room photography

February 23rd, 2013
I always have trouble with the light when photographing inside a room or building without flashing. Any tips appreciated!
February 23rd, 2013
Hi, I usually use my 50mm prime lens when indoors shooting my kids and stuff . This allows me to use a low "F stop" which makes the aperture nice and wide to capture any available ambient light. I have a Canon 50mm 1.8, I started by using AV setting (aperture value) to easily change the setting. Using AV is semi automatic, so the camera sorts out shutter speed and Iso. After further investigation, I have discovered that most lenses are "usually" at their best about one or two stops below their largest aperture, so 50mm f/1.8, became really good at f/2.2. With my old 18-55 kit lens, I just used as low an F as possible. Hope this help.
February 23rd, 2013
@iiwi Hi there. I know this can be really tricky. Check out Brendan's work @agima - he is great at including detail on lighting and even shots of the set-up too. Good luck!
February 23rd, 2013
When you say trouble with light - do you mean not enough, too yellow?
February 23rd, 2013

Yes! :)
February 23rd, 2013
Thanks for the tips!
February 23rd, 2013
Well get a decent flash, then take a shot which is slow enough so that everything is visible, but the people will be blurred, then attach the flash and shoot and your people should be well lit too, use a bounce flash which angles. Check your white balance, and google white balance and you'll see the different grades of yellow and blue and what they mean. also put ISO on the max and you might get away with not using flash but it will be grainy.
February 23rd, 2013
if you dont want to be using flash at all get as many lights on as you can in the room, use a fast lens 50mm 1.4 to 1.8 would be good, use aparture priority mode and get a low f stop (1.4 or 1.8 will work well or even 2.2), if that aint good enough raise your iso gradually until it works. ISO should be last resort as it will go grainy
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