Theme for a week: space and/or silence

August 4th, 2013
In an effort to revitalize my photography and try to rekindle some inspiration, I'm going to try doing the themes of "space" or "silence" during this week. If the idea appeals, you're welcome to join me, either for a single shot, or a few more if you like the idea. Just tag them "space" or "silence". And of course, you're welcome to post them here.

I started yesterday without realizing it, so will probably give it to next weekend, though I may not always succeed in putting something up each day. If you want to play, latest cut-off would be the end of Sunday 11 August.

Looking forward to seeing your ideas!
August 4th, 2013
One from me...

and another...

August 4th, 2013
Yup! I can go with that. My effort from today tagged under space AND silence

August 4th, 2013
This one seemed to fit both space and silence, so I tagged it with both. Here it is.

August 4th, 2013
August 4th, 2013
I think this fits both space and silence.
PS Nice theme, Ariel!

August 5th, 2013
August 5th, 2013
August 5th, 2013
Wow, what lovely photos - these really capture the mood! @jeanbelleisle @cameraholic @mara19500 @grizzlysghost @writingdays @steampowered
August 6th, 2013
Fun! Here's mine.

August 6th, 2013
Fascinating idea for a theme. I'll try to see what I can come up with.
August 6th, 2013
August 6th, 2013
@mercuria And one from me, but I'm a newbie and I dont know how to insert my image so here is the link, sorry ! :)
August 6th, 2013
Wheat n sky
August 6th, 2013
@zam No worries, Zam. If you look at the righthand side of your page there should be an option for "share" and a little box with lots of html code in it. You can just copy and paste that code here, and it should bring up your picture for you :)
August 6th, 2013
August 6th, 2013
@mercuria thank you so much I just cant see it on my phone, I will try it later from my desk:)
August 7th, 2013
Clicked yesterday on a quiet night stroll by a empty road, and adding it based on a suggestion by my friend Hope @mzzhope .

August 7th, 2013
Here's mine: A Quiet Morning
August 8th, 2013
August 8th, 2013
the space on the beach and the silence of the lost footstep
August 8th, 2013
Thanks everybody - it's really interesting seeing your take on this theme! Some great shots here!
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