Hi everyone
It seems that there has been some interest in getting the F-word challenge back into play. @llindi was the last winner but it has been some time since that happened.
I offered to set up a new one to get it going again. After some thought and a good look at the previous words used, I've come up with FELICIFIC meaning causing or tending to cause happiness or relating to or promoting increased happiness. I like the idea of taking a shot of something that causes me to feel increased happiness.
Let you imaginations take control!
Back in February Vera set up a thread about whether the F-word should go to a vote like other challenges or continue in its original format. The general consensus was to have finalists for the vote to make this challenge consistent with the other challenges on 365.
So here are the challenge details:
tag: f-wordw42
tagged photos: f-wordw42
dates: Wed 27th April to Thurs 5th May (a little over a week)
voting: 6th/7th May
All entries must be taken and posted within the time frames above.
Glad you set it up! And with a short voting period, it should not be slowed down - from the experience, 90% of the votes for any challenge tend to come in in the first couple of days anyway.
@glennyarnell Hi Glenn! Great that you want to give it a go. Just take the picture in the time frame of the challenge, post it to your project, and - as you post it - when you see the field "tag" on the upload, put there the tag for the appropriate challenge. In this case: f-wordw42 . After the deadline, the challenge host looks at all the pictures that have been submitted for the challenge (they will be viewable at http://365project.org/tags/f-wordw42) and picks finalists for the vote.
Have fun!