Ritual, Routine, and Inspiration. Need direction...

November 21st, 2013
I started my project on 10/16/13. I've missed a few days, but I'm trying to get over it...

The perfectionist in me is throwing a hissy fit and full blown, foot stomping tantrum. =)

In any case, I figured I should take the time to learn something from my faux pas. I believe I've missed five days now. I ran out of batteries and had to wait (and miss four days) because of it. Yesterday, I simply forgot. How? I'll never know.

It got me thinking about routines, rituals, and how inspiration is gathered. I would love to hear about your project. Please share any rituals, routines, or inspiration gathering habits you've used during your project.

Do you follow any daily, weekly, or monthly rituals? Do you frequent a particular website?

Any lessons learned on what NOT to do would be helpful for this newbie, too!!

Please feel free to e-mail me instead if you aren't comfortable with a public forum.

Please and thank you.
November 21st, 2013
Since becoming ACE with three albums, meaning three images a day, I do these things: I use the word for the day that bulldog publishes each month for one. One is an image I like. The third can be an experiement or another project I am working on. There is the weekly theme, CSC, and other challenges on here that are good for ideas.
November 21st, 2013
Now nearly three years in to 365, I found that one of the keys to my sanity is always posted a day behind. So I take photographs every day, and I post photographs everyday, but I am always posting yesterday's photograph. That gives me the time to think about what I want to do, as well as to go through and review images before making a final choice.

I also made a recent change, a few weeks ago, and decided to add a few minutes on to my morning commute so that I now pass a really lovely park and lake during key morning light. I have about 15-20 minutes to spend there, taking pictures, and it's been such an amazing way to start the day!
November 21st, 2013
I started my project as a daily gift to my youngest as she left home for college. If I fell a day or two behind, she would write and ask where her picture was, which kept me on track. My eldest, too, is far from home, and he checks daily, often sending suggestions as to what he would like to see (landscapes, which I am terrible at, insects, which are seasonal, etc.). They are both still far from home, so I've continued on to year 2. When I am lost for inspiration I look at Bulldog's daily words, the weekly themes, camera setting challenges, and other 365 projects. Learning the capabilities and limitations of your camera and some basic rules of composition help in creating images that you are satisfied with, and as you become more skilled with your camera it becomes easier to find that one-a-day image. Good luck!
November 21st, 2013
Four words - Your project, your rules!

Who says you have to post daily or can't use a filler from a different date? I don't like to see gaps in my project but I allow myself leeway too. I find by following others and reading discussions I want to come on and see what's happening to - I gain inspiration and ideas by seeing more images.

Your project - your rules!
November 21st, 2013

And number two; get a second battery or batteries and make sure to charge them. This way you can swap out batteries without missing a beat.

The number one rule is the only way you will be ready when a photo op presents itself. If you just make it a habit to have your camera available, you will use it. It's as simple as that.

I also don't worry about uploading the same day. I work full-time and have quite a few other things going on all the time. I don't let this take away from why I do this project in the first place. I make this work for me. So should you. Don't worry if you miss days. You can fill them in if it will make you happier. It's your choice. Really, why stress over something like this?

November 21st, 2013
Sorry to threadjack, but I wanted @aecasey to know that I think what she's doing is such a wonderful idea! I'm sure your children love having that link to home!
November 21st, 2013
I'm so pleased to see others who have let themselves off the hook. I truly believe in taking photos as often as possible to (a) increase my knowledge of the art and of my camera but (b) to de-stress. I found that I was adding to my stress by feeling compelled to post a photo every day. I never, ever want my hobby to become a pain and so now I take photos as often as I can (normally on weekends) and post multiples from that shoot. I recently read The Artist's Way and one of the suggestions to come out of that was to take yourself on a date. I do this with my camera once a week. As @annemary says so succinctly "Your project - your rules!"
November 21st, 2013
@archaeofrog That is exactly what I do too. I try to take am pictures either at my home, or in the neighbor's yard and sometime at work. I don't stress if I can't post, I just fill it in when I can. It's starting to get rather cold, wet and windy and I will have to get creative indoors for a bit. But with the holiday's fast approaching I think I will have plenty of material!

@dmortega 1 and 2 are so important. my second purchase after buyingmy camera was an additional batery and charger (with a car plug) so I have no reason to be without my camera.

November 21st, 2013
I have 2 albums x one is for my daily day to day photos- taken on or close to that date- and my other is a theme album where each month has a theme so I can be a bit more creative and also miss a day out and then go back and fill it when I've taken a shot to fit the theme xxx

I also carry my camera or iPhone everywhere! I'm still a bit shy in certain situations but I'm getting there xxx
November 21st, 2013
Your project is whatever you want it to be.

My project... anything goes but I promised myself that I must be disciplined enough to shoot and post on the day (with the exception of the annual holiday when I posted shots from the appropriate day to fill in, on return). I also promised myself that I would not post (a) any flower shots because I had taken too many in previous years and (b) I try to be different from other people. When there was lots of snow around, I eschewed snowy pictures; when fungi were in abundance, I didn't shoot fungi; when sunsets were gorgeous I didn't shoot sunsets. I'm not sure how successful I have been but there you go.

Rituals... Human sacrifice and Absinthe before breakfast... Not really but I do try to write down loose snippets of ideas on my phone / PC / scrap of paper / back of hand. If I am walking around somewhere I know well, I try to look up and down to see what I am missing. If I am in a supermarket or garden centre I scout around for props. I visit charity shops and scout around for props. I look around the house and scout around for props. I visit a huge amount of different websites each day for inspiration (but not plagiarism). I look at the Popular Page every day, I try to vote for the competitions, I try to get involved with 365project people and their projects. I take every opportunity to look in shop windows, at advertising hoardings and any form of magazine to see if something will pique my photographic interest. Follow more people (look at the New Faces page and choose people who interest you and started about the same time as you). See who others are following and if you like their work, follow them/ Don't expect a follow back every time! Comment on others photographs and they may come and comment on yours.

Most of all and above all else, I want to have fun with my project - that isn't a ritual, that isn't a habit. That's just me (oh... I talk a lot too...). With a mere thirty nine days to go until the end of my year I am looking forward to whatever next year's challenge will be. Me gusto!
November 21st, 2013
If you can't get out to take pictures or are uninspired, attach your camera(s) to the family pet(s) and rig up some automatic shooting settings (exposure and timings) or keep the remote handy and occasionally press it. They will do the leg work for you, and as a bonus you'll find out why the back of the sofa smells like pee.
November 21st, 2013
I've been doing 365 for more than 2 years and I can't imagine a day not taking photos. It gets me out walking which I enjoy and it's a challenge to find more wildlife to capture as that's my real passion. It also gives me an opportunity to talk to people when I'm out with my camera. I've even made friends through it. Don't lose heart - find a subject that you like and just keep taking photos. Try using manual settings and experiment. You will never be bored!
November 21st, 2013
@dmortega I really agree with this - camera (not sophisticated), spare battery and spare memory card are always in my handbag - not buried. My handbag is not usually that organised by I always put the camera back in the same pocket so I can grab it quickly.

Your project - your rules is not original. It's advice I read on a previous thread but it stuck with me.
November 22nd, 2013
i'm mostly in the "your project your rules" camp... i say "mostly", because my rule of late is not to set myself any rules... i love photography, but for me, i will not love it the moment it becomes a chore or an obligation... i let my muse take me where it will... some days this can be very strange places... other days my muse may be dormant - but after nearly two years here, i have learned to let it lie, it will waken sooner or later and i'll be back at it...
November 22nd, 2013
I have a spot I like to go back to on different days to get pictures of how different the same place can be based on the time of year, the weather, and the time of day. And it's just a really good spot.
November 22nd, 2013
stephomy's is a wonderful suggestion. I'm trying to domy project as a sort of photo diary, so I will dip into the "archives" to fill in blanks (especially on a grey day when I edited those photos instead of getting out and shooting!). But I also fall back on the suggestion someone made in another thread to pick a "default subject" to photography on a day that you don't feel like getting out. I picked a clear acrylic ornament that hangs in my kitchen window. No matter what the weather is like, I can always get to it, and whether I frame the photo so you can see the background behind it clearly, or get up close so you only see the background reflected in and distorted by its contours, it gives you an idea of the weather of the day.I've used it once or twice a month (I started in August) Here's its last appearance.
November 22nd, 2013
My routine involves taking my DSLR with me to work everyday. Im constantly on the lookout for inspiration, but it's hard when you cover the same ground day after day.
Occasionally I will come across a scene without my camera handy and i'll use my iPhone; sometimes just to remind myself where I need to return to, other times it's the shot I post. I've become a lot less precious about that lately.
There's been a few times when I've been tempted to pack it in, but I've managed to get through. The big turning point for me though was when I signed up for the get-pushed challenge. It forced me to be open to trying techniques I either hadn't tried before, or avoided (I.e: selfies). It also forced me to be more sociable on the site. Once you start following people, reading their daily posts, commenting on them, having them comment on yours, you start to create relationships. It's a lot easier to shoot, edit and post a photo when you know there's someone there to appreciate it.
November 22nd, 2013
I bought an iPhone the day I started my project so I would always have a camera with me. It is not my main camera but has helped me get a shot every day, especially in places where it was not convenient to carry my bigger Canon.
November 24th, 2013
When I say I'm going to do something, i tend to do it. My goal in joining 365 was to get to know my camera well enough that I could go out shooting with my hubby without throwing a hissy fit because I couldn't figure out the settings. I promised myself a photo a day through 12/31 at least. Then we'll see if it's become a habit. So taking the photo is more important to me than the quality of it. That way I get to keep my commitment to myself. The contests provide great inspiration but sometimes it's late, I haven't had time to create a great shot, so it's my iPhone and a shot of the carpet or an apple or any other mundane item. Good luck! I agree it's your project, your rules.
November 24th, 2013
Wow. What a plethora of fantastic information! I'll have to re-read to take notes... let alone respond personally! Thank you so much for taking the time to guide this newbie.

Where do I find Bulldog's inspiration? Thank you!
November 29th, 2013
I think the main goal of a 365 day project is to take photos everyday. Uploading is not important. Off course this is your project, but I just think you could use any other photo project site, if you takes don't take photos on daily basis.

I have only missed one day and it made me so angry, that I was about to leave the project and begin from zero. But I didn't. And I have not filled that hole, as I would see it as a lie. But I will do an extra photo next year. I think, I just failed at my own rules.

Beside this, you shouldn't be worrying too much. If you can't or don't want take photos every, that's OK. If you want, you can start again at later point in your life.

I don't know if this sounds sarcastic. It isn't. English is just not my native language. This is only my own opinion and hope this will be respected.

For inspiration, I need help too. If I really don't know what to do, I just read some random blog and forums entries. Macros can be done everywhere, every time. In dark days experimenting with long shutter by hand can bring out some creative images.
November 29th, 2013
And you can make notes of things you want to do. Any day you don't know what to do, you just look to your list and you have a job. You could even photograph that list itself.
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