Sunset Star At the Outlet B and W  by jgpittenger

Sunset Star At the Outlet B and W

Best on black. When I finally got my Silver Efex back (thanks to those who helped me figure out how to do it), I thought this shot was begging for a black and white edit.
Thanks for your visits, comments, suggestions, favs
Just look at that sky and reflection - works really well in B/W.
October 23rd, 2017  
A magical capture and reflection.
October 23rd, 2017  
A beautiful capture and great reflections. Fav!! 😀
October 23rd, 2017  
glad you got that sorted!
October 23rd, 2017  
Beautiful tones, reflections and sunflare
October 23rd, 2017  
A wonderful moody space shot!
October 23rd, 2017  
October 23rd, 2017  
Beautiful capture and great editing.
October 23rd, 2017  
Amazing - love the drama of this.
October 23rd, 2017  
Love the reflections on the water :)
October 23rd, 2017  
Love it
October 23rd, 2017  
Totally magic.
October 24th, 2017  
Cool capture and edit.
October 24th, 2017  
wonderful artistic pattern made by the water
October 24th, 2017  
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