Past Camera Settings Challenge Topics

July 3rd, 2013
I looked for a list of past topics for the Camera Setting Challenges so I would not repeat earlier ones. Below is what I was able to find by searching discussion, themes/competitions. If anyone has the full list, would you please post? Or if you can fill in any missing ones, that would be great. I thought it might be useful to have the list in one place, both for those posing the challenge (like I'll be doing next) and for those who are interested in challenging themselves, in case they missed an earlier challenge, or weren't ready for it at the time.

Here's what I could find:
CSC 28 Spot Metering
CSC 27 Black Card Technique
CSC 26 Sweet Spot
CSC 25 AF Mode Al Servo
CSC 24 Nighttime Light Trails
CSC 23 Motion Blur
CSC 22 The Photographic Triangle (3/1/13)
CSC 21 Shooting in B&W
CSC 20 Camera’s Internal Meter
CSC 19 Manual Focus
CSC 18 Bokeh
CSC 17 Exposure Bracketing
CSC 16 Slow-sync flash
CSC 15
CSC 14
CSC 13 Camera Picture Styles/Control
CSC 12
CSC 11 Double/Multiple Exposure
CSC 10 Long Exposure and No Tripod
CSC 9 White Balance (July, 2012)
CSC 8 Bulb Mode
CSC 7 Panning
CSC 6 Nighttime Outdoor Photography
CSC 5 Shooting in the Dark without a Flash
July 3rd, 2013
Camera Settings Challenge #14 - Controlled Depth of Field

I'm finding them by looking for the tags btw, e.g.
July 3rd, 2013
CSC 12 was - Slow shutter speed with intentional blur aka Intentional Camera Movement
July 3rd, 2013
@humphreyhippo Thanks!! Now all we need is 1 - 4!
July 3rd, 2013
CSC 1 way back in May 2012 was:
To take a photo using f5.6 aperture setting
July 3rd, 2013
@humphreyhippo Thank you so much!! You had them all while I was still looking for CSC 1! I appreciate it.
July 3rd, 2013
For those interested . . . here is the list to date in one place:
CSC 28 Spot Metering
CSC 27 Black Card Technique
CSC 26 Sweet Spot
CSC 25 AF Mode Al Servo
CSC 24 Nighttime Light Trails
CSC 23 Motion Blur
CSC 22 The Photographic Triangle (3/1/13)
CSC 21 Shooting in B&W
CSC 20 Camera’s Internal Meter
CSC 19 Manual Focus
CSC 18 Bokeh
CSC 17 Exposure Bracketing
CSC 16 Slow-sync flash
CSC 15 Impressionism in your camera
CSC 14 Controlled Depth of Field
CSC 13 Camera Picture Styles/Control
CSC 12 Slow shutter speed with intentional blur AKA Intentional Camera Movement (ICM)
CSC 11 Double/Multiple Exposure
CSC 10 Long Exposure and No Tripod
CSC 9 White Balance (July, 2012)
CSC 8 Bulb Mode
CSC 7 Panning
CSC 6 Nighttime Outdoor Photography
CSC 5 Shooting in the Dark without a Flash
CSC 4 Shooting wide open, lowest f-stop
CSC 3 Flash Exposure Compensation
CSC 2 Shutter Speed 1/200
CSC 1 Using f5.6 aperture setting
July 3rd, 2013
@taffy No problem. It's an interesting list. :)
July 4th, 2013
It is not quite up to date, but @myhrhelper has this link for the csc with previous challenges & potential & willing hosts
July 4th, 2013
one of the first was shoot at 5.6 I would say 2 or 3
July 4th, 2013
thanks for this, it is a useful list for reference - bookmarking it now
July 4th, 2013
@taffy Thanks for that ...... something I am considering doing one month :D
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