12th November 2021 by emmadurnford

12th November 2021

1 year, 224 days since the start of the 1st lock down in March 2020

Back to ‘Fat Fighters’ this morning after a weeks absence and i was really pleased to have lost another 3lbs taking me to ta total of 8.5lbs off. I am rather worried about next week though as we will have eaten out twice for Colin’s birthday and hopefully have enjoyed a lovely breakfast at the place I have booked next week.

After this success I had my first hygienist appointment since January 2020 and one that has been long needed. I was pretty nervous and expected to need to book another date soon after but actually Cathy did a great job and I am seeing her just over 3 months time in March. I do feel rather like I’ve been punched in the jaw though.

I dropped Colin over to his Masonic meeting in the afternoon and I think he scrubbed up pretty well - here he is in his suit (with obscured new button braces) with buttons sewn on by yours truly.

In Colin’s absence I wrapped his presents and started work on the card that I am making for him. I found website where I can create ‘wordless’ - those matrices of a mix of words and I can use templates for the ’76’. I had to work out the software myself but in the event, this was easier than the physical making of the card as for some reason the printer decided it would not print a sheet with text box squares only, I finally overcame this by adding a strap line on the back of the card. It took me nearly 2-hours to make the card!

I collected Colin at 10.00pm and lied and said I’d had a quiet afternoon!!
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