Winner! CSC-26 ~ Sweet Spot

May 29th, 2013
A Great Big Congratulations to Wendy Bowden @wenbow for her gorgeous shot "The Plum Tree" !!!!! Well done !!!!!

Thank you so much to everyone who participated and gave positive feedback:) This challenge was about finding the sweet spot for your lens to aid in deciding what aperture to use and when. You all did amazing! Bravo to you all for participating, practicing something new and working hard to get some great sharp shots without diffraction!

Wendy- It's over to you now:) you can either host csc-27 or select another experienced photographer to host. It is the winner’s option on who they want to host the next challenge; it may be someone they follow whose work they admire, or someone who is active offering suggestions on previous CSC challenges. The winner may also select an experienced photographer from the list of photographers who have agreed to host future challenges as another option. Here is the link to that list if you want it:

May 29th, 2013
@wenbow Congrats Windy! Excellent Plum Tree shot!
May 29th, 2013
Fantastic photo Wendy - congratulations
May 29th, 2013
Well done...well deserved!
May 29th, 2013
Congratulations! I love this photo :)
May 29th, 2013
Thank you, Jeff.
I love participating in the csc, I have learnt so much. It was a lovely surprise to get nominated let alone win, very humbled by everyone's support. Thanks. Will source out a willing host & challenge asap
May 29th, 2013
@wenbow Congratulations Wendy...lovely moody shot.
May 29th, 2013
@wenbow congratulations Wendy!! Awesome photo!

May 29th, 2013
Congrats! AMAZING shot!
May 29th, 2013
Congrats! :)
May 29th, 2013
Congrats, Wendy. Stunning shot.
May 29th, 2013
Many congrats Wendy! : )
May 30th, 2013
June 3rd, 2013
congrats fab entry ~ I am looking forward to #27
June 4th, 2013
@wenbow Do you have a new challenge or host in mind?
June 4th, 2013
@myhrhelper I have asked Alexis to host the next challenge & he would if he comes up with a challenge @abirkill Are you still up for being the host?
June 4th, 2013
@wenbow @myhrhelper I have an idea but it's a bit of a fraud as I've not actually done it myself! Still, it might persuade me to try it too...

Edit: Although it's not technically a *camera* setting, hmm...

I've set a reminder in my calendar to start it on Thursday as suggested in Kathy's instructions.
June 4th, 2013
@abirkill Open for anything new!! When can you start it?
June 4th, 2013
It really should be a camera setting. Or at least a camera setting along with a technique @abirkill @wenbow)

Could you do this technique combined with a simple basic camera setting? Maybe take the photo using F5.6 or shutter speed blaa blaa blaa.

Also we never covered ISO so you could say for this setting put your ISO at ....
And have a link about ISO along with it.

Then state that for this challenge we are going to combine a simple camera setting and a post processing setting. To take this photo put your aperture .....
Something to that effect?
June 5th, 2013
@myhrhelper The idea I had in mind was the black card technique.

It's a landscape photography technique that involves setting the camera up to expose correctly for the (darker) ground, and then holding a piece of black card in front of the top half of the lens when you press the shutter.

Before the exposure finishes, you remove the black card. The result is similar to that of a graduated ND filter, but without needing expensive filters and holders -- the darker ground is exposed fully, the brighter sky is only seen by the camera when the card is removed, so isn't overexposed, as it would be without the card.

It does involve camera settings (you have to manually set the ground exposure). Thoughts?
June 5th, 2013
@abirkill As long as it involves some sort of camera setting it qualifies. This sounds like a really really fun challenge too! Yes I hope you do it. I would just include the camera settings direction too and it qualifies.
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