Somerset levels flooding. Please help

February 9th, 2014
I don't know whether this link will work on here but I'd like you all to watch and then, if you'd be so kind, sign the online petition. We have no idea when this will be resolved, when these poor families will be able to get back into their homes, when the water will start to recede, but it's devastating for them. Today, a farm, literally a hundred yards from us have had their cows evacuated due to the rising water levels. Thanks for looking
February 9th, 2014
Done , its a terrible situation.
February 9th, 2014
@andrina Thank you. It is horrendous. I don't think people know truly how awful and how extensive the flooding is. I think I may have to put this up again tomorrow as I don't seem to be getting many views right now. I need to make sure as many people as possible are aware but thanks for your support xx
February 9th, 2014
Signed and linked out to Twitter
February 9th, 2014
February 9th, 2014
@shannejw Thanks Shanne @hasselhotch Thanks David
February 9th, 2014
@psychographer Lisa, as a Brit I would love to sign, but could I use your postcode, or is there a general one I could use ? It won't accept my USA one, not surprisingly......
February 9th, 2014
@cazann Thanks Caz it's TA7 0HG. Not sure whether it will be accepted as I've signed already but thanks anyway
February 9th, 2014
@psychographer It worked, signed and shared....
February 10th, 2014
Can I sign if I'm from canada?? What a horrible situation!
February 10th, 2014
You got it Lisa!
February 10th, 2014
done. hope it helps somehow x
February 10th, 2014
February 10th, 2014
shared the fb link and signed

February 10th, 2014
@kwind Yes, you can use my postcode. Thank you. @mzzhope @jaynspain @boxplayer @alisonp Thanks all. Please share with as many people as possible. The situation is so dire xx
February 10th, 2014
February 10th, 2014
Signed. This is so awful Lisa I hope your home stays safe!! I feel that if this was another country we would all be sending help but we don't seem to be doing much to help our own!! Very sad!!
February 10th, 2014
February 10th, 2014
February 10th, 2014
Yup! Signed.
February 10th, 2014
Signed using your post code Lisa as I don't live in the UK. It is just devastating - poor people, my heart goes out to them.
February 10th, 2014
February 10th, 2014
I signed it using your post code as it did not like my US zip. Sending thoughts to those affected by the horrific flooding.
February 10th, 2014
done :-)
February 10th, 2014
@psychographer No problems Lisa. The prpoblems we are experiencing in Berkshire are bad but nothing like the disruption you have seen in recent weeks.
February 10th, 2014
I just shared the video on my facebook page. Has the British Red Cross or other charity got a fund going to help the displaced flood victims, or have they all been left on their own to find a place to stay and food to eat while their homes and belonging are being destroyed?
February 10th, 2014
@psychographer How awefulk. I've seen it several times on the Dutch news. I hope the water doesn't reach your property too...
I've used your postcode to sign!!!
February 10th, 2014
@psychographer Lisa I shared the petition on Facebook and have asked my sister to sign it. It looks absolutely awful for those affected.
February 10th, 2014
February 10th, 2014
Done, it is truly heartbeaking :(
February 10th, 2014
@macromover @pamknowler @seanoneill @michael1947 @steampowered @happysnap @carolmw @peggysirk @sioux @pdavies @bernicrumb @stimuloog @elaine55 @overalvandaan @pixiemac @alisonp @boxplayer @jaynspain @mzzhope @kwind @cazann @hasselhotch @shannejw @andrina

Thanks to all of you for watching the video and signing the petition. I have no idea how much, if any, difference it will make but we can but try. The latest is that Dutch pumping equipment has been sent over. The pipes are enormous, larger than the ones they've been using so far. The idea is to pump the affected areas towards us! It appears that they're not really thinking anything through to its obvious conclusion. I am hoping we'll be unaffected but who knows! There isn't really much one can do to prepare in this sort of situation. If it comes into the house, however deep, it will ruin flooring and furniture as it's impossible to take it upstairs. I'll try and keep you all up to date with what is happening. Thanks again xx
February 10th, 2014
@psychographer i find it appalling that our government are quick enough to send aid for natural disasters elsewhere in the world, yet seem act so slowly when it is its own tax payers facing such conditions! ~ made me sooo mad! [rant over, for now]

Hoping you will be safe x
February 10th, 2014
@alisonp Alison, I agree with sending aid to those in need but when the need is here they need to rethink. I wonder how much revenue they could accumulate if each MP and banker and company director were to forgo their bonuses. It may go some way towards helping real people in need. Thanks for your kind words xx
February 11th, 2014
@psychographer agree with all you say, Lisa. Stay safe.
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