Photography New Year's Resolutions

December 31st, 2018
Hello, all!!
What are some of you resolving to do photography wise in 2019? I know that I neglected a bunch of lenses that I own and tended to stick with the same one or two lenses, so 2019, I want to use a different lens each month. I even wrote it in my calendar already, so it's gonna happen, no excuses!
What about you?
December 31st, 2018
hey krista. thanks for starting this thread. i have been mulling some things over, and there are certain to be other things i want to do as 2019 proceeds!

first off, buying some cheap vintage lenses on eBay once i get my head round what kind of converter(s) i need
working out how to use fill-in flash for portraits - which firstly will involve working out how to use my flash full stop
finishing my photoshop artistry course
maybe checking out the guild of photographers basic qualification as a challenge and focus haha for my photography

looking forward to seeing what you get up to with your neglected lenses

happy 2019!
December 31st, 2018
Great thread and curious what others are planning.

I'm going to shoot Black and White only coming year.

Use my Helios lens 44-2 more.

Learn how to develop film (I've been wanting to do this for years but still haven't done it; I find it a bit daunting and I'm not technical at all).

Do an alphabet photo serie.
December 31st, 2018
Ditto above...great thread! The latter part of 2018 found me not not picking up my camera on a daily bases, so for me 2019 is about going back to basics and shooting every day and getting back to my love of street photography! Happy New Year to all on 365!
December 31st, 2018
I'm going to get back on the horse, firstly. Be more creative and explore my new camera. Share here where everyone is so positive and helpful.
December 31st, 2018
I hope to restart the 100 strangers challenge (which I haven't done in well over a year) but take 1 every month instead of every week.
December 31st, 2018
As its becoming obvious that my phone is now my camera of choice, I plan to start using it to its full potential
December 31st, 2018
Found many times during 2018 (Year 3) starved for inspiration and the tendency to "take pictures" rather than to "practice photography". Resolved to be reinvigorated and creative in 2019 as well as to concentrate on technique.

Oh yes, and also to comment more on other's photos. I have been dismally absent from commenting and resolve to do better next year!
January 1st, 2019
Maybe learn to process photos better and use photos to go digital art
January 1st, 2019
SO many areas I need to explore! Night photography, for one. Black & White. What Jay said regarding "photography" vs. "pictures." And definitely what Krista says about learning how to use my various lenses. I'll try some of the weekly themes out there to stay motivated. And spend more time with this amazing group of people this year - I was terribly distracted this year and didn't spend nearly the time I have in the past. Looking forward to 2019!
January 1st, 2019
Hi there, I'm a newbie so my resolution is simply to take as many photos as I can.

I also challenged myself to only using basic editing (if at all), so I can improve on my technique and composition.
January 1st, 2019
I definitely need to organize my digital photos that are just on my computer in a big mess.
(At least they are being backed up weekly - lol)
I purchased LR late last year but do not really know where to start and it will be a major chore but maybe just some every day for a bit.
Also want to learn how to post process properly. I do have PS but tend to use my PSE for comfort's sake.
January 1st, 2019
You canโ€™t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.
โ€“ Maya Angelou

I will try to find some ways to break and expand my comfort zone without going too far. For example: Not that far, that I would ask a 100 strangers, if I could take their portraits. But if I would manage one (1!), that would be great. I really admire people who are not too shy to ask.

But more important, I really hope that I find time this year to interact more with you the 365 people. I really appreciate every comment you gifted me with 2018, but I feel bad, not having commented and faved enough in return. I resolve to bring this back into balance.
January 1st, 2019
Up until now I have posted an image a day but have often taken more than one on a day and on other days not taken any. This year I am planning to try and take one every day.
January 1st, 2019
I'm planning on completing a successful 365! I have started and stopped so many times and have only completed it once. I look back on those photos and some of them are still my very favorite. I plan to be intentional with the camera and not fall off the horse this time. In fact, I decided to pick up an Ace membership again - it seems when I'm more invested, I'm more invested, you know? :)
January 3rd, 2019
Thank you for this thread, Krista! I need to document my resolution somewhere so Iโ€™m held accountable ๐Ÿ˜. Last year I had so much fun trying to marry the things I love: music, literature, and photography. I did Poetry Month in April, Book Month in June, and Songs in September and participated in all the song title and song lyric challenges. This year, I plan to do 365 days of interpretations of song titles, lyrics, poetry, and book quotes. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
January 3rd, 2019
My goals are simple... taking more photos is a great start
Get my Spain and Londontown/UK photos edited
Jump into a little portrait photography
January 3rd, 2019
@cristinaledesma33 I love your ideas there! Our lives in our family are currently full of challenges, so I won't opt for anything that requires too much work just yet, but hopefully soon. I love your themed months. I would love to improve at black and white photography and at taking portraits. So I will aim that way when I can.
January 3rd, 2019
I'm with @jaybutterfield I need to stop taking pictures and do more photography!
January 3rd, 2019
I am hoping to finish my project successfully in March then enlarge and print some of my photos for wall art and greeting cards.
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