Online photography courses

December 15th, 2013
I'm new to this site. I'm looking for some suggestions on online classes for a birthday present for my sister. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
December 15th, 2013
I wholeheartedly recommend AVOIDING like the plague, The Canon Academy in Australia. Initially, I had good experiences with them, but it's all gone to crap and I never hear any more from them. I'm very disappointed, especially as I'm midway through a $1,000 course!

I wish I could recommend something for you.
December 15th, 2013
i've never taken any so i have none to recommend.. i've learned a lot thru youtube videos and videos available on adobe's websites for lightroom and photoshop... what kind of classes are you thinking about? what sort of photography is she interested in?
December 15th, 2013
Found this recently, but as I haven't done any classes I can't give a proper review - ClickingMoms -
December 15th, 2013
Also this one - - some are live streaming & free.
December 15th, 2013
I've had some e-mail feedback from Darlene Hildebrandt of Her View Photography. I haven't taken this class, but I expect it would be excellent.
December 15th, 2013
Consider Karl Taylor training materials.
December 15th, 2013
I managed to get a subscription to Lynda through work. Part of the reason I got back into photography was because I came across a course on composition by Ben Long. It basically reminded me why I loved photography 20 years earlier. Its not cheap but there are so many courses available that it has paid for itself off ten fold.
December 15th, 2013
@dtigani Ben Long is a treasure. His Digital Photography Complete, latest edition, is a big book but really excellent, covering everything from the technology, the hows and the whys, the craft of taking photographs, composition and post processing and workflow. Probably the best around, but I feel most useful as the second book you read, starting the advanced course.
December 15th, 2013
A couple of years back I did the course from here

It doesn't show you how to take those award winning photographs but it gives you the technical background. BTW it can be hard work and you will definitely only get out of it what you put into it.
December 15th, 2013
I have enrolled on the Holiday season class with Katrina Kennedy.
Very impressed, great handouts and help readily available if required.
My photography has improved already.
She also runs a website called capture your 365 and sends out daily emails to inspire you to take a shot if you are lacking creativity etc.
She is based in the US.
She has classes starting in January on lighting, iso etc, and i plan to enrol
December 15th, 2013
Excellent courses can be had thru THey have photoshop courses and intro to camera courses and many many others. If you buy the course you can download the video or if youare free the day they are broadcasting you can watch it live. I have enjoyed a few thru them.
December 15th, 2013
What does your sister like to photograph?
Kim is lovely, I've done several of her courses:
December 15th, 2013
When I went looking for online photography courses I could not believe,nor could I afford,the prices.During the search ,I accidentally found 365.THIS is my photography course.The teachers are knowledgeable and supportive,the feedback is constructive,the "challenges" are my homework assignments.And the course only cost 20 bucks a year!How about an ace membership and some wonderful books ?
December 15th, 2013
Here is a great e book just published by one of my 365 "teachers" Katie! @archaeofrog
Boost Your Photography: Learn Your DSLR is now available on Amazon:
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