New year resolutions for your photography?

December 31st, 2015
Share your hopes and ambitions for the year ahead on 365?

My goals for 2016: print (and gift) more of my images; work more in monochrome and learn about black and white conversions; and get more creative about my choice of subjects.

I have toyed with the idea of going austere by using only one camera and one lens all year as a way of really getting to grips with a single focal length:

But I figured life is too short.

If you're new to the site, what's brought you here? If you're staying another year, as I am, what's keeping you here?
December 31st, 2015
I was here before but the whole thing died out. This month I bought a film camera (and it came with a bunch of lenses and filters :o ) and found myself thinking of this project. So my resolution is just to try to keep at it. I'll probably get the ace membership and do one album for my film camera and one for my point and shoot.
December 31st, 2015
I got three new lenses and a new camera in Dec, I think my 2016 is cut out for me! Now, I just have to learn it all before my Europe trip in April.....
December 31st, 2015
To find more time for taking photos in the hustle and bustle of everyday life!
December 31st, 2015
Definitely to start shooting in RAW and try Photoshop for editing. Also try and organise files. A bit of a muddle head!
December 31st, 2015
Organize photos and learn about editing!!!! If I am very ambitious, take a photography class to take pictures more knowingly and not only hoping for a chance.
December 31st, 2015
Post every day! Carry Camera everywhere, too many times I say "that would have made a super shot" What keeps me here? the kindness, super talents, inspiration and mostly friendships that pop up whenever I log in.
December 31st, 2015
@jasperc Life is way too short for one camera and one prime lens. :)
December 31st, 2015
@motherjane @vera365 Every shot you want to show deserves the tender loving care of being shot raw, and brought into a decent editor for post processing. Enhance the shadows, "de-clip" the blown highlights, widen the tonal gamut as appropriate, enhance the color (or convert to B&W and experiment with different "grey-scale mappings), carefully crop, straighten and rationalize the perspective, correct the lens and chromatic distortion and then a dose of sharpening.

Or if you are into so-called "soft focus" effects, experiment with selective blur rather than careful sharpening. Or selectively both sharpness and "soft" focus (blur) in the same shot can give you a "sweet spot" effect that I find is way more flexible (and creative if you prefer an "art" word) than shooting Lens Baby (or other, dare I say it, optically flawed, lenses) to give you an image you can't do much with after-the-fact.

All the best for your resolutions for the New Year.
December 31st, 2015
For me, get to know a little more about video, technique and content, and video editing.
December 31st, 2015
Learn how to use flash. My husband got me a nice one for my birthday, but I still don't know how to use it properly. I keep saying, "I'll learn it" and this year, I will! That's my main photography resolution. I have a number of kinds of shots on my to-try list. I want to go back down the list of all the past technique challenges and tackle ones I haven't tried.

Also, it's my goal to participate in the weekly theme each week. I've been good about it this time around, but last time I was here, I was really sporadic. I'd also like to do a monthly theme with one of my extra folders. Guess I need to go ahead and figure out January's really quick!
December 31st, 2015
I'm new here. I will not resolve to post every day because as soon as I do that, I will not do it. Contrary, I guess.
My plan is to learn how to get the best out of the equipment I have. A fixed income does not leave much room for equipment enhancement. It does make one look for work arounds to get the desired shot. Even when they fail, it's educational.
January 1st, 2016
At 01:36 am on New Year's day, I'm still not decided if I'm actually going to do a third year year. But if I do. it will probably please @jasperc and totally confound @frankhymus ! I'll make my final decision when I awake tomorrow... sorry, later today! Happy New Year everybody.
January 1st, 2016
Take more photos. Even if it means I never go out the door. I can find something. I have house plants pets junk all over the place.
January 1st, 2016
To post a pic a day. I've been slacking the past year.
January 1st, 2016
I must learn how to use Lightroom. I must learn how to use Lightroom. I must learn how to use Lightroom. . . . Did I already say, "I must learn how to use Lightroom" ?
January 1st, 2016
@vignouse - stay stay stay !!!
January 1st, 2016
Well, I have just rolled into my fourth year, I can't actually believe I am in year 4, just can't break away, too many fab people I would miss, too many awesome photos I would miss looking at.

2016 my photography to focus on wildlife in their natural environment, Lots of patience and stealth walking I think!

And off on a photography holiday with @donna_miller @rosieKind and @Pamknowler

January 1st, 2016
On the first day of the year I have renewed my membership and am endeavouring to complete what I failed to do last here goes again!
January 1st, 2016
@susie1205 Don't think you failed! Your project to do what you want with and have fun with.
January 1st, 2016
@jasperc @frankhymus Hello Frank and Jasper - I was amused to read your comments on this thread as I had already decided that if I was to stay on here for a third year, I would do an OCOLOY project. Mike Johnston's original version was to shoot for one year with a film Leica and the same B&W film and physically print at least one image each day. I'm going to shoot digital using my new Fuji X100T (bought expressly for this project) and all images posted will be B&W JPEGS and, I hope, will all be SOOC! I can hear you tutting already Frank ;-))

Happy New Year to you both and thank you for your support in the past.
January 1st, 2016
@jyokota I'm staying - see above!
January 1st, 2016
@vignouse Very pleased to hear it. Though this might induce a fresh dilemma on my part. If I'd be in good company, perhaps I should ocoloy after all...
January 1st, 2016
@hjordis @blueberry1222 @chris17 @motherjane @vera365 @barneyone @frankhymus @emrob @meotzi @vignouse @hidr @carrieoakey @jyokota @pixiemac @susie1205

Thanks for your replies and best wishes for your endeavors in the year ahead.
January 1st, 2016
@vignouse @jasperc I had to google way could I do that, so koodos if you both pull that off!
January 2nd, 2016
Goals for 2016 - its a simple one really to try and take more photographs. There are times when even though I have my camera with me 24/7 I don't get a photogrpah on some days. There are occassions like December just gone where I will go a week or more with No Uploads ! No harm in this but I just need to get out there and get taking more photos.
January 2nd, 2016
Mine is the same as last year, and the year before...... learn more about flash photography and using layers in PSE. Hopefully at least one of these will be crossed off the list this year because I have actually signed up for a flash photography course in February.
January 2nd, 2016
@blueberry1222 I had to google it too. If "one lens" can also mean a zoom lens then that's pretty much what I've been doing all along. It's easy when that's all you've got. :)
January 3rd, 2016
@meotzi - Hi Caryn, I'm a little late joining this post, but I still like the idea of a fresh start. I'm with you! I'm also on a limited budget which doesn't leave room for all the bells and whistles. I have a wish list, but most of the items are going to have to wait. But I also resolve to find a way to work with what I do have. I can still get some very good shots, I just have to work harder at it. I have had many failed shots that have left me frustrated. But as you said, "it's educational".
January 3rd, 2016
After 2 years with my camera, I resolve, once and for all, to actually take the needed time to learn how to use it properly. It's an advanced point and shot which has manual setting, but I often leave it on automatic. But I want to learn how to use it at it's full potential.

I also resolve to be more patient during my shots. I love to shoot wildlife, but as we all know animals rarely cooperate. I always feel rushed to get the shot before they take off. But I have finally discovered that a rushed, poor shot is no better than no shot at all. And I think sometimes they can sense me rushing and therefore feel in danger and run. I resolve to be more patient which will, no doubt, result if fewer shots but hopefully much better quality ones. Quality over quantity!
January 3rd, 2016
@teresaf Hi, Teresa. We're in the same boat. I walked around for years with a 35mm SLR film camera and a 50mm lens. Period. Yards and yards of crappy photos taught me how to see what the camera was probably going to see.
My first DSLR was a Lumix point and shoot. It took great photos but everything was presets. No manual. Minimal telephoto. I loved seeing just how far that little camera could be pushed.
I also like to photograph wildlife and one of the things I had to do with that Lumix was try to get as close as possible to the subject. In other words, stalking my prey. Usually it flew away or ran off. Now and then I'd get a shot that was decent. I'm not Art Wolfe but it's okay. I learned from all the tries and that made working with my current camera a bit easier than it might have been.

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