Pictures of the moon

June 17th, 2011
This is my first attempt at taking a picture of the moon.

It didn't come out well at all, as you can see! Can someone tell me how you get a real close up of the moon? With it's craters visible? Thanks in advance!
June 17th, 2011
A usually foolproof way is to set your camera to spot metering, ISO 100, Av mode at f/8, and see how it turns out. The exposure should be close enough that you can then simply use exposure compensation one way or the other to dial it in how you want.
June 17th, 2011
Here's my shot from last night.

One of the most important things to remember is that you're shooting "sunlight" (reflected, yes, but sunlight all the same). Spot metering, as Jeremy mentioned is a good starting point, but just in general remember that if you want to see the craters, you cannot shoot while in the "night-time" mind set; otherwise, the moon will always end up over exposed. Shoot as if it were daytime (that will get the moon right, but then the trick is to balance things to get the rest right).
June 17th, 2011
a tripod with a LOW ISO speed!
June 17th, 2011
I've also used the timer mode on my camer so that I do not have to press the shutter and risk shaking the camera on the tripod. A trick someone else told me about at a photo workshop.
June 17th, 2011
One of my moon shots and the telescope I shoot through.

June 17th, 2011
@aviva Here's mine, shot on the Wednesday. 400mm telephoto (=640mm on camera), sturdy tripod, timed or shutter release, spot meter on moon, under-exposed by one stop, f/11-ish, breath held, fingers crossed:

Aliens and bright moonlight added post process ;-)
June 17th, 2011
Here is mine from earlier this week...

and one of the lunar eclipse...
June 17th, 2011
Here's my first and last attempt way back January of this year...
June 18th, 2011
I couldn't be bothered getting up in the middle of the night to get the latest full moon so I got it the next morning instead.

June 19th, 2011
i have couple of moon shots.. hihihii i love the moon!! =)

June 22nd, 2011
July 15th, 2011
I learned that a properly exposed shot of the moon, one that will give the best detail of the moon is f 8 @ 1/60 sec. exposure. It sounds like a short exposure but it works. For a shot in the light of the moon that gives you pretty much a "daylight" shot is I tthink 9 seconds? I'm sure someone out there knows .
July 17th, 2011
how do i upload a pic ??
July 17th, 2011
@robentley1 To the right of your pic there should be a 'share' option. Copy the code underneath and paste it here :)
@jtokay @aikiuser @marubozo Thanks guys! It's monsoon over hear and the sky has been overcast so I haven't been able to take a picture of the moon yet.
July 17th, 2011
my first attempt with a cannon 75-300mm lense
July 18th, 2011
Here is my first attempt at shooting the moon with my new camera
July 18th, 2011
@tincanada Cool! But how did you get the orange in the moon? And what ISO and aperture did you use?
July 18th, 2011
@aviva that is what the color of the moon was when I took the picture (reason for running back into the house to get the camera)
exposure - 1/60
aperture - 5.6
ISO 400
focal length - 250mm
July 19th, 2011

Here is my orange moon. Had the hubby stop the car when I saw the color. Poor me took the tripod out last week so I tried staballizing on the roof with a mint tin holding my 75-300 lens up. Set aperature to 10 ISO to 100 & shot on bulb to get different exposures.

Here is another moon shot I actually used my tripod for:

And this was my 1st good moon shot:
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