Kitchen Upgrade by fbailey

Kitchen Upgrade

No need to comment, this is a diary shot of today's progress.

A large chunk of time lately has been spent painting cabinets, and then because the tiles clashed, painting those too.

New worktops, new fan, new sink - almost a new kitchen!
I like your backsplash.
May 30th, 2024  
@wakelys Thanks, good old Ebay!
May 30th, 2024  
Very nice collage. Good harmony
May 30th, 2024  
Looks like it's all happening at your place! All the best.
May 30th, 2024  
Great collage
May 30th, 2024  
Wow! Love the green color you chose. Is it difficult to refinish cabinets?
May 30th, 2024  
A wonderful collage of refurbishment . - enjoy working in your new and refreshed Kitchen !
May 30th, 2024  
A lovely collage
May 30th, 2024  
What a great collage! I love your green cabinets!
May 30th, 2024  
It looks great - green is my favourite color!!
May 30th, 2024  
Hard work for sure
May 31st, 2024  
Quite a challenge!
May 31st, 2024  
@wakelys @vincent24 @casablanca @seattlite @kvphoto @beryl @carolmw @marlboromaam @robz @jgpittenger @haskar Thank you all for your interest and lovely comments- it's now finished apart from the walls so it's over to me again. Am so happy with te end result and it was even a little cheaper than the quote!
May 31st, 2024  
@kvphoto The units were originally pine. About 5 yrs ago I took the plunge after watching lots of YouTube videos and painted the cabinets a v pale green. It took a long long time as they had to be thoroughly cleaned and sanded, 3 coats of sealer and 2 of topcoat, sanding in-between each coat. It paid off because after 5 yrs I had one tiny chip of paint missing . However, the colour had yellowed so I took the plunge again. Much cheaper than buying new cabinets, can actually be quite therapeutic!
May 31st, 2024  
Looks like it is coming along nicely
June 6th, 2024  
@swchappell Thank you, am really happy with it. Just the decorating left now (yuck)!
June 6th, 2024  
July 7th, 2024  
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