Lockdown inspiration

January 29th, 2021
Hey everyone. This isn't my first 365, I've done a few before. I used this site the first time around and found it a great source of inspiration, so I did another one straight away the following year.

I've started a couple since then and never got to finish them, so thought I'd rejoin this site and make the most of the community to push me on again.

Anyone else in the UK stuck with ideas to inspire them during this lockdown? I've always found winter the hardest time to be inspired as we're frequently stuck inside, and have so little daylight available when we spend most of the daylight hours at work. Now we're locked down it even harder. I don't really want my 365 journey to just be a series of photos of my two girls, as much as I love them!
January 29th, 2021
Hello! Nice to meet you! I'm new to 365. I only started last year.
When I run of ideas, I turn to me. Selfies seem to me a lot of fun. Because you can be as silly or serious as you want. And the sillier, the funnier. And always with you, lockdown or not. It takes a bit of gut to post your own face, but on the other hand, why not? You post the faces of your daughters, why not yours as well?
Another source are the challenges taking place all the time here. They are such an inspiration.
Go get them!
January 29th, 2021
Hi Andy. Yes, I'm in the Midlands, UK and I'm struggling a bit, but always seems to find something worthy of a photo. When I'm in the doldrums I often use the 'Words of the Month' which challenge me a bit harder to find something. If you're stuck inside then use photos of your girls (I use my dog), but maybe try them in a different way, eg macro or edited to bits, etc. The weekly/monthly challenges are a great way to force you to try something new.

I'm going to follow you, to see how you get on :)
January 29th, 2021
Welcome Back!! Pop in the the discussion thread, log onto the SH*T list and see what themes and competitions are taking place - you don't need to tag and enter- just have a play!!

The monthly words is a briliant list that can be popped in and out of.

Next month is black and white (with 14th a flash of red to show)
March is Rainbow Month (Mon red- Tues Orange etc)

I shamelessly copy people I see on PP and TP (with permission and I find they are ofen really kind and give me tips on how they got the shot)

Have fun,
January 29th, 2021
I have trouble in the winter with cold dreary days so I'm going to try to do the black and white month (Flash of Red Month) in February and will probably use some older photos in my folders.
You can learn about it here:
The other advice above is good too.
January 29th, 2021
Welcome back, Andy!
I find that there are enough challenges here to do two or three pics a day and still not get all the challenges done!
Like Jackie @30pics4jackiesdiamond said, there are challenges that will inspire you.

There is the Word of the Day that runs every day all year; Weekly challenges like the 52 Week Challenge, Get Pushed, and the love of selfies; annual monthly challenges such as Flash of Red, Rainbow March, Abstract August, SOOC September and more; along with a long list of standard challenges such a EOTB, Sixws, Composite, Macro, Mundane.

This should keep you busy!!

Best of all, there is a handy-dandy list that keeps all these challenges in one place, neatly organized chronologically. It comes out every Thursday called the Weekly SH*T (So Happy It's Thursday) List.

You can find it easily under Discuss: General in the top Menu
January 29th, 2021
Hi, I'm not in the UK,but in spain. We had a long lockdown in the spring and we are in "semi-lockdown" right now. When I run out of inspiration, I look at the challenges, they are usually fun and give me ideas. Another source of inspiration is shooting through a window, if you have trees and birds nearby they are interesting to shoot. I've also shot lots of macros. Even the most common of object looks amazing when you get close enough! Good luck!
January 29th, 2021
Welcome back Andy! Yes, winter is always a tough time for inspiration unless you like being out in the bitter cold photographing the snow. Along with all of the things mentioned above, I do a couple "games" and visit my archives looking for note-worthy shots that I missed the first time around. The first "game" is what I call the 30 second game. I randomly pick a room in the house and give myself 30 seconds to shoot whatever catches my eye. The point is to get shooting- most are not post-worthy but it does get you to look at the old and familiar in a new way. The second "One Year Ago Today" has me looking at photos I took on the same date in the previous year, loading them into my photo processing program and then playing around with them to create something new and different. I call this the photo-processing blender because nothing ever comes out looking like it did in the beginning after being mixed several times with effects and such. It's fun and gets your mind off the dreariness. Going into the archives is fun too- it often turns into a remember when trip down memory lane. A lot of folks also explore photographing subjects in a light box or trying their hand a "tricks" like refraction shots or water crowns. There really is more to photograph than you would initially think- it's just a matter of getting the brain cells to fire up!
January 30th, 2021
same boat here in the US. I bought a light pad recently and it has boosted my creativity for indoor shooting. I also enjoy food photography...the set up and lighting and all. it's much like still life which is another indoor possibility. finding light around the house always presents an interesting photo...best of luck, welcome back!!!
January 30th, 2021
Wow!! Thanks for all the responses, I wasn't expecting so many.

I'll be checking out the challenges, and thanks to those that have followed me. I'll be getting onto the following when I get a little more time on here!
January 30th, 2021
Hi Andy. I am in the South of England. I echo all of the above. The challenges can be fun. Also try hands, feet and what might seem mundane. I have started following so I can have a nose to see how you have been inspired (hopefully).
January 30th, 2021
@advee Welcome back. Unless you tag the people who responded to you they may not know you thanked them
January 30th, 2021
well.... after more years than i care to admit hanging out here, i have accumulated a rather stupidly large collection of "things" to photograph inside... and when in doubt... i shoot a fork! welcome back and enjoy!
February 1st, 2021
February 1st, 2021
@northy don't forget Mr Penguin 🐧🐧
February 1st, 2021
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