Keeping up with all of you

October 24th, 2011
Wow I now have over 200 people following me and i 'm finding it incredibly difficult to follow each of you in return even with the daily views from folks I'm following gets difficult as some folks will post multiple pics and someone else's contribution wont be on view(no criticism intended)
So I'm working on a new system i view all the pics of the 365's that commented on my last post and them i go a few back to a previous post that had the most comments,by doing this i get to view and comment on about 100 pics a session and as much as i'd like to sit and view pics al day its just not possible...So please if i have not commented on a pic of yours and you are following my series it's not for lack of trying...i'll also take the opportunity to thank all of you that look at my pics and comment and the many fav's(always a welcome)
October 24th, 2011
I´m habving also some problems trying to follow everyone´s pics, so I am doing something similar... but also while I wait to upload my pics I open another browser and check the latest pic on home page.

Also, I open go to the album from whoever posted comments on my pics and will go a week back. After that I open the month and may go back a couple of months... it´s hard, but I am also trying my best.

Regardless of all above I always try to check the pics from the first 4 pages from each day, so I can find also some interesting work from other people.
October 24th, 2011
Yes as Lara says ... forgot to mention besides scanning the pp. page and the new faces and the days thumbnails from all the other 365 users
October 24th, 2011
This seems like a great idea Howard, it is hard to keep up at times, I am reasonably lucky that if 3G works I have an hour in total while commuting to comment. Plus the odd ten minutes like now to have a quick sneak at work.
October 24th, 2011
I am glad you post this Howard, this is exactly my problem. I feel so bad for no being able to look at photos of people I follow. And even more for people who comment on my pics and to whom I don't reply. I have the impression the more time I spend the less I follow everyone's pics :-( I have no clue.
October 24th, 2011
This is exactly why I try to keep my following list down , I do try & comment on all posts each day & feel quite bad if I don't . I think at the moment I am just about keeping up but would like to follow more without the pressure of daily comments !
October 24th, 2011
I'm feeling very snowed under right now. I've been getting up at 4.30 a.m. to knock over some of the comments before I leave for work. BUT I just love seeing everyone's pics. I also love watching people learn. Some days though, I just feel, It's not going to happen. I'm going to work out a system...I promise I am.
October 24th, 2011
I totally understand Howard. It does take long, and you do have those who will post photos but seldom do they comment on your photo. And I understand that at times youget busy or you go away and cannot post as usual, but some literall do not commnet. I will typically commnet on all for a time but soon it becomes very time consuming, so once and awhile I go through and those who have not commneted, I stop following, kind of like a house cleaning. It is nothing personal, but we are all busy and I think we need to follow a number that is comfortable to us, and an amount that allows us the time to reciprocate.
October 24th, 2011
Howard, I'm in the same place with now 550 followers - and i do the same - I have a list of all the people I follow that sometimes don't appear on my threads and when I have a lot of free time at a weekend, I will sometimes go through the whole list to catch up. No offence taken - it's nice to see an old follower back every now and then and to reconnect...I knwo we are seinging in and out of contact, but it's the nature of the site and time pressures! Still loving your stuff BTW!
October 24th, 2011
I am having the same issues, Howard! And this weekend was unusually busy for me, which made me feel even more stressed! And some of my favorite people seem to be posting at different times than they used to so I have to remember to look them up. Have you tries the system where, when you click on a photo, you hold the control button down and the photo open in a new tab? You can go down you home page and open a ton of images, and then go through them w/o waiting for them to load. That helps me some. :-)
October 24th, 2011
Hi Howard
I know the feeling & it's difficult with the sheer numbers I try to comment as much as I can & seem to fail badly even when I have made myself time to comment by not soing idividual thanks for the comments on my pics.
I would rather see the pics than get a comment myself so keep posting
October 24th, 2011
Well, it's all your fault for being a great photographer. Seriously, I understand about trying to reciprocate comments, but personally I don't keep track. Just keep on doing what you're doing and don't worry about it. I think most of us understand that we all have lives outside of 365 and do the best we can.
October 24th, 2011
I try not to keep track either. I love the comments I get and the discussions, especially, but I do what I do either way so it's OK to me if someone never comments on mine! I like to reciprocate with those who do, though, and your system is great for that!
October 24th, 2011
Yes, it's not easy and I haven't as many followers as you. I always feel guilty too, but only so many hours in the day and not all tethered to my PC unfortunately.
October 24th, 2011
I was having the same problem Howard and for the past couple of weeks I've been doing exactly the same as you. I feel better now because I know I'm not accidentally missing out those of my followers who are commenting on my work. :)
October 24th, 2011
i totally understand...i try to catch up a bit on the weekends, but it is hard....i REALLY appreciate so much all the comments i get and it is hard to not respond to all of them and my followers...please know that i am doing my best and will continue to do so:))))
October 24th, 2011
One thing I'm doing, is clicking on people who comment on my page and commenting on theirs instead of replying on mine, I figure t takes so long to view someone once, who is rely going to come a second time and see that I have replied. Also with so many on here, it is enough to get some comments every day, I wouldn't even want to hear from everyone daily, after all, this should be a fun site, not another job.
October 24th, 2011
Sounds like I'm not the only one struggling to keep up and I don't have nearly as many followers as you Howard. I try to keep up but also try to especially comment on the people who comment on my photos. I love looking at everyone pictures and try to do my best, though. I guess that is all we can do.
October 24th, 2011
I know this sounds more like a huge whine than an actual struggle to some people, but I used to be able to go in and review all my followers photos for the past two weeks. Now with close to 200 and being busy at work and personal I feel bad that I cannot, but no matter what I just do not have the time to do that. So I really do, I have been trying to figure out a way to better serve the people that do follow me. I now go back once a week and check in with all that commented on my photos. I almost wish that Ross could come up with a page of your top 20 followers (those who fave, like and comment most). That way I could hit them up really quickly or have them highlighted in my feed. But without that I actually went in and took out people that I follow that never comment on my things or return comments. I know we are all busy, but I would rather keep up with those that find my photos important enough to take time ouf of their schedules instead of filling my feed with people that do not.

I almost wish that the people that decide the project is not for them would actually unfollow me so that I can give more time to those that do.
October 24th, 2011
@5unflow3r Trina, Once again I am so behind, but i will catch up on your photos.
October 24th, 2011
@brumbe I'm working on catching up today, that I can work on getting behind again. :-D

October 24th, 2011
@5unflow3r I swear I will never get ahead again. And then us folk with multiple albums just keep going and going. I have to do city surveys of land use so at least I may get a photo today.
October 24th, 2011
I'm in exactly the same boat. I desperately want to look at and comment on all my followers' photos but there just aren't enough hours in the day. I now comment on the photos of people who've commented on mine and if I have time, look at others.
October 24th, 2011
you are all trying so hard to be fair to us all.
I think you are on the right track... is partly a way conversation .. and you can't keep up a one-sided conversation fro ever..
October 24th, 2011
Howard, I can totally understand your situation. I only follow about 50
and have about 20 followers (not a lot) and it take some time to get throught those. I really enjoy viewing everyones photos. It is my most favorite hobby! I always wondered how your "famous" 365ers keep up with it all. I really feed on the comments I get from everyone and it makes me want to do even better. I think your plan is a winner. I will be watching your project!!
October 24th, 2011
I can only imagine how much time it would take for you. I only have around 30 followers and I follow about as many and it takes time. And I have only just started this project - day 50 tomorrow :-)

I certainly wouldn't be offended if you didn't respond in person to one of my comments or if you didn't get to comment on all of my pics. Your comments are always appreciated when I receive them but no pressure! Enjoy the time you can give looking at pictures :-)
October 25th, 2011
When I previously commented about you being a great photographer, I really meant that. I reread my comment and thought when I said “seriously” at the beginning of the next sentence that you might think I was being sarcastic in my previous sentence. I only meant that I was joking about it being your own fault. Confused yet?
October 25th, 2011
I went away for a three-day weekend and am now playing catch-up. I want to see everyone's photos, but it's tough to make comments--and I begin to sound trite. So I agree with you--whatever system works for you is fine. I enjoy your photos whether you can comment on mine or not!
October 25th, 2011
Great topic, Howard. The problem is that there are just TOO many superb photographers on this site! I find it very inspiring to look at so many wonderful photographs every day, where as before I would only have found this in Photography Magazines or Coffee Table Books.
I must also take this opportunity to apologise if I miss out giving comments to some of my followers.
October 25th, 2011
@lisjam1 Lisabell I accepted it as a very generous complement straight away, i take all the flattery i can handle.
October 25th, 2011
@bmnorthernlight The main problem is I'm kind of addicted at looking at all the wonderful pics posted by the 365 members,and i really enjoy the pics if they have a story to go with it .H
October 25th, 2011
@pandorasecho What I'm doing now is posting a group thank you for all the general comments but will still reply individually to personal comments,favs,questions and general banter I actually enjoy this part of 365 as much as the pics.
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