Facebook photography pages

February 14th, 2014
i love looking at other peoples work on shoots and tech stuff not just one photo a day so heres my page have a look (and please like)
and leave yours in a comment below :D

February 14th, 2014
Have liked your's Heidi. Here is mine. The good, the bad and the oh so terrible ;)
February 14th, 2014
@silverhorn thanks means a lot
February 14th, 2014
Liked! I really love your low light shots! Lot of inspiration in there! :)
February 14th, 2014
February 14th, 2014
https://www.facebook.com/charlottegarnerphotography Not updated in a few weeks because been so 365 busy, but going to get on it soon. Lovely to see/follow other peoples facebook pages - always happy to fill my newsfeed on facebook with photography.
February 14th, 2014
February 14th, 2014
@mikeswaja thanks
and @michelleatfocalmemories the link doesn't work :S
February 14th, 2014
@michelleatfocalmemories Michelle, your link doesnt seem to be working for me, just taking me to my facebook homepage?
February 14th, 2014
I'm jumping on the band wagon with Heidi and adding you too :)
February 14th, 2014
these pages are great I've liked all the above!
February 14th, 2014
February 14th, 2014
I don't have a Facebook photography page, but I enjoyed looking at all of yours! :)

@silverhorn You are a Doctor Who fan? I feel like we are friends now, hehe :)

February 14th, 2014
@taleweaver Yes I am a dedicated whovian :D
February 14th, 2014
Thanks everyone for the likes have liked all yours in return look forward to following you
February 14th, 2014
@ingrid2101 Thanks Ingrid, I have just like it.
February 14th, 2014
@heidibirch @silverhorn @mikeswaja @michelleatfocalmemories @cgarner @ingrid2101

Liked!! Great shots everyone. :-)

Here's mine if you are so inclined. It is specifically to advertise my Stock photography:
February 14th, 2014
@ingrid2101 liked :)
February 14th, 2014
@heidibirch @silverhorn @mikeswaja @michelleatfocalmemories @cgarner @cazink @sewsharyn @ingrid2101 @allegresse Think I got around to everyone's now.

I'm at http://www.facebook.com/BoostYourPhotography I post links to my blog articles and photo albums for inspiration and ideas.
February 14th, 2014
@daisyjuds Judith, just to be grammar-picky, your title should be "Photos of Daisy Juds" without the apostrophe.
February 14th, 2014
Nice work Heidi! I have liked your page. Here's mine:
February 14th, 2014
I don't have a facebook page yet - is it useful!? :)
Great pages everyone - can't like them because I don't have a normal Facebook either :D
February 14th, 2014
This is fun to look at everyone's pages!


web site


February 14th, 2014
I'll have a good browse later when the kids are in bed. Here is my page for now: https://www.facebook.com/LesleyChisholmPhotography and my website
February 14th, 2014
Here's my FB page - https://www.facebook.com/bluespiritimages
And website which will be getting an update soon : https://www.bluespiritimages.com

February 15th, 2014
@heidibirch Great, lovely work!!!

This is my page, I do need to do some more uploading though! :-)
February 15th, 2014
Great idea! I will follow all your pages too. Mine is https://www.facebook.com/meiphotography

Website to follow soon hopefully! Xx
February 15th, 2014
@heidibirch @silverhorn @mikeswaja @michelleatfocalmemories @cgarner @daisyjuds @cazink @archaeofrog @tina_mac @dejongdd @swguevin @kiwichick @kass @kitcat29 for some reason my phone won't let me log in to Facebook but I promise to like and browse your pages in the morning! X
February 15th, 2014
Great idea! Will follow your too!

Here's mine - https://www.facebook.com/JetpicsPhotography
February 15th, 2014
Everyone is so talented!!! Here is mine https://www.facebook.com/jenniferomersophotography
February 15th, 2014
Liked your page, Heidi. :)

Mine is www.facebook.com/obmcreations

February 15th, 2014
I don't use facebook, but do have an album here with more of my shots. Would love for them to be enjoyed by anyone liking nature shots. https://laniesviewsofherworld2014.shutterfly.com/
February 15th, 2014
I have two facebook pages; a business one: https://www.facebook.com/ayerphotography

and one featuring a dance (ballet) project I've been working on for the last 3 years: https://www.facebook.com/p3project

Come on by!
February 15th, 2014
February 15th, 2014
February 15th, 2014
@archaeofrog Oops, thanks, I have changed it. Appreciate your help.
February 15th, 2014
Here is mine, But really its what you see here. I am pretty lazy when it comes to fb. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Milani-Photography/489127177794440?ref=hl
February 15th, 2014
My and Hubby's page :)

Am working down this thread and liking all the awesome pages too!
February 16th, 2014
@heidibirch @silverhorn @mikeswaja @cgarner @daisyjuds @cazink @sewsharyn @ingrid2101 @allegresse @archaeofrog @tina_mac @dejongdd @swguevin Managed to like all your pages so far! I'm on Facebook as Jo Foo but my page is Mei Photography in case you're wondering! x
February 16th, 2014
@heidibirch @daisyjuds Thank you both for the new likes. I have followed you both as well :)
February 16th, 2014
i tend to use flickr more than fb for uploading photos. I'm excited to check out all of your pages!
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