Join this group to give and receive honest critiques !

March 13th, 2014
@jgpittenger Jane Pittenger started a discussion on this subject earlier and there was a good response. Jane is about to go on vacation so has asked me to take it to a further level before the kettle goes off the boil!

What we would like to happen is to identify those members who would prefer honest constructive criticism to further their learning, rather than a high number of followers who post nice comments but give no suggestions as to how you could have done it differently/better.

We do, of course, want to hear what we have done well too. Someone suggested a critique sandwich which I think is a good guideline/framework to giving constructive criticism. This is my interpretation:- Try to find two positive points and two points which could be improved or done in a different way, then make a sandwich when posting your comments ie Make a positive comment about what you like about the shot or what you think the member has done well, followed with 2 suggestions which you think may be helpful in improving technique/ camera settings/ creativity etc then finish off with another positive comment. It wont always be possible to apply this format but you get the idea.

Please remember that you may not always agree with the critique you are given as the viewer may not always know what you had hoped to achieve and will base their comments on what they would have done with the subject. Don't take it too personally or be offended as it is only one persons opinion and therefore subjective. It's yours to take on board or ignore.

If you are still interested in this group, post a 'I'm in' comment on this thread to show your commitment and make sure you follow all the members who have posted 'I'm in'

When posting your photos put CW (critiques welcome) at the beginning of your description, as suggested by Jane, as this may encourage other members to follow.
March 13th, 2014
I'm in.
March 13th, 2014
I'm in. I feel my photography is stagnating and hopefully input from others will give me the necessary push! I just hope I can reciprocate and help others.
March 13th, 2014
I'm in.
Joined 365 to get this help and offer an opinion for others tococonsider. While I really appreciate the wonderful people on here and support given, my main objective is to to give me motivational factors to practice and learn from others.
March 13th, 2014
count me in
March 13th, 2014
count me in
March 13th, 2014
And me
March 13th, 2014
Me too
March 13th, 2014
Me too
March 13th, 2014
I am happy to Critique peoples work if they just tag me in the comments. :) @sfgarvin @salza @macromover @semjaja @frantic @oopsadaisy @swilde @kjarn
March 13th, 2014
I'm in - always looking for constructive criticism.
March 13th, 2014
I'm in.
March 13th, 2014
I'm in.
March 13th, 2014
I'm in.
March 13th, 2014
I'm in
March 13th, 2014
I'm in (but will be on vacation Mar. 14 through Mar. 23)
March 13th, 2014
I'm in.
March 13th, 2014
I'm in!!!
March 13th, 2014
I was in until the last part of your description about following all the people who say they're in. As much as I enjoy it here, I spend way too much time and have been looking for ways to cut back. There is no way I can follow (or be followed by) a lot more people, and take the time for detailed comments. I welcome critiques, will use CW, but regretfully need to limit my involvement.
March 13th, 2014
@agima thanks for that Brendan. Perhaps you could be so kind to follow people on here who are very open to receiving constructive criticism and want to learn from more experienced photographers. Hopefully we will all put CW ( critiques welcome) in the description so viewers will be aware of the request.
March 13th, 2014
i'm in (just said that on another page - there seems to be paralell threads running on the same subject). But I agree with Ross @rvwalker - I will use CW on my shots and comment accordingly when I see CW mentioned on someone elses shots but won't be starting a whole load of new followings due to time and how I am participating in 365 this year - I just post once a week with the @se7en team.
March 13th, 2014
@rvwalker Thanks for that Ross. There has been a good response to this thread so it may not be practical to comment on everyone every day but you will recognise when the photographer is open to honesty by the CW in the description and can critique when you see a post that you feel you have a worthwhile contribution to their learning and improvement. Even 2 critiques each day means you have helped 14 people each week. We started this group to encourage more people to do more meaningful, helpful comments. Personally, I would prefer a handful of constructive comments to dozens of nice comments which don't make any contribution to my learning. Thanks for raising this issue. Hopefully others will read this and realise that although you follow everyone in the group, you don't have to comment on everyone everyday.
March 13th, 2014
I'm In, and will try very hard to critique at least some each day. Work permitting.
March 13th, 2014
I am in!
March 13th, 2014
I'm in too, with the same caveat as Ross and Linda. I will certainly try to comment on several photos a day but not necessarily follow everyone on this list.
March 13th, 2014
im in
March 13th, 2014
I'm much to learn.
March 13th, 2014
Yes, I am on the same page as @happysnap and @rvwalker...I'd love feedback and to give honest feedback, but can't add more time and people that I follow. I just have to cut back, but welcome any critique and will gladly give it should I see someone requesting it. I am not so technical with photography, but I do have suggestions for composition periodically.
March 13th, 2014
I'm in
March 14th, 2014
I'm in same cane as Amanda Ross and Linda
March 14th, 2014
Same camp - ugh!
March 14th, 2014
@amandal I agree, too many to follow... which is why I suggested a tag in the other thread. maybe?
March 14th, 2014
I'm in, too. Love the idea of giving and receiving constructive criticism. Using CW and a tag sounds like the best combo. What about a tag+the date such as CW3-14. This would create a daily pool of photos from followers who would like critique.
March 15th, 2014
I'm in for sure!
March 15th, 2014
I'm in..... I will try to comment on several photos a day but not necessarily follow everyone on this list.......same feelings as @happysnapper65, when I started this project 4 years ago, my objective was to improve my photography and receive opinions and ideas on how to achieve this, it did start out that way, but I feel the site is becoming, dare I say it, more of facebook with photos....phew I said it!! Although I do understand that each person has their own ways and expect different things from this site.....I suppose that is what makes it so appealing to be part of it!
March 15th, 2014
I'm in, and I like the tag idea vs. the follow idea (as many have stated above, so I won't repeat what they said). I love the exchange of constructive feedback, so I will try to comment as much as possible!
March 15th, 2014
I like the tag idea too. It would make it easy to find and at least for me, there are times when I know what I'm uploading is a snapshot and I don't want to waste anyone's time.
March 16th, 2014
OK! I'm in!
March 16th, 2014
looking to get more involved in the community and more serious about my photos. i'm in!
March 16th, 2014
@pflaume I like your idea of the tag Lisa. Like the others I won't add new people but will respond when I see the CW. If a tag is used we can visit someone else's pics like we do with macro march.
March 17th, 2014
@sfgarvin @salza @macromover @semjaja @frantic @oopsadaisy @swilde @kjarn @agima @candia @longexposure @nicholas @paulty @cgarner @genealogygenie @archaeofrog @archaeofrog @peggysirk @rvwalker @happysnap @sioux @ribbet9 @gardencat @pittcj17 @brianarmoured @amandal @voiceprintz @northy @zosimasy @pflaume @silverback5 @lesleyallen @mace508 @aponi @unfolding @carmadilla @carmadilla @bella_ss Wow! An amazing response to Jane's suggestion to identify those who want constructive feedback. Reading through the responses I can see that some members don't want to add to their following list or to comment on dozens of shots each day. Personally I think that's perfectly ok. Some of the new members may want to be selective in who they follow and it's likely they will follow more from this thread than those further on in their project. So , follow as many as you like and give feedback as often as you want. I don't think anyone wants to find this idea an added chore and more demand on their time. So now to how to draw attention to the fact that you want to give and receive constructive feedback. Jane suggested CW at the beginning of the description and others gave stated they would like to add a tag. How about combining both with a CW3 tag (the 3 for March, 4 for April etc) and you can also add it at the beginning of the description if you want. I think the main thing to be gained from this thread is that we have identified more than 30 members who are willing to participate. If the tag CW plus a number for each month is acceptable please reply to this and we will go with the majority. I am currently in Australia with no internet connection so have had to do this where I find a cafe with wifi. So, I'm hoping we can come to something flexible for all participating in this ASAP. If not, hopefully Jane will be back soon and take over any further communication herself. Thanks again for all your responses.
March 17th, 2014
@happysnapper65 Where in Australia are you?
March 17th, 2014
@happysnapper65 I think to tag with CW3 etc is a perfect solution and a lot easier than following everyone who is interested in participating. Plus you can also ask for critiques on certain shots only and not on every single one! Thanks for all your efforts in getting this up and running.
March 17th, 2014
Love the CW3 tag idea. It's simple and easy to remember...and as Brendan has asked...where are you?
March 17th, 2014
What a good idea. My first CW3 shot is going up now!
March 17th, 2014
@swilde @agima I am in South Australia, up in the Adelaide hills. We are staying in Hahndorf , a little Township in the hills. Early settlers were mostly German and came in a ship with Captain Hahn, hence the name. I have a son and 3 grandchildren here so come for 2 - 3 months each year to escape the British winter and spend time with family. Also have a sister in Perth Australia so stopping there for 2 weeks on the way home to Blighty. Back to Eastbourne 6th April .
March 17th, 2014
@happysnapper65 I totally love Hahndorf. Haven't been there for years but I remember spending heaps of money there. Great food.
March 17th, 2014
@happysnapper65 Yes like the CW and the number idea. :)
March 17th, 2014
@happysnapper65 I agree the tag would be great, as I'd only like to see and show only certain photos :)
March 17th, 2014
I'm for the CW3 tag, should make it easy to find those who would like feedback without flooding our daily feed.
March 17th, 2014
I agree about the tag--to clarify, will it be simply CW3 for March, or will it include the day's date (for example, CW3-17 for March 17), as was mentioned somewhere in the thread above? Either way works in my opinion--the short tag is easy to remember and will give us a big pool of photos to pick from when we search for it, so that would be my vote...but just wanted to be sure of which way it will be before I start tagging stuff. :)
March 17th, 2014
I will give it a try. Also, since not everyone will know what CW means, I've been adding an explanation to each description for the last few days, and will stop that after a week or so. Like this:
March 17th, 2014
@mace508 I think the CW3 for March keeps it simple and easy to remember.
March 17th, 2014
@rvwalker good idea Ross. I will probably do the same for a while till it becomes familiar to others.

March 17th, 2014
@salza @nicholas yes I agree as sometimes I will post something that doesn't really require CW eg some of the themes and competition shots. I will just omit the tag on these.
March 20th, 2014
yes i like the tag, good idea
March 20th, 2014
Tag sounds good to me :)
March 20th, 2014
@rvwalker I like how you did that Ross. If anyone sees the CW they can critique without actually searching out the tag and you see it at a glance. Whereas others might be up to critiquing a couple of shots and will use the tag.
March 20th, 2014
I'm in!
March 20th, 2014
And I too agree with the need to keep one's daily commitment within reasonable bounds. CW3 for March etc sounds good to me.
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