Catching up & Christmas Greetings

December 23rd, 2020
Having a rather frantic time at the moment what with putting the house that we have been in for 41 years on the market, looking for a smaller, more manageable home, Covid restrictions (Tier 3), preparing church things for Christmas, changing plans for our own celebration, and keeping in touch with congregation folk who are in need of one kind or another. So not much time to fit in photography!

But want to wish everyone a happy, peaceful and restful (!) Christmas. Keep safe.
December 23rd, 2020
Wishing you a safe and Happy Christmas Andrew....and good luck with the sale and move :)
December 23rd, 2020
It's a busy time (more so in your line of work) - and you've made it busier! Wishing you joy at this season - and take care!
December 23rd, 2020
The same to you, dear Andrew. Wishing you and yours all the best from the craziness of our Tier 4 today. Hope the move comes together for you smoothly. Peace be with you and happy Christmas.
December 23rd, 2020
@annied @casablanca @anniesue Thank you for your kind wishes. Blessings to you all.
December 23rd, 2020
wishing the best to you.
Merry Christmas and have a great year!
December 24th, 2020
I got tired reading about all you have going on right now! How kind of you to take the time to wish us Merry Christmas! I hope your holidays are blessed!
December 24th, 2020
@gerry13 @grammyn Thank you! Take care and have a lovely Christmas.
December 24th, 2020
Wishing all the Lord's best with each and every one of these endeavors!
January 20th, 2021
sorry I missed this post. hopefully all is going well and you are healthy. New Years Blessings!
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