No photo day by flitterbrook

No photo day

No photos from today, partly because my phone storage was full, again, and I hadn't realised until wanting to take a picture, and partly because, well, this...
On good days, happy days, tranquil days with moments to spare, we take pictures. On days when there's not a chance for our brains to recover from processing the last onslaught of information, we tend not to. I couldn't pause to clear some storage on my phone. I couldn't pause to think, too busy being on constant alert and responding as positively as any response to a heightened child's angst can ever be.
One child left at home as she couldn't face leaving her safe space. The other out with us, but not enjoying the outdoors, the bike ride, the number and noise of the people - oh the people 😣 The rookie error of heading to a supermarket afterwards for a couple of essentials. The parenting decisions and behaviours that go against the grain of social norms.
So no, no photos from today. No recreation of a lovely pic at the same location years ago. No smiling faces. But, a record nonetheless of our attempt, and minor success, at getting out there with one of my children.
I'd say it was pretty successful all in all x
May 28th, 2024  
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