I am pleased to announce the First Friday F-Word Weekly Challenge. I am honored to be the first host of the challenge which was dreamed up in a blur by @joemuli. This has been an annual "February" Challenge that Joey has hosted for a number of years. And...after much discussion it was decided to try it weekly and see how it goes.
The F-Word Challenge will begin tomorrow/today Friday-March 6th. There will be a weekly F-Word THEME . All entries must be posted by midnight Wednesday of the following week and the WINNER will be announced on Thursday. The WINNER will then be posting and hosting the following week's Challenge and Theme on Friday for the next week...and so on.
Please make sure your F-Word entries are tagged F-WordW1.
This week's F-Word Challenge Theme will be the word "FREE"
Thanks and hope you will join in and have some FUN!
@nanderson D'oh! (slaps forehead, Homer Simpson style), this is a WEEKLY challenge? I don't have to take/post photo today, Friday only? can I have more than one entry?
free sounds like a wonderful thought