Which new camera should I buy ?

November 18th, 2020
Lately I have made a little bit of money on the sale of my photos. So ummmm yes, money is burning a hole in my pocket lol !! I want to find that perfect camera...lol... that would allow me to not to have haul my long lens(150-600m) my wide lens and all the in between while we are out. It seems like I never have the right lens so I sometimes miss that shot. What do you recommend? Nikon cool pix 1000 ? Sony cyber shot ? Just would like when I am out to be able to do a close up and then get that bird shot that is too far away which might be too far out from whatever lens any suggestions would be great thanks
November 18th, 2020
What do you have now? Sometimes it is good to keep the same brand because they all work a little differently. Took me a while to get to know the Sony after using Cannon. In saying that I love both cameras now, the Sony lenses are a lot quicker and sharper but the colour of the cannon is still better in my opinion. Everyone is different though. Go and have a little play in the camera store and talk to the sales people then leave without purchasing, this will give you time to question things and go back and ask the questions before buying. Good luck, I am sure what ever you go for will enhance your experience.
November 18th, 2020
@sugarmuser thanks so much for responding... I have nikon 7200 body — so all my lenses are Nikon compatible. I plan to go to a camera shop and try them out before I buy . I just want to be able to know what the heck I am talking about lol and not be overwhelmed
November 18th, 2020
@samae I have never used a Nikon, so I can't help you there. I didn't have a full frame camera so I opted to change brands and start again with lenses. I do still use my old camera from time to time but it seems so slow now. I highly recommend Sony if you wanted to start over with your gear. It is overwhelming going into the camera store with no idea, be patient and maybe talk to someone who is a Nikon user.
November 18th, 2020
Always fun to contemplate a new toy! One thing to consider is that cell phone cameras can be pretty impressive. Of late when I go walking about I tend to carry only the long lens on my camera and rely on my phone when I want to go wider. It is not quite the same (particularly if you want to play with light and bokeh), but it is pretty versatile nonetheless and saves on lugging the weight and having to switch out lenses... 🙃
November 18th, 2020
If you're into Sony at all, I'd be sure to at least look at the Sony Cybershot RX10IV - bridge camera. Does get incredible wildlife shots from quite a distance as well as super close-ups with no lenses to change. That's all I carry now.
November 18th, 2020
I love my Nikon L840 - its a bridge camera but is also so versatile, does everything I need and more. As I have had it a while now I guess it has been superceded but I would find it hard to change!
November 18th, 2020
Nikon D780 - So impressive. I had a D7100. They are very similar, however the D780 had mirrorless qualities with a DSLR feel similar to that of the D7100. I much prefer it to the D810 that I used for work - it is lighter and Full frame. It might be compatible with some of the lenses you own. I use 40 year old lenses as well as modern lenses. Battery life is good. Weight is good, nice to use. Consider why you are upgrading. The D7200 is a stellar camera. Spend the money on a trip and keep your gear.
November 18th, 2020
I think a bridge camera might be good for you. They are definitely lighter but not as light as a mirrorless and give you a lot of bang for your buck in that you can shoot something close and intimate or zoom and shoot something far away without having to change lenses all the time. However Northy's point is well taken- it's incredible what some cell phone cameras can produce now. I also think it's good to stay close to what you're used to as far as brands but sometimes the budget doesn't always allow that. I was looking for something even smaller than my bridge camera because I wanted to fit it into my pocket and ended up with an Olympus because it was available and affordable. I like it and am amazed at its macro shots! Bottom line- it's a good idea to go test them out and see what feels good in your hands- pocket camera, cell phone, bridge or mirrorless- in the end the choice should be based on what best suits your goal. Have fun shopping!!
November 18th, 2020
I had a Nikon P340 for several years, and loved it. A "point and shoot" that had really great functionality. I love having a camera that fits in a shirt pocket or briefcase, but still took quality photos. The P340 isn't on the market anymore, but I'm sure Nikon has something even better.

That said, my P340 died about 2 yrs ago and I haven't replaced it. Mostly because of "life situation" issues, but also my iPhone does a good enough job as "pocket camera".

Here's specs on the P340, in case you're interested:
November 18th, 2020
What about a bridge camera with built in zoom lens/ You lose out on manual settings but they're a useful light camera for travelling and nnot faffing with leses
November 18th, 2020
I just bought a sony bridge camera RX10IV this summer and it takes great close ups and has a great zoom, and no extra lenses. Also I always have my iphone with me with a great zoom! Good luck with your search for a new camera, always a fun experience.
November 19th, 2020
I have had several of the Nikon Coolpix series cameras. I've loved them. They have an amazing zoom. And, they hold up pretty well. So, I'd say- YES!
November 19th, 2020
I'm with @milaniet and @radiogirl -- I bought the Sony Cybershot RX10IV a couple of summers ago when I had very low energy and didn't feel like doing photography because it was too much to think about. The Sony basically served as a fancy point and shoot for me, but if you take time to learn it the capabilities seem great. I also took it on my trip to the Grand Canyon with Taffy and Jane and Jane also bought one because of my chipmunk photography. I've traveled to many countries with just the Sony if I'm on a work trip and not a photography trip. Having said all this, I still love my Canon and the many lenses best when I am at home. Since all I have done in 8 months is backyard photography, I never pick up the Sony if my Canon is nearby.
November 19th, 2020
I know you said you wanted a new camera, but have you thought about just getting a new lens? Why not look at a Nikon 18-300 zoom? It's incredibly versatile and solves the problem of having to change lenses, but admittedly it'll cost more than a point and shoot camera.
November 19th, 2020
New lens rather than camera and use the money you save on a really good photographic course or experience that will improve your skills.
November 19th, 2020
I have a D7200 and a P900 (the previous version to the P1000) which I bought for it's zoom capabilities. I used to only shoot in jpeg when I bought it but now I shoot in RAW I rarely use it. If you bought the P1000 you might be disappointed by the image quality compared to the D7200. It is light in comparison to the D7200 with a lens on but still quite bulky.
November 19th, 2020
wow !! thank you all for the advice! you've given me a lot to think about !!!! thanks
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