Browsing The Latest Uploads

January 25th, 2019
When I select the latest upload that appears on this screen, clicking the left or right arrow button simply advances me back and forth through the individuals images. How do I scroll through the "latest" images without coming out and going back to the summary screen and clicking on the next one, which is quiet a laborious process.
January 25th, 2019
Unfortunately this can't be done at the moment. Though this feature had been requested of site owner @scrivna in comments after the most recent upgrade.
January 25th, 2019
@anniesue Thanks. Fingers crossed it gets done sooner rather than later,
January 26th, 2019
@followthatdreamphotography _ You can click on the "View this month" which is above the first block of eight photos on the right side of your page. It will take you to a page showing all the photos you have uploaded that month . You can toggle back and forth from there, if that helps.
January 26th, 2019
@skipt07 thanks but I am talking about the Browse /Latest that shows the latest 48 images as opposed to my own uploads. If I select the first one, it would be nice to be able to click on an arrow to simply take me to the next one without having to go back into the menu and effectively start again.
January 26th, 2019
@followthatdreamphotography _ Gotcha! That would be nice too for when participating in the, "post your favorite faves of others", for the past week where you can click on your faves and scroll through without toggling back and forth. Or if you tag your photos as I do. I make tags for my photos that make the Popular page, Trending page and the few that make it to the Top Twenty so you don't have to toggle to review them. But I don't know what it would require in programming for Ross to make that happen.
January 26th, 2019
@skipt07 Yeah, not saying it would be a quick fix within programming lol.

That aside, I am curious about the various "Pages" that you mention and how a members photos end up there or indeed, what the differences are between the three.
January 26th, 2019
@followthatdreamphotography - Well first of all Welcome to the Project Michael! Ross has created algorithms and your photos can end up on the three pages based on, views, comments and favorites or faves by other members of the Project. If you get a lot of the above mentioned I'd say 50 or more views, comments and faves your photo could make it to the Top Twenty for the week. You can see these listed under Official Top 20 Chart - Week ***.

The Top 20 is what most strive for. That is an honor to be recognized for your work by your peers. The Popular page is a slight step down from that. It's still an honor to make it though. The Trending page is slightly lower than the popular page, but still, your work is being recognized. It helps to get a lot of followers to increase your chances of your work being seen. If you are a better than average photographer people will find you and start following you. It is entirely up to you whether you return the favor and follow them. But it helps to build relationships.
January 26th, 2019
@skipt07 Thanks Skip. So not an "overnight thing" then, if you know what I mean. I am curious as to how people find you. I am always looking at the Browse/Latest Page and often notice that even after just an hour or so, a photo I have uploaded has disappeared. I guess people tend to go to the "By Day" pages.
January 26th, 2019
@followthatdreamphotography - That depends on how many followers you have. Some of the people I follow have between 300-600 followers. There are some who have over a thousand. If they post a photo and only half of their followers view and comment their photo can appear on the Popular or Trending page in hours. I see you have 12 followers. There are a number of ways to find people to follow. There are two links under browse. "Who to Follow" and "New Faces. browse them and see if anybody's work is of interest to you. You can also look and see who else the people that are following you are following and who is following them. It's good to find people that their work is pleasing to you before following them.

Since you can become a member of the Project without a paid membership there are many many people who will upload a number of photos at a time and they will, of course, push all those before them off the Latest or Day pages.
January 27th, 2019
One of the things I've learned on here is that it is good to be interactive. It seems the more you are willing to give comments the more people are willing to comment on your photos. It's hard when it's only one sided. Whatever you do, have fun with your project, Michael. Explore the site. Click on things to see what they are and you will learn more as you go.
January 27th, 2019
@mittens I agree Marilyn - 365 is at it's best when you interact with other members - having been here for around 6 years now I I am less concerned with TP PP etc and just enjoy reading others comments, sharing my images and checking out all the images friends post. I love meandering through the pages - it is wonderful the lovely images and people you come across by chance - I think a lot depends on how much time people have and what their expectations are. @followthatdreamphotography
January 27th, 2019
@skipt07 Thanks Skip. Will check out your recommendations.
January 27th, 2019
@mittens - I understand what you are saying about interactions Marilyn and also the bit about "one sided" comments lol. That can be quite frustrating especially when more in depth comments are made on someone’s photo as opposed to the generic "great photo" or "wonderful sunset".

I often wonder if some are simply looking for that kind of praise as opposed to good feedback on how good a photo is, yet how that photo could be improved to make it great. Whilst the sunset itself may be wonderful, it does not mean that the photo is too. Maybe we could have an indicator within our profile that says something like "I welcome good critique".

Since being here, there are lots of photos I have come across that demonstrate potential for a great photo but are let down by a variety of things....simple things like sloping horizons or buildings that are leaning, yet it seems quite obvious that others have either missed these things or are not bothered about them because all the comments comprise of adjectives such as "wonderful", "great" "awesome". If there are a dozen or so comments already made that fall under this kind of umbrella, it makes it difficult to then offer up any decent critique.

The thing I like about a 365 project is the challenge aspect of it. I always have fun when out and about with my camera although not sure my wife when she comes out with me enjoys it quite so much as she waits patiently for me to capture the shot after I’ve walked around checking the angles for a few minutes before I decide on the best angle.

Anyhow thanks for taking time to add your thoughts to this little debate.
January 27th, 2019
I think the main thing that differentiates this site from most other photo sites is that it's not all about the photography.
People post here for lots of different reasons. Some people are trying to improve their photography through daily practice, or motivate themselves to learn a new camera or explore a new location. For others, it's more of a visual diary and the technical merit of the photograph as a piece of art is somewhat secondary to the part it plays on their ongoing timeline. For a good proportion of users, it's simply not about whether the horizon is straight or if it will make it onto the Popular Page.
That's generally why comments on 365 are often about the subject matter rather than the technical aspects unless such feedback is actively solicited in the photo description. The site etiquette has evolved into not offering critique unless it is requested by the poster.

This subject has come before, and I believe last time people who were actively looking for critique started to use the 'critique-me' tag ( Not sure how much it's still used, but feel free to revive it if needs be. There are certainly lots of people who are looking for constructive feedback.
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