January 5th, 2014
I use a Nikon D3100.

I would love a Macro lens.
Does anyone have any suggestions?! help?! thoughts?

thank you! :)
January 5th, 2014
I have Nikon D5100 and decided to stick with Nikon and, after much consideration, decided to get the Nikon 105 mm macro lens. It's heavy, and I find focusing a challenge - but it's a great lens. This is one of the first shots I took with it.

January 5th, 2014
@dolphin beautiful job Molly.
I got the tameron 90vc.
It's cheaper and according to reviews, it is sharper.

Of course, focusing in macro is always a challenge and I am still working with that. So sharpness isn't really the issue. :)
January 5th, 2014
Have you tried the cheaper more fun options? Reversing rings or extension tubes.
This Photo was taken with an old Nikon lens on a set of extension tubes fully manual
Or I can recommend the Sigma 105 f2.8 Macro I have some great results with that.
And finally for focusing issues it's worth investing in a Macro Rail It's how I managed to focus on that wasp!
January 5th, 2014
@chippy1402 but how did you get him to stay still long enough?
January 5th, 2014
Never understood Macro Rails, but I can second the Sigma 105 f2.8 - takes fantastic shots. Nearly all my macro's have been taken with it.
January 5th, 2014

While I don't use Nikon, I do love my macro lens, and the 365 has really taught me a lot about how to use it. I have just a 35mm and when I started the 365 in 2011, I would only use the 35mm lens on f3.5 and I was kinda happy with the result. The next step in my learning was to attached my 2x converter which pushed me to see closer but I pushed on and got a few shots. I then discovered the flash but was getting too close and casting shadows so i then got a ring flash and that just allowed me to get closer and sharper.

I then learnt all about having both subject and camera as still as possible. And then using f11 to f18. So while I can't offer any advice on what lens to buy, I can say that in the macro lens the subject and dof is often very small so any movement in both subject and camera is going to effect focus. Keep everything as still as possible, don't be afraid to use the flash (even in broad daylight) and get as close as you can.

Having said all that, the above shot was taken with spider on web (gently moving in the wind) and the camera was hand-held...
January 5th, 2014
The best Nikkor lenses for macro are what Nikon call "micro." Go figure. The 105mm f/2.8 is a classic and excellent. It is an FX lens, and works brilliantly on a DX camera like your D3100. Molly@dolphin above is recommending it. Here's an link. @dolphin

Just as good, in my opinion perhaps even nicer, is the Sigma f/2.8 105mm

Both are quite expensive (US$750 range after promotion discount) but definitely worth it. I like the longer telephoto, you don't have to stand right on top of the subject. While many claim that you MUST shoot macro on a tripod, both have excellent "image stabilization" for hand holding (here the newer Sigma is I think significantly stronger than the Nikkor which is, still, darn good). Both are, also, gorgeous portrait lenses, and are generally useful as a beautifully sharp medium telephoto prime. I have shot quite extensively with both of these although I currently own neither.

Here are the full range of "micro" Nikkor lenses. You might also look at the DX 85mm (specific for APS-C cameras like your D3100). It is lighter than the 105's, significantly less expensive ($550 vs $750), image stabilized too, but I have never shot with it so can't comment on its performance. It does have a 5 star rating at the Nikon site. Here's an amazon link to it.

Personally, I don't use the shorter macro lenses that others might recommend.

Best of luck to you however you decide.
January 5th, 2014
@tigerdreamer I trapped it in a glass then put it in the freezer for about 10 minutes this doesn't harm them in any way and gives you about 5 minutes to work! I believe you can chill them even longer but didn't want to run the risk.
January 5th, 2014
@chippy1402 seriously? I've been called gullible.
I never heard of that
January 5th, 2014
The thing is though you can get great close results very very cheaply two old manual lenses mounted with a reversing ring can get you very close this was taken a fiat while ago with my old D50 and a couple of lenses off eBay that cost me about £30. You can of course reverse mount onto your kit lens any thing! have a google search for the calculations it's great fun.

Eye of needle
January 5th, 2014
@tigerdreamer honest it's because things like that are cold bloodied so when they become chilly they slow down to a stop.
January 5th, 2014
@chippy1402 wow thanks, good to know
January 6th, 2014
I love my Canon 100 mm Macro (non IS version) Two pics I took with it (handheld)

January 6th, 2014
Oops! I just saw you are Nikon user! Sorry! Canon lens is not going to work I assume! Good luck with your purchase. Macro lens are so much fun.
January 6th, 2014
thank you everyone...I have some research to do...and figure out how much money I want to spend! I have been wanting one for a long hopefully I will get one in a few months!
January 6th, 2014
I'd second @frankhymus in that the image stabilization on the Nikon 105 mm micro lens is effective, so that you don't need to use a tripod if the light is good. The bee photo I posted above was taken without a tripod - bees move pretty fast and I've found it much easier when taking shots of insects to do without the tripod.
January 6th, 2014
totally off topic but while I was awed by how detailed the spider is I was insanely creeped out. T_T haha
January 7th, 2014
@chippy1402 that eye of the needle is fabulous!
January 7th, 2014
@minaa i agree about the spider creep factor...but can't stop looking at it!!!
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