27th August 2019 by emmadurnford

27th August 2019

We set off early but not quite as early as we had hoped as yet again Colin’s temporary crown had come over the weekend. He did very well hiding it during our dinner with Brian and Carole on Saturday. Luckily the dentist managed to squeeze him in at 8.30am and it seems to be a better fix this time - we are hoping the dentist can get it off again when he goes to have the proper final one fitted in a couple of weeks.

I drove the first stretch to our now favourite breakfast stop at Hillbrush in Wiltshire. It was Eggs Benedict again for me and a full English for Colin, followed by coffee and a shared cake. I continued driving again and we made very good time down to Mum and Ian’s and arrived in the mid afternoon. The petrol consumption on our first long journey in the car is very impressive compared to the Jag and Astra. There is something compulsive about checking the miles per gallon achieved each time we get out of the car!

We managed to find a parking space very close to Mum’s and managed to move it directly outside after an hour or so. The most important aim of the day was to see how Mum was. I was so surprised. Despite having endured nearly three hours of major surgery under general anaesthetic on Friday and that only being four days later, she is looking really good and is up and about. It is so good to see her after our worries on Friday and a few hours spent where we had no idea if she had actually survived the surgery due to the inadvertent news black out!!!
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