Saying hi!

February 11th, 2021

For years I wanted to explore photography and kept putting in on the long finger (always something more important to spend the money on). So I splashed out this year on a Nikon D5600 and am finally getting started! Just uploaded my first pic but I've no idea what I'm doing! Lots of youtube videos later! Any suggestions on where to go to get a good course to learn the basics would be much appreciated.

Looking forward to seeing your pics and gaining inspiration from you all. Here's to maybe being as good one day!!
February 11th, 2021
The best teacher I know of is experience! It is good to do video lessons and such for inspiration but please just use your camera!
You will find 365 very friendly and so supportive through all your learning.
Follow a lot of people, check out lots of different styles, see what appeals to you and - like the Nike commercial - just do it!
But - one of the best learning tools is the on-line A Day with my Camera course. It starts twice a year.
Check it out. She gently leads you through from beginning all the way through to the end.
Here is the link:
February 11th, 2021
Really, photography is first and foremost about seeing. So, just keep with taking and posting one photo from each day (no cheating the first year) and you will find that you look at the world differently. Even on the "bad" days, you just post the best of what you got that day. The technical stuff will come as you run into challenges and work to get different looks for your photos.
February 11th, 2021
Great advice from @farmreporter and @houser934. I'd add a suggestion that you look at the various challenges here at the site. You don't have to do all (or any!), but they can be a good source for inspiration / ideas.
February 11th, 2021
@farmreporter Yes, even just using it the past few days in the house has been a learning curve. Limited with the kit lens inside though, but I'll be out in a few days! (From my quaratine in my apt!)
I will check out the course, thank you!
February 11th, 2021
@houser934 Thanks for the advice! I promise not to cheat the first year! I'm really looking forward to learning!
February 11th, 2021
@lsquared I have been looking at the abstract challenge that's going on at the moment! Maybe a bit challenging but hey.. in for a penny, in for a pound! And definitely, as I figure out my style I've been checking you all out! Thank you!
February 11th, 2021
once you get going i recommend the get-pushed challenge in particular, I've been doing it since my first year here and done so many things i would not have tried or even thought to do without the weekly prompt .
February 11th, 2021
@kali66 Ok, thanks for the advice. I'll check it out!
February 11th, 2021
@kali66 @amarante
I ditto Kali's recommendation about the get pushed challenge. It is the very best challenge here.
The very best part of this challenge is that you are paired with another partner who will follow you for the week - and usually for the whole duration of your project.
It is the best networking challenge on this wonderful site.
February 11th, 2021
@farmreporter Yes, I really like the sound of that! On it! Thank you!
February 11th, 2021
@amarante welcome to 365, hope you will find this amazing community supportive. I am posting for almost 11 years and have met great friends. I will give simple advices: don’t be too hard on yourself. Never forget it is your project, your rules. You can upload whatever you want and when you want. I remember when I started I had more free time so I really took pictures everyday. It helped to improve and the challenges gave me ideas. Now I don’t like gaps so I am using many fillers and nobody cares, neither do I. I have seen many people putting too much pressure on the project and gave up, so have fun!
February 11th, 2021
@parisouailleurs Wow... that's amazing! Great advice and duly noted! I think I may suffer from being to hard on myself so I will keep your message in mind and have fun with it!
February 12th, 2021
I hope you enjoy your Nikon. My whole first year year I didn't even have an SLR. I started with a Lumix point and shoot. By the end of the year I really wanted to use a "proper" camera, but I'm a low wage baker. I had to ignore all the advice people gave me about the newest fanciest gear and saved up enough money to buy an older model Nikon that was still new in the box. I love that camera. After a year of playing with with that and using only the kit lens, I saved up to buy a longer lens. I've learned that photography doesn't have to be expensive. I've had so much fun on this website, and the people here are great and really helpful at teaching me new things. For the past few years I've been able to use my camera fully manual. I do all the settings myself for each shot. Just taking a picture every day got me there. Good luck on your journey. I'm sure you'll find your own style before long.
February 12th, 2021
@stephomy So far so good Stephomy! Totally confused by it but I'm enjoying the creativity and trying to figure it out! So glad I found this site! I'm an impatient learner so all this advice is really good for me! Thank you!
February 12th, 2021
Hi Amarante and welcome. My advice as a newbie (I started in October 2019) is have fun with it! Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and enjoy the first year!😊
February 12th, 2021
@jb030958 Thank you Jennie B.! Appreciate the advice. Just have to heed it now!
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