Our poor old cockerel has had a sore eye for the past couple of days so Harry went to the vets this morning to get him some treatment. Apparently he has a fungal infection which is easy to treat. We have to catch him twice a day & smear this ointment in his eye.
We managed to sneak up on his blind side but he made a heck of a noise...you would think he was being killed for the pot !!!
I think as he improves & can see better there will be fun & games !
His ladies were quite unconcerned !!!
Twice a day?!! And I thought it was a pain to treat my cat's occasional wounds from his street fights. Good luck with catching that guy 2x a day...I hope your rooster is on the mend very soon! Love the uniqueness of this shot.
@sarah19 LOL Sallie !!! I think we could be OK tonight as we will wait until it's going dark & he perches but mornings could be a problem !! watch this space !!
LOL - that's cruel taking advantage of his disability!! Our hens escaped into the main garden twice last weekend and the second time a friend of mine was visiting and was quite worried when Adam grabbed 2 hockey sticks and announced he was going to 'sort them out' - they were only a rounding up aid but it did look like he was going to bludgeon them!
@davidrowe@barbsmith We caught him esily tonight as he was settled for the night on his perch !!! I think the neighbours must think we're killing him he makes such a fuss !!! slathered loads of the ointment on tonight , he WILL get better soon !!!
Oh dear, I'm glad it's you having to catch him up Pat. I was brought up on a farm, but I have an irrational fear of chooks and roosters. Lovely to hear that you are being such responsible pet owners. Hope the treatment works.
Sounds like a good party game!