Winner!!! Technique 76 (Multiplicity)

October 7th, 2017
Congrats to @marcy0414 - the winner of technique 76 :)

Over to you Marcy to host the next technique challenge... here's a link to the last round to help you get started... it includes a list of all the previously chosen themes...
October 7th, 2017
Congrats !!!!
October 8th, 2017
Congratulations on your win with this wonderful shot (or should I say 8 shots? LOL)
Well done!
October 8th, 2017
@marcy0414 - Congratulations Marcy! Well deserved!
October 8th, 2017
well done Marcy - cleverly done!
October 8th, 2017
Congratulations, these were amazing!
October 8th, 2017
yay i loved this one, kudos to the model who did all the running around too!
October 8th, 2017
Thank you so much for this honor. This challenge was really fun for me and combined two of my favorite things: tennis and playing around in Photoshop. I’m feeling intimidated about picking a new technique, but I will get going on it soon.
October 9th, 2017
@marcy0414 Congratulations Marcy - great combo!
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