Abstract Mundane Challenge 30 Come kick the can!

November 12th, 2013
Thank you to Taffy @taffy for hosting the last abstract mundane challenge.And thanks to everyone who voted for my image,"Swaying" as the winner of the Abstract Challenge 29-Broom !

@northy Northy,as winner of the Mundane Broom Challenge has selected TIN CAN as the object for this next challenge.

The rules for the Abstract Challenge are as follows:

1.IMAGES MAY NOT BE DOUBLE TAGGED.( your mundane image must differ from your abstract image) Here is a definition of abstract: http://www.photokonnexion.com/?page_id=2406
2.The challenge will run concurrent to the Mundane challenge

The challenge officially starts today Monday November 11 and runs through to the end of Sunday November 17th... on Monday the 18th i will pick finalists for voting...

Please TAG your entries: abstract-tincan

You can have more than one entry for the challenge and can check out all the entries here:

Feel free to POST YOUR ENTRIES ONTO THIS THREAD as well, as inspiration for others!

The following is a list of objects used so far for the Abstract challenge: toothbrush, screwdriver, veggie peeler, bar of soap, scissors, electrical plug, paperclip, jar, language, cardboard, toothpick, hex key, hair comb, screw, button, key, coin, ballpoint pen, shoe, glass, plastic bag, thread, books, lightbulb, toilet paper, envelopes

Have fun!!

November 14th, 2013
Here is mine to kick off the competition!
November 14th, 2013
Here's mine
November 14th, 2013
@mara19500 fabulous! Love the b&w treatment
November 14th, 2013
@mzzhope Thank you, Hope!
November 17th, 2013
One more day to get you abstract tin-can photos in!
November 17th, 2013
I decided to do my as a tribute to the ultimate king of abstract. Rashaan Roland Kirk:

November 18th, 2013
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