I won't have access to the internet

February 7th, 2015
I'm going to be travelling a couple of times in the next few months where I won't have internet coverage. I'll certainly be taking a photo a day, but won't be able to post them while I'm away. When I get home, is it acceptable to post them, changing the date at the bottom of the page to correlate with the date the photo was taken? Does that still qualify me for the 365 Project?
February 7th, 2015
Each individual tailors the project for his or her own needs. We have no 365 police (not even Ross!) just do what works for you. One suggestion, when you do start posting on your return. Try to stagger your uploads so they don't take over the home page.
February 7th, 2015
You will that the date will be when the image was made. However, if it not the date you want that image posted you can change the date.
February 7th, 2015
@allie912 Thanks Allison - and that's a very good point. Not sure I would have thought of that in my enthusiasm to get back on track.
February 7th, 2015
@chapjohn Thanks John
February 7th, 2015
I think whatever date that is encoded in your shot is the one it will get assigned when uploading to 365 but as Allison said, you have the right to change the date to whatever you'd like. Your project, your rules! And yes, staggering your "catch-up" shots is the nicest way to get caught up. And more folks are likely to look at them when they're not overloaded too. Have a nice trip!!
February 7th, 2015
@olivetreeann Thanks Ann - I appreciate your advice.
February 7th, 2015
@bonsai I was traveling for 3 months and just returned home a few days ago. With no or limited wifi access during my long trip, I am still posting photos back in Nov 2014. I usually post 1-2 photos per day because I prefer not to overwhelm other 365ers. Safe travels and have a great one :)
February 7th, 2015
@yeshanghai Thank you!
February 8th, 2015
I think your data should be encoded and your photos on your project seem to have them uploaded, so that's a nice benefit. Here is my advice about bulk uploading: if you think it will get in the way of you continuing by doling out a photo or two a day, then just go ahead and bulk upload. It happens to everyone, and I personally don't mind the flood when I know someone is just getting back into a groove or back from a trip! There is another way to upload that sets your settings to private, and then after a day, you can make them public again. It will not show up in the feeds, but it will allow you to get it all up in one fell swoop! Hope this advice helps. Your project. Your rules! :)
February 8th, 2015
Daryl's @darylo suggestion is really useful and I want to second it. Sometimes it is easier to just post a large amount. However, in the interest of not flooding your follower's feeds, it's quite easy for you to change your settings to private, and then shift to public the next day. All your photos appear to everyone, but it skips the feed-flooding.
February 8th, 2015
@darylo @taffy Thanks for your suggestions and advice.
February 8th, 2015
@darylo thanks for your great idea and I would use your recommendation to finish my Nov album in 2014 :)
February 8th, 2015
@bonsai I never knew that! Thanks for the handy bit of info!
February 8th, 2015
I recently returned from a 12 trip and had limited access to the wifi. Remember that this is your project, and I found that it was a good idea to take several pictures a day and that way you can choose which to use on your return. You can still post when you return by changing the date at the bottom, relevant to the day you took the picture. Most (if not all) cameras will imprint the date on the image (if you so desire).
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