Too many photos!

June 22nd, 2013
Today was one of those days where I had more photos than I expected to have at the end of the day.
I ended up posting several on my 365 blog as I know a lot of people do with their 'excess' photos, either via their ACE accounts or on other hosting sites and the like.

I always struggle though, when that's the case, to pin down the one for my photo of the day.
Today it was marginally easier because I had a theme/idea in mind, but it meant I had a load of other shots - which, incidentally, I was really really proud of - that I knew I wouldn't use.

Just wondered how other people go about making that tough choice between the photos they take to pick the ones we get to see?
June 22nd, 2013
Hmmm... that's a tough one! Usually I have one photo from the day that jumps out as the one I want everyone to see, or because I have an idea in mind for the day and take a photo to specifically meet that idea. If not, I tend to consider what I've been posting for the past little while when I decide what to post next. For example, if I've been posting lots of flowers, I might pick something different, just to mix it up. Or I might pick the same idea again... depends on the mood I'm in, and it's your project! So ultimately you should pick what makes you happy! :)
June 22nd, 2013
well - i'm on my second year, so i don't fuss quite so much... some days i'll put up two... other days i'll just put up one and save the other(s) for fillers for later... or i'll just put them on flickr and forget about them... or i'll forget about them altogether ;p
June 22nd, 2013
I'll load them to picmonkey and make a collage.
June 22nd, 2013
Hi, I always struggle with choosing photos - if you look through my posts you will see I am somewhat of a collage/montage/triptych queen for that very reason hahahaha - sometimes I have done it because the photos tell a story - but often it is because I can't make a decision - I am trying to become more decisive about choosing one photo
June 22nd, 2013
I often have this problem. I go through them all once, marking those I feel are not quite good enough. Move them to another folder (I have great difficulty in deleting anything!) Give the rest a quick glance through, again marking any I feel aren't worthy and moving those. I then leave it for an hour or so. And take another look. By then it's starting to narrow down. But it's a struggle, I agree :)

PS: You could always take out Ace membership - then you'd be able to load three shots each day.
June 22nd, 2013
I did 2012 with the one album and would have that choice about what image to post. In 2013 I have a membership and posting three images each day is hard work.
June 22nd, 2013
I'm the same, some days I struggle to choose a favourite and other days I have more as one I'd like to choose, I try to think what other people would like to look at. And post the rest to Facebook. Haha. I made it a resolution this year to take a photo every day so never feel like I can use a filler as I'd be cheating myself, so some days my photos are never as good as I'd like. X
June 22nd, 2013
Ha! I've had three albums for about three years...I rarely post more than one a day. I have an idea in my head and take that shot. I may take a million others but I just archive them.
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