Two Minute Hate - Your worst photos

December 3rd, 2011
No one can consistently take brilliant photos shot after shot, we all have stinkers and sometimes these make their way onto 365 :P. Perhaps i'm too sleep deprived to think straight, but I thought it might be cathartic to take a couple of minutes to post your worst (or "least favourite" if you need to be gentle) photo on 365 and throw daggers at it.

I'll get the ball rolling:

This is a filler in every sense of the word. There's no story, no meaning nothing. The shadow cast by the "artistically" out of focus toy has been horribly butchered in photoshop, hence all the hazy blurring around the edges. Really a case of grab the first think i see in my room and shoot it. Everytime i look over my project, i can't skip over this one quickly enough. bleeerrgghh.
December 3rd, 2011
I think this is my low-point. It was a brain-dead Friday night, after an exhausting week, and a photo of a bag of cheesy balls was all I could come up with. Selective colour and a motion blur - in an attempt to make it look slightly more interesting than it was. FAIL!!

December 3rd, 2011
Most of the middle of October was apparently a low point for me, as I couldn't decide what to pick from that glorious batch of cheesy iPhone shots. :). I went with this - it was my attempt at a selfie, but I chickened out at the end and cropped it. Lame.

December 3rd, 2011
These are some of my worst shots. I am sure I have lots more but these are the ones that jumped to mind first. LOL!

December 3rd, 2011
It was then end of an evening, and my experimentation with a Peep had gone awry. I gave up because I wanted to go to bed and ended up posthing this. I have a few in my project that make me cringe. This is one.
December 3rd, 2011
How uninspiring are these? !!! Because I post every day and don't post fillers I'm bound to have a bunch that are uninteresting. I think, for me,and my project, it makes me try at least, to look at each day, all day, in detail. Sometimes it works and sometimes not and that is the part I enjoy. It then makes me look at the following day more closely.

December 3rd, 2011
My first attempt at taking an "artistic" photo... MEGA-FAIL! This was before I knew about all the fab editing tools available... now I want to see if I can make it, if not better, at least more interesting. :)
December 3rd, 2011 20.....every time I look at it I want to delete it...but does remind me that I've improved a little since then...

December 3rd, 2011
My first desperate attempt at Selective Coloring. Painstakingly did this in Photoshop before a handy Picnik came into view. Plus i used the automatic watermarker, which marks my photo red and lousy and big! oh-well!
December 3rd, 2011
December 3rd, 2011
Feelin a bit o' hate for this one. I uploaded it for the breaking-the-rules-focus challenge. But the more I look at it, the more I despise it
December 3rd, 2011
What a hilarious discussion topic. I have several I don't feel at all good about, but this one just makes me CRINGE. I who hate holidays was just trying "effects" - what WAS I thinking. I really can't relate at all to what was going on to make me me do this. So embarrassing, but here it is:

December 3rd, 2011
December 3rd, 2011
Dumb, dumb dumb. Why would I take this picture? Ahh, I feel better now.
December 3rd, 2011
@brumbe that looks pretty good to me -- the food and the photo!
December 3rd, 2011
This was early in my project and I still regret even posting it. The funny thing is that I posted a much better one that day in my "extras" album. Oh well...

December 3rd, 2011
Here is one that I wasn't going to post and then posted as a filler. I don't know why because I really didn't like the way it turned out and I still don't like it. It's too busy and I was just messing around with effects to see what they would do. And here I am posting it again. I should have my head examined!
December 3rd, 2011
@scatochef This is such a fun discussion! Great idea!!
December 3rd, 2011
One more- although I tried to convince myself that the processing saved this one- it didn't.
December 3rd, 2011
Early in my project, when I wasn't sure I was even going to take and post every day. Only day ever that I only took one photo and this was the horrendous result.

December 3rd, 2011
@lisjam1 @marilyn hahaha i quite enjoyed seeing these, i've done things like this in the past. facepalm moments :D
December 3rd, 2011
In April I had a couple of stinkers. The first was my attempt at an April Fools joke picture.

The other was a day I didn't feel like leaving home to get a shot.

I did learn to forgive myself the bombs fairly early on. When I decided I was going to shoot every day I knew I was going to have some bad ones. I just had to make sure I shot every day. If you let the bombs get you down then it is easy to not pick the camera up the next day.
December 4th, 2011
I'm far from a good photographer and I've got many shots I'm not happy with but this one takes the cake.
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