Drizzly run by flitterbrook

Drizzly run

A classic return to non-summery weather today meant that this afternoon's planned run - hill reps - was started with a little extra motivation to get it finished and some wind resistance thrown in for good measure. This fella helped keep my easy-paced bits easier, aka "chatty pace". I'm the slower runner but he doesn't make me feel like I'm being too slow or annoying, which is just as well 😉

Just like the weather, my thoughts and feelings were a bit on the grey side this morning for no particular reason; maybe a little hormonal. Still, I focused on getting some mundane bits done and checking in with my girls, who were doing their own things, before heading out to meet this one for a run and then my other buddy for a cuppa straight after. Both meet-ups were needed and lifted my spirits immensely. Love and friendship trump the weather and hormones every time.
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