December '16 Word List

November 30th, 2016

Thank you to everyone that helped to put the December word list together. It saddens me, but, as explained earlier, I am no longer able to continue with this project. I did decide against the promotion due to health issues that I have not over-come as well as I had hoped. So, even though I won't have those extra tasks and learning curves ahead of me, I do need more healing time. Therefore, unfortunately, unless someone else would like to take the list on, this will be the last one. I will be reaching out to other 365'ers to see if anyone will want to take on the administration duties of this list.

Please note that the dates are just recommendations and you do not have to stick to them, you can use any of the 41 words in any order you like.
The tag for December will continue in the same format as before, first three letters of the month, the year and then ‘words’ (dec16words).

* So tag your photos with dec16words to see them all here:

This is how I have compiled our list:
I totaled all the words that were nominated more than once or had date associations. These became the words that were used.

The bonus words for the month are: Birthday, Anniversary, Sagittarius, Capricorn (star signs), Tanzanite, Zircon, Turquoise (birthstone) and Narcissus, Poinsettia, and Holly (birth flower).

And here is our list:
1 Gold
2 Beach/Snow
3 Boats
4 Red
5 Waterpark
6 Sparkle
7 Tree
8 Bauble
9 Bokeh
10 Cook(ing)
11 Decorations
12 Twelve
13 Festive
14 Ornament
15 Frost
16 Star
17 Wrap
18 Busy
19 Chips
20 Error
21 Winter/Summer
22 Family
23 Fizz
24 Stocking
25 Santa
26 Glisten
27 Lights
28 Reflection
29 refraction
30 Salad
31 Old and New

I hope everyone enjoys. Merry Christmas and happy new year, if I don't get back to seeing you!
November 30th, 2016
@debrac Hello Debra hope you enjoy your Xmas and that your health issues resolve and or stabilise take care Dawnee
November 30th, 2016
Sorry to hear Debra - hope that you get the time you need to heal. Congratulations on a job well done and for all the time you have put into this project 👍
November 30th, 2016
@debrac thank you for all the time you have devoted to this project and putting these lists together. Sorry to hear you needed to turn down the promotion, but hope you will soon be all well again and have a lovely Christmas.
November 30th, 2016
Thank for all you have done, Debra. I'm so sorry you are having health issues and hope you will feel better soon. Take care of yourself and don't feel bad about not continuing with this project. You have done so much already.
December 1st, 2016
Thank you for another great list Debra and all of the work you have done compiling them over the last few years. Sorry to hear of your continued ill health but hope you will soon be feeling much better. Have a happy Christmas and all the best for the new year
December 1st, 2016
Thank you Debra for all your hard work on the monthly word lists. If I wasn't serving as the president of our local photo club right now, I'd definitely consider it. But as that job commands a lot of attention to detail and organizing, I'm not keeping up with my project as well as I used to and so adding another task to an already busy schedule is not a good idea. I have really appreciated the time you take to run this even if I haven't always participated. I hope you continue to heal and improve! Have a wonderful holiday season.
December 1st, 2016
Hi all, Thank you for all of your support and well wishes. It is greatly appreciated. It isn't a serious health issue, at this time. I do need some time to rest and recuperate, however. It seems that keeping up with daily chores is about all I can take on right now (which is an improvement in itself).

Just did want to let everyone know that Wendy @farmreporter has agreed to take on the duties of administering the list, at least temporarily. Please take a moment to thank Wendy, when you get the chance.

I will continue to check in on occasion. Wishing you all the best.
December 1st, 2016
all the best to you debra, and thank you for hosting this list over the last years - i really appreciate your commitment, even though i didn't always take part.
and great news that wendy @farmreporter is taking over - thanks wendy!
December 1st, 2016
Thank you for doing a great job in hosting this list for the past few years . I can understand that this is an extra when not in the best of health --(I am also not in good health ) and any thing extra to day to day living becomes a burden , Look after yourself , and have a wonderful Christmas !
So pleased that Wendy @farmreporter is ts taking over -- thank you Wendy
December 1st, 2016
Thank you so much for hosting this list for us Debra and I wish you well in the future.
December 1st, 2016
Your lalst list is lovely. Hope you get well soon and we see the occasional photo uploaded from you. Thank you for doing these lits for us. Have a great 2017 x
December 1st, 2016
Thank you for all you have done. Best wishes & prayers for healing & peace.
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