How clean is your camera viewfinder and the plastic surround?

December 19th, 2021
How clean is your camera viewfinder and the plastic surround?

Not really a question but an introduction. A couple of days ago, my right eye felt a little uncomfortable and seemed to get worse. I subsequently sought medical advice and was advised that I had an infection in the eye. I was subsequently prescribed an antibiotic ointment and some other drops for the condition.

I think everyone is now more aware of hygiene with the ever present Covid 19 threat as it is. I started to think how had I managed to pick up this eye infection and the only possible source was contact from the plastic surround on my camera. I tend to use the viewfinder and rarely use the illuminated rear LCD screen. I am located in Asia at the moment where it is quite hot and sticky; I thought that I kept my camera clean; I normally used the alcohol impregnated lens tissues to clean my lenses and the viewfinder glass after I have air brushed them and then use the still damp tissue to clean the rest of the camera body including the viewfinder plastic surround.

Obviously it is speculation that the infection came from the viewfinder plastic surround but I can not identify any other likely source. I have now purchased a pack of Detol antiseptic cloth wipes for keeping the body of the camera clean.

Whilst I am advised that my infection is not serious and should clear with the medication in about a week, I thought I would post this as an information, or perhaps a warning to others.

December 19th, 2021
Oh dear John, poor yiu. Thank you for thinking of us here and highlighting risks. I clean mine with wipes every now and then, and shall go right now and do it immediately
December 20th, 2021
Lucky I wear glasses. But I will let my photography know. Thank you for this post.
December 20th, 2021
thanks for the info
December 21st, 2021
Wow, hope this clears for you quickly and thanks so much for posting this....definitely something to think about and easy to forget and easy to take care of.
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