Balancing technique and creativity

August 8th, 2019
Anyone have advice on how to balance the technical side of photography and creative when trying to learn the craft? I am not a beginner although I haven't practice in so long, its easy to see why people may think I am by looking at some of my photos. I am struggling with leaning the technical aspects of photography while also trying to be creative. This is why I am doing the 365 project.
August 8th, 2019
From my perspective I focussed on the creative element. I don't do well with rules and found that at camera clubs and the like the "rules" of photography were enforced. That's where the awesome community on 365 is amazing...there's no pressure to follow the rules, in fact, you get to make your own.
As for the creative side of it, that's where I always focussed first and the technicalities soon follow. For me it's a case of having an idea or inspiration and then being faced with the "how am I going to achieve this" problem...and that's when I needed to learn (and still do).
So in short, personally I would focus on the creative side and let the technical learning follow.
It's such a personal journey that I'm sure others will disagree!!!
August 8th, 2019
I agree with @graemestevens the creative side is the most important for me and don't get involved with the techno police in camera clubs! Do your own creative thing, make mistakes and learn from them, the technique will come in its own good time. I am not endorsing any particular product here but if you have a camera that shows you on the screen or in the viewfinder what is happening with the image when you change the settings it is a great help; I happen to have a Fujifilm and these cameras do it but I am sure there are other makes. I have learnt such a lot from this ability about exposure and what works and what doesn't.
August 8th, 2019
Sometimes it may take a lot of attempts to get it right, just practice and delete - it's the joy of digital.

Here on 365 follow people whose style you like, check out the exif details of s photo and try to copy it. I shamelessly ask people how they achieved a shot,style or effect.

There are on line courses and countless websites.

Enjoy playing, succeeding and have fun. 😊
August 8th, 2019
Hi Luisa, I agree with @graemestevens... also look for the things that bring out your curiosity and bring you pleasure. Take note of who or what style inspires you. Take time to get familiar with the basics and how your camera operates. For a technical nudge.. The weekly 'Get Pushed' challenge might be just the ticket
August 8th, 2019
hi luisa. interesting question! i think i may have a different angle from some of the replies you've had so far, in that i focussed on the technical side when i started taking photos five years ago. this was because i couldn't have distinguished an aperture from a shutter speed from an iso. so i wanted to figure out how to use my camera. after a year i joined 365 and then i was blown away by the creative images i found on here, and started to experiment myself. i used to be scared of photoshop, couldn't understand how people would talk about 'playing' in there, but these days i like nothing more than a spree moving sliders and adding layers and textures and whatever. i have also had a go at most of the challenges on the site, and these spark creativity and make me try things i would never have thought of. and all the while i have found like-minded, generous, enthusiastic support from 365-ers, which has done so much for me. i'm sure you'll find the balance that works for you ... i think we can be both creative and technical at once. enjoy your project and shoot the things that call out to you :)
August 8th, 2019
@pistache I'm on your plane of thinking Clare - I started with looking at learning the technical side and how to get away from auto everything and understand the camera - 7 years later I still have things to learn about my camera and the technical side but for me now it is more about the arty creative side - I love faffing around in PSP and PS - it is therapeutic and cathartic for me
August 8th, 2019
Coming back for a second bite! With regard to learning the technical side I do agree that it is important and everyone should try to find out what is the right way for them to learn. Having said that there is no doubt that a person may be a wizard technically but still can not produce an inspiring, creative image. But it is not a matter of either/or, both are important; I am only saying that don't let a lack of technical prowess prevent you taking photographs that are truly expressions of your creativity and more importantly your relationship to the world around you. For me photography is a means of self-expression, communication and a journey into my own soul—it has become part of my contemplative spiritual life.
August 8th, 2019
curious as to what your creative goals are and what your technical goals are. i think that balance just comes with time and perseverance, keep shooting, keep trying new things
August 8th, 2019
I want to second what Jackie @30pics4jackiesdiamond mentioned. One opportunity that 365 offers is to find photographers whose work appeals to you and follow them, study their photos and figure out what you like and would want to do, and feel free to reach out to them with questions. Photographers on 365 are among the most giving people I've met (virtually or face-to-face). You'll find your own voice, of course, but by doing this, you can begin to identify the technical skills that will make what you want to do possible. For example, I learned about b&w conversions following and studying @northy 's work, among others. I learned about bracketing from @michaelelliott who is no longer active on the site, but was very influential in my Chicago photography. And keep enjoyment front and center as you go along!
August 8th, 2019
Can I just add that the get-pushed challenge that takes place every week is brilliant to learn new skills. Join in every week, you never know we might get partnered up!!!
August 8th, 2019
I also really enjoy get-pushed. Here's a link.
To join in, just leave a comment in the thread and tell Northy that you want to play.
August 9th, 2019
Just adding a welcome to you and you may find you go back and forth; for me, sometimes learning something new technically is just the ticket to reinspire the creative...and vice-versa. Have fun!
August 9th, 2019
@30pics4jackiesdiamond thank you for suggesting get-pushed. It looks interesting and I will consider joining.
August 9th, 2019
@tdaug80 Thanks for the link. As I said to @30pics4jackiesdiamond, I think I will join.
August 10th, 2019
@taffy thanks for the shout-out Taffy... and to be clear, i learned pretty much everything i know about processing from others on 365... either directly, or through being nudged into checking out tutorials on youtube...

welcome to 365 Luisa! this is a fantastic community! i don't think i would over-worry about balancing technique vs creativity... yes, technique is important, but i have found that it's much more fun learning technique in the context of trying to solve a creative problem - to get a picture to look just the way i want it to... the most important thing is to keep shooting and have fun!
August 13th, 2019
@northy thanks for the advice. It make sense to learn the techinical aspect of photography while trying to solve a problem.
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