How To get the Right judgement Of my Pics Or whom To follow Where They Can improve my photography ??

August 21st, 2011
i am using this project From Last 1 month i am good at taking shots but i don't have a good camera to So Plz Do suggest me whom to follow where i can get the Tips :)
August 21st, 2011
This Is My Fav Pic Took By me Can Suggest Me Any thing on this :| Help Me Out ...
August 21st, 2011
Follow whoever inspires you - that seems to work :)
August 21st, 2011
I'm agreeing with Annie. Follow people who inspire you or who you enjoy looking at their work.
August 21st, 2011
I looked at several of your shots. You seem to have the eye for what makes a good picture. I suggest you follow people who inspire you, people who have photos that you enjoy looking at, and people who take pictures of similar subjects.
August 21st, 2011
Oh, I forgot to say. Some people use cell phone cameras. Some use inexpensive cameras and some use expensive cameras. I have seen good pictures taken from all kinds of cameras. I think the important thing is for you to take pictures with good composition with the equipment you have. Have fun and enjoy!
August 21st, 2011
What @daisy said is so true, it isn't the camera that makes the good shot it's the person taking it. From the photo you have posted it seems you have that good eye. As for tips and people to follow, use the browse feature up the top and find people who's photos speak to you that you want to find more out about. There is also the Tips n Tricks forum which is a wonderful force of information. Just join in the wonderful community that it is here and you'll be learning lots. And enjoy. :D
August 22nd, 2011
I love this pic, and I think you have an eye for composition. It is not the camera, it is how well you know the camera that you are using. A camera is just a tool, and the better you know how to use it, regardless of which one it is, the better your shots will be.
August 22nd, 2011
good eye, I like your photo, great perspective,like your choice of b&w,
August 22nd, 2011
Yes, I agree with the others- you definitely have an eye for a good photo. When you're just starting out it's helpful to use the browsing pages to find pictures that inspire you. Following those photographers, doesn't always mean they will follow you, so what I do is look at their personal info and see how many of the follower/following thumbnails match. If I see a lot then I know that person is good about giving feedback. If I'm going to invest time into commenting on someone's pictures, I hope they would do the same for me.
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