others appreciate them. I have to like them myself. I think you do really well with your photos!
June 10th, 2013
I so totally understand what you are saying and at first I was a bit overwhelmed. When I first started this project (which I am only half way through) I thought I was a pretty good amateur photographer. Wow, I wasn't sure whether to stay or go, but then I decided I want to be able to do what these people can do. I always browse the PP looking for inspiration, people to follow and advice. I don't really know that I am getting any better.

What I find ironic is, the two photos I have had posted on PP for a nano second were of birds.......I really don't like taking pictures of birds.....I have basically started photographing them to improve my skill with my camera. They don't pose, don't sit still, they have a lot of detail and color. I will admit I have learned to be quicker at focusing, holding my camera still and being much stealthier....all from shooting birds. You may find there is something or some subject you can practice on that will help you to develop the skills you are looking for.
June 10th, 2013
Excellent truthful advice....I have grown in photography and am grateful for that...and because of 365ers advice and their/your photos. I am proud of that. I love all your responses here....many exactly as I too was thinking so it's good to be affirmed with my thinking and wondering about the PP. :) I love the photos I see there, they inspire me, I learn from them, but as I began this thread, just wondered if anyone else felt the YIKES of it all. Thank you for sharing your insight. :)
Keep clicking!!
June 10th, 2013

Oh well said!!!!!!!!!!
June 10th, 2013
@quietpurplehaze Thanks. :) Sometimes it helps to look at those "stars without makeup" websites/images. it helps reinforce the importance of having work done, whether it's makeup or something more invasive. :)
June 10th, 2013
@megmills Haha! I had to chuckle when I read your post! I can truly empathise with your "Yikes" about PP and do at times feel I am oh so not worthy! However.......I went to the beach after work today! Would never have done that before this project. I have met so many new people who are utterly fab....you included ;-P....... that yes PP would be the icing on the cake, but what the heck. I have a new hobby, something just for me. I may not be that good, some pics I take I like and others are just complete BLAH!
I am just enjoying myself (most days LOL) :-D
June 10th, 2013
The PP is really a mystery for me, and sometimes discouraging. I have had photos with 5 favs make it, and photos with 12 and 28 favs that did not. So, I can only conclude that what is popular with viewers may not be popular for PP selection. In addition, people's tastes in photography don't often match mine, so it has sometimes been a mystery to me what will attract favs, and what will not - even if they receive very favorable comments. So, go your own way, create the photos you enjoy most, and try not to be discouraged about the PP. Try to hook up with people who share your photographic vision, and you will get a great deal of pleasure from this site.
June 10th, 2013
I felt precisely the same way last week. But then, I enjoy taking photos and maybe I will never be as good, or my photo will never be as popular - but who knows if they will ever have as much fun as I do taking my mediocre pics? They're great for inspiration, but just keep on clicking if that makes you happy. You'll find your own stride.
June 10th, 2013
@megmills Hi Meg, like @sjoblues said, a lot of effort goes into my pictures that make the PP.

It usually starts with planning a trip (even if short) to somewhere with interesting things or events, that other 365'ers will not have seen. I also think about the light and weather (deep blue skies always a big hit!), so I will wait for a day with favorable conditions and go early or late to get "golden hour light".

When I get home I skim through my pictures from the day and see if one jumps out at me as special, probably because of the composition. I apply lens corrections and straighten as necessary, and then I crop/clone out any distractions (being *extremely* critical). Next is exposure, contrast, highlights, shadows, and color correction; I will push things to just beyond natural to make them eye-catching (BTW, I shoot raw so that I have maximum flexibility for adjustments). I also use the "clarity" slider to make things pop. Finally I sharpen things to the point where they are almost too sharp. The entire "develop" process takes between 10 and 60 minutes; sometimes I struggle to get the result I want.

When I don't have as much time for photography, my pictures are not as good. It really is all down to the time and effort I can put into them. I suggest that you have a go at creating one PP worthy picture by planning and post-processing. It will probably take you many hours, but it will give you an idea of whether it is worth it to you. I find it very satisfying personally.

I've noticed that you comment on a lot of my pictures, so if you ever want to know how I did something feel free to ask. And start shooting in raw. OK, raw + jpeg so you don't have to process every photo. And I'm following you now.
June 10th, 2013
i rarely look at popular page although I understand there are some wonderful photos there
June 11th, 2013
Once upon a time I had two picture on the PP (baby pictures of my newborn great nephew) ... Since then I think I've posted some pictures that are better than the ones that "made it".

If you look at the photos there, (and there are some very lovely photos), most of them are posted by people who have hundreds of followers and who follow hundreds (I'm not sure how they ever find time to follow that many people as I try to comment on those who comment on mine). It's sort of a Facebook philosophy of likes. If you have a lot of friends, you get a lot of "likes".

I look at some of the pics and think .. gee ... my bullfrog picture is as least as good as some of these .... then I think ... I like it ... so what does it matter? In some ways, yes, it does matter and it is SO nice to get recognition for a great photo ... but what I would REALLY like is someone to tell me what I could have done better! The "critique-me" hasn't worked for me at all, and although I love to get comments sometimes I think that I belong a mutual admiration society (which, of course, isn't so bad either!)
June 11th, 2013
I have to take this to a slightly different level. Instead of trying to get to pp (which I have never done), is it hard when you don't get many comments at all? Sometimes it is just hard to come home after a long day and find only 5 or 6 comments on something you really loved.

Other times, I am just happy with what I have been learning and liking my own photo is enough. As are the lovely 5-6 comments!

At some point, if I focus too much on how little or how much I receive, I might have to take a break. I do want it to be about the process and not the rewards...
June 11th, 2013
Yes they are awesome on there. But your 365 pictures are unique, and are all the things you see each day and it's a photo journey. Just enjoy and don't worry about the popular page.

By they way, I don't think you get on the popular page by getting lots of comments as some people think. Someone who helps run this site, looks through the pictures, and they pick some. I read that somewhere on this site one time. You get the comments after it's been on there, since now people will see it.
June 11th, 2013
@havrotb Gee, i wish there was a "like" button on 365. I really like your comments, agree with them totally, especially the last paragraph.
June 11th, 2013
@sjoblues I hardly ever look at the PP - sometimes I find they depress me for making my work seem crappy, other times because I find nothing inspirational there, which is just as depressing! I do find comments here likening those images to over-processed chicken byproducts unfair. What is with the SOOC purists? I've had 2 pictures on the PP, one SOOC - my first post here - and the other ETSOOI. Which am I prouder of? Probably the second, as it represents a real learning curve for me. These days I don't expect to make it to the PP, as I don't have the time to give loads of feedback to others, so I'm not expecting lots of comments myself. My sense of accomplishment for the 365 Project continues however, as I'm still here, still posting, still learning. And the photos I am most proud of here have not necessarily gained any accolades AT ALL... but I still rate them!
June 11th, 2013
@spankyjane At no point have I said I am a SOOC purist. What doesn't appeal to me are images that have been processed to the point where they could just as easily have been created in a program (such as Illustrator). Much of what I see on the PP fits that description. I don't see original, photographic captures and perspective. I see "perfect" flowers, "perfect" sunsets/sunrises, "perfect" macros of insects, "perfect" birds. It seems that on the PP there is not a wide variety of reality. To me, photography is about capturing a REAL moment, a REAL place, a REAL event, a REAL time. Not overprocessing a basic framework image to the point where it looks like any number of other images of the same thing (flower / insect / sunset / sunrise / bird).

My opinion. YMMV.

June 11th, 2013
@sjoblues Apologies for misinterpreting you there. I have to agree that my own work is mostly real moments in time, and they are not often perfect images but ones that make me happy. In no way did I intend to disrespect your opinion, which of course you are entitled to... ever since I did a 'real' photography course... with 'real' film, like! I've been aware of how photographers manipulate their images in myriad ways. Editing digitally seems a very natural progression of what's been happening in dark rooms for a very, very long time. In fairness to you, I feel I probably responded here with sentiment brought about from a different thread regarding the PP and 'overprocessing'. So I am sorry about that! In my opinion, it's the difference in our opinions and the discourse we can have about these that make the world an interesting place to live!
June 11th, 2013
@megmills I've found that the PP is really inspiring when I have the time to actually look! I also think it's a great place to find new people to follow if I can (I'm finding the commitments to comment hard on here and really like having friends/followers where there is meaningful exchange). I started green, totally green--I'm still learning as I go--all about my camera AND about processing. I'm very tired of many of the comments about what people like or don't like and how one type of photography is better than another when I'm especially in the learning mode, but I persevere regardless! I liked what @jsw0109 and @danielwsc suggested too (when you have the time, which is the most important element). I've made the PP on odd things--I think it's always hit when some of my followers have seen I've been trying to really work on a setting or a processing issue and finally hit a goal! Hope my comments help. Ebb and flow. So much to learn here. I love it. :)
June 11th, 2013
Just remember--this is a personal journey for you and not a competition. I can post a picture on Facebook and get 100 "likes" and maybe 5 views on 365. What I have learned is this community is very supportive and positive. The more I engage with other users, the more they engage back. The more photos I look at, the more inspired I am to get better. You see professional and highly edited images everyday in magazine and ads. You would never compare your photos to those, and I kind of look at some of the PP photos and other amazing photos as something to mimic initially and ultimately create myself. It's something that takes time and practice. You'll improve everyday you keep at it. :)
June 11th, 2013
I think it's completely natural to compare your work with other people's but if I was to get discouraged every time I saw a better photo than mine I'd have given up on photography ages ago.
Instead I've taken that feeling and turned it on it's head and used them for inspiration, from a technical side it's a great learning experience to try and imitate someone better's photo or put your own spin on it.
I've only been here 10 days but already I can see my mindset changing, it's made me think of each shot more and when i don't hit the mark, it forces me to find out why so that I don't waste an opportunity again.
June 11th, 2013
I don't look at the PP often - I just don't have time. When I do, I usually find something I love to inspire me, or see a person I follow has a pic or two there and I am pleased for them.
I do this for me. It's a photographic journal of my 50th year. I don't worry about comments or favs or PP. With that said, when I have made PP, it's pretty exciting - but it hasn't been with my best pics at all. When I do edit a pic it's with Picasa 3 which is free - I don't have or use photoshop.
I have 175 followers. Thinking about it this morning after reading this thread, I figure I average about 10-20% feedback on a good day.If you want lots of comments, you need to follow and comment on lots of others. 365 is very interactive. Not sure how scientifically accurate my guess-timation about the 10-20% is but if you don't follow a lot of people, and in turn don't have a lot of followers, it may be food for thought.
What I love about this group is the range from beginner to extraordinary. I am in the beginner category but value this experience for the friends I have made around the world, and for what I have learned and seen.

June 11th, 2013
Wow thank you for all your comments. I agree wholeheartedly with most if not all that was offered. My goal, like many of you,, is to journal my life with all the beautiful things I see everyday and to learn to be a better photographer and have fun with it. This has turned out to be a great hobby for me and I have a tremendous amount to learn. I feel I have already improved. I look at things more, look at them differently, too. I want to learn all ways of photographing from SOOC to pleasing processing and editing. My goal is not to make PP....I didn't intend for that to be the reason for this conversation. Thanks for all your comments and great ideas! Now my computer has crashed....the one I use to upload. I'm writing this on my iPad but don't know how to upload my photos with it. So it may be a few days before my hubby has time to check it and can upload too. But that will give me lots of time to look and comment on your photos.....i may even go to the PP. hahaha. Enjoy everyone and keep clicking.
June 11th, 2013
@danielwsc I need to take a class to learn my camera. I'm still on auto. I'm moving across the state in the next couple weeks and will check for a class once I get there...thanks for your valued advice. :)
June 11th, 2013
@andrina exactly my thoughts Andrina.....agree 100 percent with you on that....thanks.
June 11th, 2013
@dmortega great reply!...thank you....maybe I do set the bar too high when I see the PP photos. Thanks!
June 11th, 2013
@anoukvansister very true! Thanks.
June 11th, 2013
@semjaja thanks....it is natural to compare....I also use them for inspiration, but they do make me say YIKES and then I look at others photos, the good,bad and the ugly, I guess I'd say. Thanks for your wisdom!
June 11th, 2013
@danette thanks Danette for your words!
June 11th, 2013
@megmills - oh Meg - I had just mentioned the comments because I saw someone else had noted they don't get many comments. :-)

I totally know what you mean about looking at the PP and seeing some of the magnificent work and thinking 'oh I am no good at this' - but I told myself to stop or I would have left the first week - LOL. :-) Lots of talent here, for sure. :-) :-)
June 12th, 2013
LOL, just looking at the photos by the people I follow has me feeling like that at times!
June 12th, 2013
@megmills I've been on here since January and just recently I've begun to find myself getting sucked into the desire to want/need to be on the pp! I wondered why my fav photo which had more views than others on the pp didn't get on it? I am slowly pulling myself back in and reminding myself why I started 365 in the first place, was like many of you, to record every day events!
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