Photography bucketlist

January 9th, 2015
Hey everyone!
I decided that I would like to create a photography bucketlist to accomplish by the end of my 356 project. I have zero any suggestions?
January 9th, 2015
Hi Sydney, there are a lot of ideas in previous bucket list discussions - if you search the website you can see some at
January 9th, 2015
maybe easy if thought about in categories
i.e. use tags for a leader list of categories
i.e. equipment you want to use
i.e places you can go helps a lot
i.e. photographers you might like to hear from
i.e events you might like to attend
i.e one picture you might like on a poster
i.e one picture you might like printed on a special medium picture you might like someone to paint
these are just a few I thought of...hope this helps
January 9th, 2015
@deverest these are awesome!
January 9th, 2015
January 9th, 2015
a quick google for photography bucketlist come up with a lot of neat ideas and even checklists that can come in handy so you can drop it in your camera bag
January 9th, 2015
Ah I had a few things I wanted to shoot before I started this project, just over a year ago. Insect eye macros, snow macros, butterfly macros, lightning strikes, the milky way, special light phenomena, long exposure ocean shots, a crystal ball... I'm happy to say I did all of those things. Mostly because I was prepared befire the occasion arose, I read up on all the best techniques first, and I bring my camera everywhere! But as I look at other people's shots on 365 my bucketlist keeps growing longer. There's always more things to try. So maybe take some time browsing around and you'll get some inspiration there. The best thing is that people are usually very happy to help out if you have questions.
January 9th, 2015
Hi Sydney. Imo a list that you form yourself as the inspiration comes to you will be far more meaningful than anything anyone can suggest or that you can google. I just had a quick look and noticed you have 14 photos so I'm assuming you are new to your project. I strongly suspect that over the next month or so, if you follow enough good people, you will see loads of images that make you go "YEAH! I wanna do THAT!!" and then you will have the drive in your belly to make it happen. Just add them to your list as you see them. Mine certainly has grown over time, and I have happily achieved many as well (although I've never actually made a physical list). I also strongly suspect that if you are wanting to know how someone got a certain image, that you can just ask and in most cases they will be happy to help you out. We are a pretty friendly bunch :) Good luck with your project :)
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