Help please :)

January 28th, 2022
Soooo I had a go with my new camera this morning, slightly con fuddled by post shooting focus (what???), figured out how to switch that off.... now discovered that as a lightroom 6 user my new camera is not supported so can't upload raw files anymore. Lightroom 6 was having a fair few tantrums too in life so think it might time to look at something else. I used a very very early edition of photoshop at one point that was out for free back in 2014ish then had lightroom 6 since about 2015ish. Anyone with any knowledge able to give advice on cloud subscriptions to adobe? Lightoom? Photoshop? Combination?
January 28th, 2022
Lightroom and photoshop are packaged together, in the photography plan. I was hesitant to go down the monthly subscription plan, but it has been totally worth it. You will find some amazing improvements in LR and PS. Any new updates you receive automatically. You also get mobile versions. That gets a little confusing at first. If you are working on a desktop computer, install the classic version.. good luck with your new camera and enjoy
January 28th, 2022
Yes, I had the same experience when I switched cameras last year. I was also hesitant to upgrade and switch to the monthly subscription, but I did and haven't regretted it at all - so many improvements and benefits, your photography will take a leap forward!
January 28th, 2022
I had Lightroom 5.7 and went through the same thing. I gave up and got Lightroom Classic CC. The problem I found is that some of the editing software that I used to use will not work on Classic.
January 28th, 2022
@peadar which plan did you go for? The lightroom only one or the one with photoshop too? Thanks for replying.
January 28th, 2022
@yorkshirekiwi Thanks, helpful to hear
January 28th, 2022
@newbank I put a note in your thread, but essentially, I'd go with them photographer's package that includes LR, PS, Camera Raw, and Bridge (thought I have not yet learned to use Bridge). They work well together as a system and you get notifications automatically when there is an update to download. Just remember your sign-in and it's super easy.
January 28th, 2022
@newbank - Check if you or someone in your family qualifies for a student discount. From their website is says to qualify "you must be at least 13 years old and enrolled in a university, college, primary school, secondary school, or home school."

January 29th, 2022
I thoroughly recommend the PS, Camera Raw and Bridge subscription too. LR also comes as part of the package but I haven't used that yet. I like that I have it on my computer at home but can also log on and use it on my computer at work as well, just so long as I only use it on one computer at a time (I guess to prevent me giving my login to someone else to use). I also like that there are soooo many options for learning through Youtube videos and online articles.
January 29th, 2022
So does PS work on a desktop without an internet connect? I take traveling, I take my desktop with me and internet connection can be few and far between.
January 29th, 2022
I have the whole package although I do not use bridge. I could not do without it anymore. I pay a yearly subscription which works out much cheaper.
January 29th, 2022
I also have the photographer package and use Lightsroom and photoshop both. Well worth it
January 29th, 2022
I too have the package; free updates periodically. Once you get the hang of how and Lightroom work both individually and together, it becomes easy to adapt to the new updates as they are released.

Have a look at the above if you do not want to commit to a regular monthly subscription.
January 29th, 2022
@byrdlip As long as you have the Classic version, not the online only version, you won't need Internet to use LR, PS, etc. I often travel with mine and use without Internet.
January 29th, 2022
@taffy Thank you
January 31st, 2022
@newbank Hi, I went for the Lightroom only plan as I felt that was sufficient for what I need to do with images. I get 1TB Cloud storage with this which is helpful. There are bonus app add-ons which also come with the deal but I haven't explored these yet. Best of luck!
January 31st, 2022
This may not be very helpful to you, as it seems everyone here who has switched to the subscription version of Lightroom/Photoshop has been satisfied with it, but I have resisted doing that so far because I hate the idea of being tied to a never ending stream of payments.
What happens if we reach the day when they decide to raise the subscription cost, or your financial situation changes and you are no longer willing to pay the monthly charges? Maybe I am especially sensitive to this because I am retired and my income is not as expandable or flexible as it use to be. Once you stop paying what happens to all the images you have edited or stored in PSD form?

At this point I am using an older edition of Photoshop, which I own, and also using Photo Raw from On 1. I do end up paying, when there are major upgrades to PhotoRaw but the thing is that I own the actual program as it is right now and, if I decide next year that I can't afford the new upgrade I will still have the program as it is, at that point, in a useable form and not have it completely pulled out from under me.
January 31st, 2022
@gardencat Thanks for replying. Yes can relate to lots of your thinking. Saving my photos to google photos too and printing them out too. For me I think lots of it is in the act of taking and processing them so for now this feels the right step to take.
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