Abstract Mundane: Biscuit

February 1st, 2017
Thanks so much to @hvansteenburgh for hosting the last round! I'm excited to host my first theme. Hopefully I don't mess up too badly :) Most of this was copied from Heather's post.

The mundane object for this abstract challenge is biscuit.

You are allowed to use any photographic technique you like to capture this everyday object as long as the biscuit is the star.

Challenge starts February 2nd and ends February 13th (midnight GMT) after which finalists will be chosen and posted for voting. They may be posted a bit late due to my schedule.

You may enter as many photos as you like, provided they are taken within the time frame of the challenge. You must take different photos for the regular mundane and abstract mundane and can't submit the same image for both.

You are encouraged to post your entries on this thread to inspire others and keep this thread alive.

Please tag your entries: abstract-biscuit

Objects so far in this competition include: ice, toothbrush, screwdriver, veggie peeler, bar of soap, scissors, electric plug, paper clip, jar, language, cardboard, toothpick, hex key, hair comb, screw, button, key, coin, ballpoint pen, shoe, glass, plastic bag, thread, books, lightbulb, toilet paper, envelopes, door handle, tea bag, broom, tin can, egg(s), shoelaces, clothes peg/pin, wheel, mailbox, pill, bottle, chain, zipper, seed(s), vegetable(s), cutlery, playing cards, mobile phone, pasta, chair, camera, blanket, paper, rubber, tack, hanger, index finger, mouse (non furry), sock, bubbles, candles, bread, beds, tap (faucet), strainer, match, umbrella, paintbrush/es, corkscrew, stairs, mirror, rock, cup/mug, knob, buckle, rake, power pole, box, clock, nail, gears, hinge, wastepaper-basket, hammer, cheese grater, ruler, glasses, gate, chocolate, towel, light-switch, iron, garlic, banana, flip flops, pillow, blinds, plate, keyboard, lens and biscuit.
February 1st, 2017
What a great subject! Congrats on hosting your first challenge. Fun, isn't it? LOL!
February 1st, 2017
@farmreporter And a bit nerve wracking, haha! I don't want to mess anything up.
February 1st, 2017
@claycameras You won't mess up ... and there are so many people here who are willing to lend a hand or give advice. So that should not be a worry.
The really hard part is choosing the five finalists when you realize how much talent there is out there and how much effort everyone put into their photos. Most of them deserve to be finalists, and it is so hard to choose just five!
February 1st, 2017
Does it mean cookie (British biscuits) or American bread like ones? Suppose it really doesn't matter, anyway. I'm in.
February 1st, 2017
I love to photograph food, because then I get to eat it!!
February 1st, 2017
Great subject!
February 2nd, 2017
@joysabin Haha -- that was the exact question I was wondering about!
February 2nd, 2017
@farmreporter True! I'm such a worrier though.
I'm not looking forward to having to pick! That's definitely not gonna be fun, haha.

@joysabin @taffy Cookie/British biscuit :)
February 4th, 2017
Hi. Are there two contests going on? I'm finding some photos tagged abstract-biscuit and others tagged mundane-biscuit?
February 4th, 2017
Ignore last post. I've now read the note above properly!
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