Album Cover Challenge 72

November 24th, 2016
Thanks to all for voting on Album Challenge 71 and putting my stab at a Blues album in the winning spot. And thanks to Heidi @transatlantic99 for doing such a great job hosting it! I really liked the "twist" she added in, so I'm going to continue that.

Here's how the challenge works.

To get a title for your album you can choose one of two ways.
1) Go to or wikkiquotes or any other quotation website for a "quote of the day". Your album title is the last 3 to 6 words of that quote.


2) Heidi's twist was to supply you with a pre-selected quote. You could then choose any 3 to 6 consecutive words from that quote to make up your album title. So here's my pre-selected quote for you from Elliott Erwitt who is best known for photographing what he called the "decisive moment":

To me photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place. I've found it has very little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.

3) Next, choose your artist by going to Wikipedia and choosing the link for "Random Quote" on the top left side of the page. The first article that you get is the name of your musician or band.

4) Now find or take a photo that fits your artist and title. You are allowed to edit to your hearts content on this challenge so go for it! You can use any photo processing program you choose, but the photo(s) must be yours and it must be edited during the timeframe of the challenge. Remember, albums are square to crop your picture accordingly.

5) You can enter multiple entries on this challenge.

6) Tag your album cover albumcoverchallenge72

7) You can also post your album cover in this discussion thread if you'd like. Click on the three dots under your picture and then copy and paste the embed code in the comment box below. Your picture will appear in the discussion once you click on "post comment".

8) Album Cover Challenge 72 begins Thursday, November 24, 2016 and runs through Saturday, December 9, 2016 (12 midnight, EST). I will select the finalists and post them for voting on Sunday, December 10, 2016. The winner will be announced on Wednesday, December 13, 2016 and will have the honor of hosting the next album cover challenge.

I'm looking forward to see where your creativity takes you!


November 24th, 2016
Whakataki River

As long as it wants

You can't deny laughter; when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants.

Stephen King (1947 - ), "Hearts in Atlantis"

November 24th, 2016
ps THIS is where you might want to fix your wikipedia link ooops :)
November 24th, 2016
Mikael Bohman

To become...familiar

After you've been in a place for a while, everything starts to look... I won't say better, there's no need to go to extremes...but your everyday life does start to become...familiar.
- David Assael, Northern Exposure, Russian Flu, 1990

November 24th, 2016
Artist: Fini Scad
Title: Sense of purpose

Full quote: Making duplicate copies and computer printouts of things no one wanted even one of in the first place is giving America a new sense of purpose. - Andy Rooney (1919 - )
November 27th, 2016
@kali66 Sorry about that- had trouble with my copy and paste that night.
November 27th, 2016
@kali66 @dyanstevens @salza

Great quotes and interesting names- looking forward to the entries!
November 28th, 2016
Artist: Chris Barrett
Title: Share Your Courage With Others

Full quote: Keep your fears to yourself, but share your courage with others. - Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 - 1894)

November 28th, 2016
@sarahsthreads Great job Sarah!
November 30th, 2016
So I got
Artist : Love Thing - a song by recording artist Tina Turner from her 1991 album Simply the Best

Title : The world ridicules a passion which it seldom feels; its scenes, and its interests, distract the mind, deprave the taste, corrupt the heart, and love cannot exist in a heart that has lost the meek dignity of innocence. - Ann Radcliffe
November 30th, 2016

Title - from your quote
Artist - A tree frog found in India
Photo- is he another 365er??
December 1st, 2016
@carolineb7 Some great components to work with there Caroline!
@30pics4jackiesdiamond He could be!
December 2nd, 2016
December 2nd, 2016
Forgot to post mine to here
December 3rd, 2016
@dyanstevens @carolineb7
Great contributions Dyan and Caroline! I can see this is going to be a tough one to "judge"!
December 7th, 2016

December 8th, 2016
@yorkshirekiwi Well done! Thanks for joining in!
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