MUNDANE CHALLENGE 28 starts Thursday 17th October

October 16th, 2013
As Hope says, I won by a squeak, which doesn't surprise me considering how great all the finalists were - i thought Dawn had it in the bag :o) which leads me seamlessly to my choice for the next mundane challenge - TEABAG (in the singular or plural)

A bit of a tea addict myself, picking this object makes me smile imagining you lot in the early hours sipping your cuppa and eyeing your box of teabags in a dozy but predatory fashion - but, before you grab the camera & head off for the kitchen, read below for more details:

The mundane theme was started by Aaron @grizzlyghost, for those of us who may have lost inspiration. He suggested we take an ordinary, boring object and start shooting it. Turn the ordinary into the extraordinary!

You are free to use any photographic technique you like to capture this everyday object. The only rule: there can be no question THE OBJECT OF THE CHALLENGE IS THE STAR!

The challenge officially STARTS Thursday 17th October and ENDS on Friday 25th October. I'll then pick the finalists shortly after this date and voting will begin :o)

Please TAG your entries: mundane-teabag

You can have more than one entry for the challenge and can check out all the entries here:

Don't forget that Hope will be also be launching the ABSTRACT challenge - read her post for details and some idea of the difference between the challenges

Feel free to POST YOUR ENTRIES ONTO THIS THREAD as well, as inspiration for others!

The following is a list of objects used so far for the challenge: toothbrush, screwdriver, veggie peeler, bar of soap, scissors, electrical plug, paperclip, jar, language, cardboard, toothpick, hex key, hair comb, screw, button, key, coin, ballpoint pen, shoe, glass, plastic bag, thread, books, lightbulb, toilet paper, envelopes & door handle.

October 16th, 2013
Haha!this post made me laugh and smile!A huge teaaholic myself,I love this challenge!My boxes of Earl Grey and Tazo Awake better run!
October 16th, 2013
This one will sort out the coffee drinkers from the normal people ;)

/runs away
October 17th, 2013
@gozoinklings Hmmm. I make my own masala chai, but my tea is in bulk, no bag included. I'll have to get some herbal tea for this one I guess.
October 17th, 2013
@kaesebiscuit hahaha!
October 17th, 2013
I don't drink tea in bags either! can we do tea-leaf fortunetelling instead ? lol
October 17th, 2013
@gozoinklings ahhh a tea lover!!😍 my favorite bevearge, consumed daily out of the biggest mug I can find ( really big)
October 17th, 2013
@momsta & @skygirl c'mon this one is made for us teapots!
October 17th, 2013
@bill_fe @kaesebiscuit @mzzhope @kali66 @sianipops oh dear - i have clearly labelled myself as a low quality tea drinker with this bag business Bill - maybe you could make the leaves look like they burst out of a bag kali and yes Mr Fromage Biscuit watch the coffee drinkers go pale !! Bigger the mug the better Nia and Tazo Awake sounds like a tazer shot of tanine Hope !
October 17th, 2013
@sianipops Ok Nia. If you're in, so am I. I'll try and twist @skygirl s arm
October 17th, 2013
@momsta yes yes michelle :o)
October 17th, 2013
@momsta I'm in, just need to find some time ( Sunday looking possible)
October 17th, 2013
My entry attempt..

October 18th, 2013
@momsta @nia - girls I am SO in. Hooray for @grizzlyghost for making our eyes and brains look at things differently. Teas the word. Lets go!
October 18th, 2013
A different use for tea bags

October 19th, 2013
To hell with George Orwell ;-)
October 20th, 2013

October 21st, 2013
October 22nd, 2013

October 22nd, 2013
October 22nd, 2013
Slightly different take on this challenge

October 22nd, 2013
October 23rd, 2013
October 24th, 2013
Read about the "steam"

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