Tag Challenge #79

August 1st, 2013
Thank you all so much for voting for my landscape reflection picture! The entries were all great, it's an honour to be hosting this challenge! Thanks to Kiran for hosting the challenge, I'm sure about to learn how difficult it is choosing the finalists!

The fun part of the challenge is you do not know what words you will get and then you have to let your creativity flow. I hope you all have fun.

Here's how it works:

Go to the "Browse" section and then select the "By Tag" link. Close your eyes and randomly click on a tag. Do it again (and no peeking)! These two tags will become your photo assignment. You will then use your two randomly chosen tags as an inspiration to create one picture that encompasses both tags. Please CLEARLY state your two tags when you post your entries, as this will let me know what your assignment was. You may submit more than one entry.

For this challenge, if you chose a set of words that you feel it would be impossible to do anything with, rather than skip the challenge all together, you may opt for the host’s tag words of “Ice” and “Family” (selected randomly as above). I know... but that's the fun part of this challenge.

Start of challenge: Thursday, August 1st, 2013
End of challenge: Friday, August 9th, 2013, 23:59 CST
Voting starts: Saturday, August 10th, 2013, 00:00 CST
Voting ends: Monday, August 12th, 2013 23:59 CST

NOTE - Photos must be taken within the challenge time frame to be considered for a vote.

The number of finalists will be chosen depending on number of entries. The winner will host challenge #80.

Please remember to tag all entries as tag-challenge-79 so that I can find them.

Please share them in this thread (optional) so everyone else can enjoy them too. You can also see all the pictures entered for this challenge here:


Good luck and have fun! :)
August 1st, 2013
Yay, a new tag challenge! Ok, I'll start. I got 'feet' and 'photography'. Lucky as they are not only easy tags but they are also my kind of tags. LOL!
August 1st, 2013
purple & leaves
August 1st, 2013
autumn + outdoors
August 1st, 2013
home + reflections
home + dust would've'bn appropriate :o)
August 1st, 2013
@gozoinklings Catherine, Lol! I would've had a ball with home and dust tags too. Too much time on 365 = Messy house! :-)
August 1st, 2013
@ikamera my husband caught me trying to take photos of a pile of dust+cat hair for the mundane challenge once - he just turned round and walked out without saying a word !
August 1st, 2013
@gozoinklings Catherine, I actually LOL'd at that. My husband would've done the same. Does he know you are the queen of EOTB?
August 1st, 2013
@ikamera he's amazed by people's eternal love of rust and that i won one week when there were only 8 entries ha ha ! queen indeed!
August 1st, 2013
Mine is Film-Lives & Self Portrait. Not too bad as I will be dabbling in Analog August (though not all the time).
August 1st, 2013
@ikamera What cool tags to get, I would have loved those!
@wenbow Should be able to work with those easily enough!
@teamquavers Autumn is not so easy for some, we are about to go into spring!
@gozoinklings Those are cool tags.
@la_photographic Looking forward to seeing what you come up with
August 1st, 2013
Mine is Dog and Portrait, how lucky is that, now to get my little lurcher to face the camera instead of turning her back on me!
August 1st, 2013
I got "city photos" and "plant photos." An urban plant? Street portrait of a plant? hmmm...
August 1st, 2013
I thought I might have a go at this - not done a challenge before. My words are fun + flower. Now that's got me thinking!!
August 1st, 2013
August 1st, 2013
This will be my first tag challenge, sounds like fun so I think I'll give it a shot! I got bokeh and garden, so I think I know what I'll be doing on my photo-walk this afternoon. :) hehe
August 1st, 2013
@silverlight Ooh, I would have liked that one! Though my dog has been sort of fed up with me recently since I've been sticking my camera in his face while he's napping! :)
August 1st, 2013
rainbow + chruch ... ehhe
August 1st, 2013
nature + red -- I ought to be able to come up with something!
August 1st, 2013
Garden and Landscape?Lady luck was with me.:) But I love @handerle !
That would have been fun!
August 1st, 2013
@silverlight What a bargain!
@tracys Looking forward to what you can come up with.
@pamknowler Pam I'm sure you can ace this.
@picturedrox That looks interesting and should get some creative juices going!
@handerle It certainly can be a whole lot of fun!
@ragnhildmorland Well now that's an interesting combo.
@taffy Those are cool tags to have!
@mzzhope Looks like a bargain to me!
August 1st, 2013
Leaves and nature. Thank God they can go together! Don't know if I did it orthodox this time, but I was tired of landing between tags and trying to guess which one I "got." So I kept closing my eyes and landing and clicking until I had two that actually clicked through to their linked pages, so I was sure which tags I had genuinely landed on.
August 2nd, 2013
Well, here's my first one! I will be posting another one or two tomorrow. I got so many good shots! :) I did it right away because I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow (camping!), and won't be back until next Friday.

BTW, my tags were Bokeh and Garden, I don't know if I have to restate them or not.
August 2nd, 2013
Clouds and kids. Sadly my kid grew up and left home. I will have to find another one.
August 2nd, 2013
@carolinedreams Kids would pose a problem for me too.
August 2nd, 2013
@handerle I think it's a good idea to add what your tags were so anyone scrolling through will know exactly what you were working with. Very cool capture btw. I like all the different greens and the flare.
August 2nd, 2013
Here are my last two entries! I wish I had gotten into this tag challenge sooner, it has been so much fun! I got so many cool photos, it was hard to narrow it down.

My theme/tags were Bokeh and Garden.
August 2nd, 2013
I got tags happy + self portrait - this should be fun!
August 2nd, 2013

My entry for Dog and Portrait. Not an easy picture to take as she is a lounge lizard and flops down into relax position or turns her back. I will try and get another shot before the entries expire (don't hold your breath though)
August 2nd, 2013
@linc That does sound like fun
@silverlight She certainly looks quite comfy!
@handerle Very nice, great answers to your tags!
August 3rd, 2013

Dog and Portrait
August 3rd, 2013
I got b&w and leaves.
August 4th, 2013
Street performer
Tags I got are 'Feet' and 'Photography'.

August 5th, 2013
I would like to join in. My tags are landscape and blossom. I have been away from 365 for nearly a year! I have missed these!
August 5th, 2013
@silverlight That dog looks super comfortable!
@misterkitty those are really cool tags
@ikamera very nice answer to your tags
@megstorey welcome back. Around where I live those tags would be great to work with.
August 5th, 2013

Ooops, more Dog and Portrait!
August 5th, 2013

Dog & Portrait
August 5th, 2013
rainbow+macro #1
August 6th, 2013
Garden & Landscape. This is the place where I wait for insects with my macro lense.
August 6th, 2013
Feet & Photography

Jumping Puddles

August 6th, 2013

Street and brown xxx
August 6th, 2013
nature + red
August 6th, 2013
macro & abstract
August 7th, 2013

Dog & Portrait
August 8th, 2013
Leaves & Nature
August 9th, 2013
Purple & Leaves
August 9th, 2013
@silverlight Loving your doggie portraits, Cheryl
August 9th, 2013
@wenbow Aaaw fanks :)
August 9th, 2013
Feet & Photography

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