Drop down boxes

March 18th, 2015
When I click on any of the headers - Your Project, Discuss, Browse etc and I try to click on one of the sub-headings the drop down box disappears. Not sure I have described it correctly - just know the headers are not working properly.
March 18th, 2015
@pamknowler mine work on the laptop Pam. I have found things are very different when viewing on my phone though!
March 18th, 2015
Working on iPad, but of course that's no help to you!
March 18th, 2015
Same has happened when I'm using my phone. I have to keep my finger on the header then the option to open another tab comes up and I can get to it from there!
March 18th, 2015
@salza @wearing0 I am using my PC and they still don't work. How strange!!
March 18th, 2015
@pamknowler hi, sorry to hear that, I tested it on lots of browsers, which browser are you using?
March 18th, 2015
@Scrivna I am on Google Chrome Ross.
March 18th, 2015
@Scrivna Hi Ross it's working now!! Many thanks for your help - I am assuming you got your magic monkeys to sort it out for me!! LOL!!
March 18th, 2015
Mine does not work on my computer...some times it works, sometimes it does not.
March 18th, 2015
Does not work on mine :-(
March 19th, 2015
Doesn't work on my Chrome either...
March 19th, 2015
Seems to be working on Chrome for me.
I have searched and searched but cannot see where to add a new thread! Can anyone help please.
March 19th, 2015
I had trouble finding how to do it! I clicked on General heading and at the top left there was a header New Thread.
March 19th, 2015
@bella_ss oops meant to put this in my reply above!
March 19th, 2015
@pamknowler Thanks Pam, I'm sure it was much easier before, it's quite hidden now.
March 19th, 2015
@pamknowler Or maybe I was just having a little moment ;-)
March 19th, 2015
@bella_ss no I am sure I didn't have so much trouble when I last put up a thread! Mind you I can't remember what I went upstairs for so it's probably me! Lol!
March 19th, 2015
@Scrivna works fine on my Chromebook Ross
March 19th, 2015
can someone please help me find the home feed?
March 19th, 2015
@tracie8266 Click on the 365 Project at the left of the header.
March 20th, 2015
@pamknowler THANKS :-)
March 24th, 2015
@Scrivna Hi Ross just to let you know the drop down boxes have stopped working again on my PC. When I click on the header the box drops down but it won't let me click on any of the lower titles. I want to look at all my Favs but I cannot get onto the title. very frustrating!!
March 24th, 2015
@pamknowler hi, what web browser and version are you using?
March 24th, 2015
@Scrivna Google Chrome. It was ok for a couple of days after I first asked the question but it has now stopped working again.
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